

Jennie's recipes

Monday 12 October 2020

Living in Limbo

A view towards Llanfynydd on a walk on Sunday.

 These are strange times. Without Covid, they would be more bearable, I have to say.  I am still getting bad dreams - all Covid-related.  The other night I was put in a room with lots of people, none of them wearing masks, and I was in such a panic . . .  That's when I CAN sleep though - from Sunday-Monday I went 22 hours without sleep, waking at 4 on Sunday morning, and not able to get off to sleep Sunday night/Monday morning until 2 a.m.  It's like being on Steroids, and I suppose my Cortisol levels must be so high that is exactly what is happening to my body.  Tam and I spend a couple of hours yesterday filling out a form for the next house survey, but at least that gave us a chance to say what had been done to the house, and when.

Walking downhill towards the valley bottom

    Tea last night was leftovers for Tam and I (Keith nearly always eats a different meal because he just likes very basic food, nothing "messed-around"!!)  She had made a wonderful Butternut Squash and Bacon Galette, only using the one (!) Hungarian Blue squash we grew in the garden (wish there'd been more) and substituting Chorizo for the Bacon.  It was delish.  Tam has a photo on her phone, I will try and transfer it.

We stopped at the bridge over the stream to take a photo and then turn around as another steep hill ahead and we only had time for a short walk.

    I have now found an antidote to being wound up and it isn't wine . . .  Tam got me to try some of the Plum and Clementine Gin I bought her last Christmas.  I had it with lemonade.  I am NOT a spirits drinker and normally don't touch Gin, but I have to say this was really nice (came from Aldi last year).  After two sips I was Very Relaxed! and slept well last night. I think the ratio of Gin to Lemonade was strongly in favour of the Gin . . .

  I came up to bed half way through University Challenge (we record it each week) - two colleges from Oxford and Cambridge were slogging it out and instead of the 12 or so questions I could answer in recent weeks, I only got 5 and there were too many science or maths questions - not my starter for 10!  Bed seemed a welcome option.

One last look across the landscape.

        So, another day of living in Limbo, tidying up in the garden, going through more books - though today I think I need to go into the Junk Room of Doom and go through boxes of stock - some have "Car Boot Sale" on them and since we won't be doing one of those any time soon, these lesser items will have to find another home.  I daren't let myself think too much about our new home, just in case it all goes pear-shaped . . .  Fate just loves to be tempted.



  1. I'm with you on hating the period of limbo in house-selling and buying. It is a particularly modern form of torure!

  2. Torture - just what I said to Tam yesterday veg artist! I am not enjoying it either . . .

  3. I really do feel for you at the moment - we've only ever bought this house as we have stayed here but it must be a very difficult time to go through normally let alone the way life is at the minute. Glad you slept better for one night - still not sleeping well here but I manage better than it seems you do. Horrid times :( I don't drink spirits but that gin drink does sound rather delicious. I have fingers crossed that all progresses smoothly for you.

    1. Well, we can but wait and see. All the paperwork and searches and things seem to take so long, but we must keep going through everything and getting rid of as much as we can . . .

  4. I am off to try and find that recipe. Glad you had a good night's sleep at last.

    1. I hope you enjoy it Pat. It is really tasty. You could do a veggie version if you left out the bacon/chorizo. Hoping I will sleep tonight too.

  5. I sympathise, the 'limbo' period of house moving is hell. I think the Scots system of house buying is preferable... Lovely poem of yours on your previous blog post. Keep up with the gin drinking!

    1. JP - it's like the bit between a death and a funeral - nothing can be put to rest. I agree with you, the Scots system of house buying/selling so much better. Glad you enjoyed the poem. I have found some more "bits" I jotted down which I may inflict on folk in the future.

  6. Thanks for posting the redipe! I'll make it mat=ybe next weekend. Two pie crusts, so I can do an apple galette too.


    gone to the beach

    PS I have Pandemic nightmares almost every night. Aren't they awful. I have no prob sleeping but the dread of the coming bad dreams makes me stay up way too late.

  7. So sorry that you are in limbo in regards to selling the house. I do hope things are straightened up soon.

    God bless.

  8. I expect a better nights sleep will help make limboland more bearable as I am sure it is not a place you want to be.
