

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Aberporth beach

 Today has been the usual getting things sorted out sort of day, though irritatingly one of the things was to be sorted as the Courier collection from home of a parcel by Myhermes was a complete waste of time.  It was booked for Saturday, and was still here today, so after failing to get through to them through any medium, I drove into town in high dudgeon and took it to their parcel shop.  I shall NOT be using them again.  

Yesterday Tam and I did another Tip Trip in the morning (we have another tomorrow, what fun!) and then later we all went out to celebrate Keith's recent birthday.  We took in a couple of antique shops - the 2nd one run by friends, so it was good to see them again.  Then finally down to the beach at Aberporth for some sea air.  We didn't stay long - it was late afternoon by then - but it made a nice change to be right over on the Cardiganshire coast.

Above and below.  We found this in the first antique shop.  It was just what I had been looking for to go in our new house.  Here there are old nails in the beams in the kitchen that I hang my colanders, wok, sieves, jam thermometer, and various pans from, but no beams where we are going.  I like the style (and usefulness) of this wrought iron rack and we managed to get the price down a bit, so it came home with us.  Temporarily houses in our kitchen so we don't fall over it.  Just needs a bit of blacking to tidy it up.

    It was a gloomy end to the day, but very peaceful there.

    Today we loaded the car for the next Tip Trip tomorrow.  A mattress, an old bike, some old jam jars (I had too many to ever use), and various other odds and ends are in the car ready to be disposed of.  Next week it will be paint.

    Tam and I used the afternoon to sort through the bags of stuff for the charity shops and have it in two heaps - one for the Salvation Army and the other for the Green shop in Llandeilo.  There are some small bits of furniture to take to the British Heart Foundation shop too.

    We had a quote to replace the gate post today- we didn't want to move out and have the present one keel over the minute the gate was opened or shut (it is currently tied to a tree to keep it upright).  The price was a bit ouchy, but needs must.


  1. I had forgotten about those iron racks which used to hang over big kitchens. The still use them in commercial kitchens though.

  2. Modern ones are probably stainless steel but we felt this would give a bit of character to the kitchen in our new home. They seem to be a country kitchen "thing" - if you believe all the photos you see in Country Living magazine anyway!

  3. I love the old iron rack, what a great find. You are certainly getting through the sorting out, well done you.

    1. We were pleased with it MM. We debated over it because it was retail price and we are used to paying auction price (normally 100% less!!) or Fleamarket price (can be cheaper) but it may be a long time before we go to Malvern again, and then you have to wait for one to turn up.

      Progress is being made but I want to have everything packed and ready to go and we can't do that until we have a date and can tell the Removal people and they will then give us boxes.

  4. Nice find at the antique store.

    Isn't it utterly amazing just how much one accumulates over the years? Thinking that we should just save this or that--that things might be useful at some point--and then you need to move and all of that 'useful' stuff becomes an extra trip or two to the tip. Ah, well. Glad you are getting in a few side trips to different places to break up all that hard work.

    1. I have to say Mary, what went to the Tip was - in the main - not very useful at all! Some of the metal bits had been, but you can't take it all. As for the rest, well, it was only fit for Landfill or melting down.

      We would love a proper day out round a Museum or old house, but that ain't gonna happen any time soon!

  5. It sounds like you are making good progress with your sorting. I am sure you will be glad when it is all finished and you can move. I love your rack, hanging things up in your kitchen is so useful isn't it. I have lots of hanging things too.

    1. It's going quite well, but I know there are some emptying out of coffers so that breakable things in boxes can travel inside a wooden jacket. A job for this week.
