

Jennie's recipes

Monday 26 October 2020

When you can't sleep . . .


Yesterday the Surveyor employed by our buyer arrived to carry out the Survey.   He seemed a nice chap, who arrived promptly at 9 a.m. - I had "12ish" written down on the calendar from his e-mail . . .  I was still in the middle of breakfast and Tam was still in bed!  Action stations!  He asked lots of questions and got me to show him round the house before he did his survey, so now we have to wait and see.  He did say that we had done a good job on the house . . . and he did understand old houses and how lime worked . . .

    I am glad that is done and dusted and hopefully there will be no further potential "blockages" to our move.  I am allowing myself tentative imaginings of us in our new home, but I don't want to tempt fate and won't believe it's really happening until we get the key to our new front door.

    Anyway, by the time he had gone, Tam and I had missed the PO but I had bought postage on line for my little parcel to a friend and was able to pop it in the box.  So we went on into town, despite the Lockdown, as we had to get Keith's prescription, and then braved Lidl, which was fairly quiet, as were the roads.

    Driving home, our lane was very busy with walkers and a family out enjoying the sunshine.  From the forecast, it looks "very unsettled" for the rest of the week.  We didn't have any chance for a walk as whilst it was dry, we needed to move some more bits of "useful wood" along to our neighbour's.  Keith's main workshop is going to be a real challenge to clear!

    I shall go downstairs and read for a bit now.  I have finished the Eleanor trilogy and now I am reading a crime novel set in the Purbeck Hills of Dorset, which I know well.  It is Blood Water by Ted Baker.  I will go back to bed later (have the electric blanket on) but not sure if I will get back to sleep . . .

    Update - I didn't drop off again - I was chilled and glad to get up at 7.30.  I have even had soup for breakfast to warm me up!  Grey and drizzly out there, so another day of going through bookcases and cupboards is likely here.


  1. So many things to plan and sort - not surprising you can't sleep. Hope tonight is better

    1. Sleep is at a premium at the moment. Last night I was awake 3 hours again. Feeling drained.

  2. I hope all goes well with the survey report so things can progress. So sorry you are still not sleeping well. Book by Ted Baker sounds good - will check it out. Weather is depressing. My daughter is on holiday this week and wanted us to go to the caravan but I can't see the point if it is raining every single day :(

    1. Oh the survey of the HOUSE went well, he now wants checks on all the bits the surveyor wasn't qualified to comment on or couldn't see. Weather is RUBBISH! Not a lot of point in going to the caravan and being inside looking at the same rain as at home . . .

  3. I hope--fervently--that this takes you another step closer to a successful move. I'm reminded that when the 'inspector' arrived to go over our Amish farmhouse prior to sale he specified a morning hour using Eastern time--we were still officially on Central time--thus knocking on the door at what we considered 8 a.m. He stayed so long I began to think he had moved into the attic as a boarder!

    1. We are both going to have to hope a bit harder Sharon. The survey didn't throw up any nasties, but he STILL wants yet more checks. Our surveyor was here about 3 hours this time, and said what a good job we had done of the renovations.

  4. Goodness, sending lots of Good Luck your way.

    1. Thank you parsnip. Good Luck AND Chocolate needed right now!

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    God bless.
