

Jennie's recipes

Monday 7 December 2020

. . . and the biggest roll of Bubblewrap you ever did see!!


Today has been a bit "full on".  We went to the Removal company today to pick up boxes and packaging and having asked for bubble wrap, came away with THIS huge roll.  I think that may see us through especially as I had already ordered another one (yet to arrive) as I didn't know how the removal shennanigans were going to work out (communication being slightly non-existent as they are rushed off their feet going all over the country.)

    I spent the afternoon packing the reference books from the main large bookcase in the sitting room and at 16 boxes, finally stopped to make the chicken curry for tea.  My arms feel quite feeble now - I should sleep well tonight!

    This little chair is one that Keith made during Lockdown using some of the Useful Bits of Wood he had in his shed.  Gabby has already spoken for it - we're quite surprised as she normally likes contemporary stuff, but good to know it will be appreciated.

    We are still hoping that we can exchange contracts SOON and then we will feel a bit more confident about the future.  When we were having trouble in getting the Removal people to answer the phone/reply to emails, everything felt VERY uncertain and I have not had an enjoyable weekend with all this up in the air.  

    Tam and I stretched our legs up the hill yesterday, as it was a crisp bright morning.  There was snow on Black Mountain, as expected.

Well, this won't do.  I will go and look at the handful of books I put on one side to look at this evening, before they get packed away too.



  1. I would imagine that there must be a bottleneck at the local authorities turning around searches during lockdown/working from home. This will be a hold up for solicitors out of their hands.

    1. I think there may have been with ours (this seems to have gone on forever but our buyer is very specific with his needs). Hopefully the log jam has cleared now.

  2. That frosted leaf is a work of art!

  3. That is one huge roll of bubble wrap. Wow.

    God bless.

    1. Started on this big roll already, but we have a smaller one in reserve, which I bought.

  4. And upwards Jennie. Not quite the right time of year to move though!

    1. You're not kidding. I just hope it is dry on the day!

  5. Lovely new header photo! That is one giant roll of bubble wrap! 16 boxes for one bookcase - heck! a lot of work packing them all. Do hope contracts are exchanged soon so you can get rid of some of the uncertainty. It must be such a difficult time for you especially in the middle of the pandemic. Stay strong and positive :)

    1. Isn't it? I have to have a special one. Mountains with snow ARE special. It WAS a very big bookcase (converted wardrobe). We hope it won't be too long before we can exchange. The Pandemic is NOT the best time to sell houses/move, I have to say! Wine is helping though . . .

  6. My friends also hope to move in January - very stressful time.

    1. I am hoping that the end is now in sight. Waiting for the January Lockdown in Wales though, as it WILL happen and could cause problems.

  7. That chair designed and constructed from 'useful bits of wood' is a thing to treasure. Do tell him I said so!

    1. I did and he was delighted. It is based on the primitive Welsh chairs which turn up at auction (for horrendous money when they are "right" but there are copies). The wild patterning of the elm seat is a delight.
