

Jennie's recipes

Friday 27 November 2020

Fed up with channelling Worried!

 I've not been enjoying this week very much - I have been channelling "worried" like no tomorrow.  We thought we were all booked and ready to roll with our removal when we had a completion date, but no end of emails to the removal chappies bore fruit.  Eventually we had a phone call in reply to one and we asked for the invoice so we could pay, as we thought until we had one we weren't properly booked in, but still nothing.  Last night at midnight I woke and my brain was hurtling round like a psycho rabbit and worrying about the move.  Did they regret the price they had given us, did they want the offer to expire and then they could withdraw?  Were all the boxes of books a REAL issue? I had been trying to get an invoice for nearly a month after all!  It was Looking Dodgy to me, especially after I had been awake for hours.

A faint rainbow from the other day.

Anyway, my head was NOT in a good place this morning and I went nutso with work (how I cope with stress) and removed another 3 big boxes of books from the Junk Room bookshelves.  I put another dozen historical novels (Barbara Erskine and Philippa Gregory) in a book-bag for my friend.  She can keep the Barbara Erskine and baby sit the Philippa Gregory books, which I will have back when we are settled in our new home.  I spent half the afternoon, whilst watching the racing, going through my boxes of stock, and properly wrapping the contents, and removing any treen or leather pieces which might be damaged if stored in a barn.  The same friend will look after the boxes of stock until we have moved too.  Less chance of china being damaged in transit when we move it ourselves later.

    I also cleaned the car, which had been filthy for ages.  It's going in for MoT soon and green algae around the headlights isn't a good look! Keith always power washes it underneath at the garage, but doesn't really clean the body work, just a quick swoosh over the windows before he's finished!  We have never been clean-the-car-on-a-Sunday-morning sort of people . . . more do it when absolutely necessary.

    Whilst I was out there I set about picking up windfall apples, and raking leaves up from beside the path - that took 4 barrowloads to clear it! and there are still plenty of apples under the tree (for the birds).  Tomorrow it will be the windfalls under the cooking apple tree.

Another pic from the other day showing the river flooding the Towy Valley.

    Anyway, I have had a good chat with a friend of mine (we started off as penpals 50 years ago, then became meet-up friends) and that's set the world to rights too.  

    Hoping that we can get lots more done over the weekend.  Another load of junk went to the Tip on Thursday again and we are hoping there is just one more visit down there.  I have books, blankets and odds and sods booked in at the charity shop on Monday, so we are slowly getting there.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  1. I hope you hear from the movers very soon. That would drive me crazy as well.

    God bless.

    1. Have done now, which was a huge relief - it had gotten VERY frustrating and worrying.

  2. Such hard work. Any end in sight?xxx

    1. Getting there! I have more china than I gave myself credit for though!!

  3. I love that last photo, so moody and rather romantic. Perhaps the setting for a Victorian novel. I hope your move goes smoothly from here on in.

  4. Remember, moving home is one of the most stressful things we can do to ourselves.

  5. How can they invoice you before they have done the job?

    1. It's the deposit which is 1/3 of the actual quote. Remainder payable on the day I believe.

  6. Oh my goodness but this has been a drawn out trial for you. I hope it ends soon.

    1. I just want to go asap, but it looks like mid January.

  7. Moving really is a nightmare process, isn't it? I think that perhaps removal companies are super busy at the moment - but irritating when they ignore communications. Fingers crossed you get confirmation very soon. Now we hope to move in January. As all paperwork and legal "stuff" is complete for our purchase it's just a question of hurry up and wait for our new buyer to get the ball rolling again.

    1. When I finally got to speak to him yesterday, the removal guy said it was manic. I think they are short of someone front of house as phone never gets answered. I hope that all the paperwork on your house is done soonest. A friend mentioned selling her (useless as it was a game changer for them) house survey to someone else interested, who approached her. Iwonder if this could happen with your house to speed things up? Searches should really be done, to my mind, by the solicitor when the house goes on the market so they are ready to be used as soon as a sale is achieved. GOOD LUCK!

    2. Yes - I heard that surveys and searches can be sold on. It's waiting for our buyer's buyer to get things done. I agree re: searches but we didn't choose a solicitor until we were under offer so that probably wouldn't work. Glad you heard back from removals - were you inundated with flyers as soon as you went on the market as we were?!

    3. I got an instant reply to today's email so he is obviously listening to me now (told him I was worried and losing sleep - which is perfectly true).

      NEVER had a flyer here - this IS Wales, they do things differently here! Nor have we EVER had a For Sale sign up outside of the property! Most of the Welsh agent chains do as little as possible for their fee . . . The ones we chose have been BRILLIANT from start to finish, and the ones dealing with the house we are buying just as good - we will give them a thank you present as they have both been SO helpful.

  8. Things always seem so much worse and worrying in the middle of night. I hope you can get the removal people to agree everything soon. Moving house sounds so stressful and worrying :( I didn't know what to do with authors like Barbara Erskine and Philippa Gregory when I had a massive fiction sort out. I got rid of the latter (now regret!) and kept a few BE. At least every day brings progress with the packing and sorting.

    1. I have to say, the middle of the night is not conducive to relaxing thoughts normally, but when you are worried it is just the worst . . . Baking today but will do some packing around late afternoon, when the racing is over.

  9. I have so much crap, I dread the thought of moving! Hopefully, I can stay in my house until I die and then my kids can deal with it. I imagine most of it would go in a dumpster as they don't seem to want the kind of stuff I have. Times and styles have changed. Best of luck to you!

    1. It's probably a good idea to have a garage sale or something to get rid of some of the things. My kids would have despaired if they had inherited all the bumpf we've just gotten rid of (Keith's workshop contents especially, as he hadn't been through what he had bunged at the back for years.) Some of our pieces of furniture have been spoken for by our offspring anyway, and my paltry pieces of jewellery divvied up!
