

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Running out of boxes

 The past week has been one of going through cupboards and drawers, sorting and getting rid, which must sound boringly familiar now, plus  the weekly Trip to the Tip and the Charity shop, which seem to take up more time that we can spare.  No walks as it has been raining most days, but we did manage to have a good bonfire yesterday.  I was woken in the night by the staccato drumming of rain on the cat-slide roof over the craft room and everywhere is awash outside this morning.

It looks like a good day for making soup.  Here's a panful I made last week - Beef and Barley, and very good it was too, and mopped up a few more leeks from the freezer (I have been accused of hoarding leeks now, along with my many other shortcomings!) This was a proper stand-the-spoon-up-in soup, as you can see, made with the last meat and gravy from a casserole the previous evening.

I also made a couple of Chocolate Apple Cakes, one of which I froze.  With my brain as frazzled as it is from all the organization, I nearly forgot to double all the ingredients but made myself double-check.

If you can leave them long enough, these go wonderfully fudgy on top.

    We went to get more boxes (and ANOTHER giant roll of bubblewrap) from the Removal people yesterday, but were dismayed to find the dozen they gave us were the last in the building, because "everyone was moving" - yes, all well and good, but so are WE and paying them good money to do so.  Surely they must know when they are getting short and order a delivery of more. I have emailed and will be phoning today - they shut down for a fortnight at Christmas and I don't want to have to wait until the day before they start moving our stuff to pack the rest of the house! Ludicrous!   I think we'll have to go out for more banana boxes . . . but not before I've Had A Word . . .  MORE stress.  I can do without it.

Anyway, the Christmas tree has been bought and is a nice Nordman.  I don't do plastic trees.  It is in place and will be dressed today.

    We have had to arrange to swop presents with Gabby and Danny prior to Christmas and open them together via Skype on Christmas Day.  Gabby is coming up on Thursday for a socially distanced handover and then the presents will be quarantined until the 25th.  We have boxes of Danny's belongings to take down to him, along with his gifts, and wishing him a Merry Christmas will be done on the pavement outside his shared house . . .Carmarthenshire has a high number of cases now so we are not planning to venture to the shops any time soon.  No Christmas shopping trips here and I think the whole idea of 3 bubbles (or however many, depending on where you are) meeting up for Christmas is a blardy virus-explosion waiting to happen.  CRAZY.  Just for ONE year, cannot families stay in their own homes?  It's just ONE day - not worth risking lives over - however much you love your extended families and want to see them.

    Sorry, rant over.  Off to tackle another cupboard.


  1. All your moving arrangements make me tired just reading about them but that beef soup looks so delicious - I could just do with a bowl right now.

    1. I have had another full-on day today Pat, but looking forward to the evening off. Do you still make soup for yourself?

  2. I totally agree about the one day. It could be a disaster in January and the government knows it. 'Listening to the scientists' indeed.

    1. You don't need to be a Scientist to see what the outcome will be - all the Christmas shopping crowds are bad enough, ill in time for Christmas Day - but then all the extended family get-togethers - like watching a car crash happening in slow motion.

  3. Hope all goes well with the packing and that you are able to get more boxes. Sadly, I think the government have given mixed messages over the Christmas get togethers. Giving approval one minute and then advising against it makes it difficult for people to make informed decisions. Like you we are staying at home, but my heart goes out to all those who are truly alone.

    1. We are paying enough for this move - there will be a Very Angry Me on the phone if they aren't forthcoming by Monday next.

      Sorry for those who are truly alone, but I guess the only consolation is being safer that way.

  4. I am surprised your removal company are shutting down for 14 days at Christmas given that this must be a time of great harvest for them.

    1. I'm not! They have been working flat out with removals this year, and are still rushed off their feet. I would want a good rest too!

      At our new house, they can't get an electrician in (for a minor problem) - one didn't turn up, and the other one can't do it before he "breaks up" on Friday . . .

    2. I disagree. Good businesses meet the demand. Two days off is ample.

    3. Perhaps you'd like their address so you can tell them?!!

    4. We were hauliers, we got Christmas Day off, and beet deliveries carried on on Boxing Day. Quieter times would make up for it. I think some people will be completing house sales around Christmas time so I am truly surprised they are closing for 2 weeks. Nothing to do with me but I am surprised considering they have let you down on bubble wrap and boxes and emails and you are paying them good money that you are so relaxed about their long break.

    5. I am not relaxed about their long break, just absolutely powerless to do anything about it, not being on their Board of Directors! They have absolutely wonderful recommendations - pages and pages - from people who used them. I think the Pandemic has just sent everything into orbit with moves. It's not ideal but we have to bite the bullet and cope somehow but if I don't get the boxes when we need them, then the green stuff will hit the fan.

    6. The way you wrote indicated you were quite happy with their decision to close and saw no other side to it. You are difficult to follow in your reasoning. I'll not bother you with comments any more.

    7. There's an old saying Rachel, what can't be cured, must be endured. It is not an ideal situation but I cannot alter it. Surely that must be as obvious as the nose on your face! I rather think my reasoning is fairly logical, if fatalist - I CANNOT make them go to work now can I? Perhaps you would like their phone number to complain on my behalf?

  5. Hope you can get some more boxes. The relaxation of rules over Christmas is a terrible decision. As you say it is just one day and people's health is more important. I dread to think what Janaury will bring.

    1. Me too - we're paying enough! Wales has gotten strict again and made it LAW that only a limited number of folk can spend Christmas together (two bubble families + one living alone I think). More sensible. Most sensible is just spend Christmas in your own home with elderly parents allowed to stay.

      January will be GRIM.

  6. Moving house is very stressful and it sounds like you have a big house to sort out, pack up and empty. Can't be easy. We used to get boxes from the supermarkets when we ran out of the ones the removal firm gave us. Although one of the men told us that they don't like people using other boxes as they like them to be the same size and shape making the stacking in the lorry easier. If that is the case they should make sure they provide, or at least have available, enough to go around.

    I agree about the one day. People don't celebrate Christmas religiously anymore, so it's just an excuse for one long sociable party/get together. Surely they can put a line through this Christmas.

    1. It is indeed a very big house (8 bedrooms and a granny flat). We are downsizing to 4 bedrooms. MUCH has to to! I can understand that the removal guys want everything the same size and shape but if they can't supply the boxes, they will have to make do!

      Christmas will be a lazy day here I think.

  7. Running out of boxes seems to be a given. We always end up with loose bits and pieces rattling about in the back seat--laundry baskets, buckets, any possible container stuffed with oddments. With a cross-country move there's no chance to go back for the leftovers.

    1. We are going 50 miles so it's not too bad. We have already left "stuff" (e.g. wood and ceramic stock) with friends. They may well end up with more stuff . . . I cannot imagine the halfway-across-the-States move you did from Wyoming! Oh my goodness!! And with CATS too. How did they cope?

    2. When we moved from Wyoming to Kentucky [in the midst of a spring blizzard] we had the cats with us in a motor home. They were most unhappy, stayed under the bed during the day, crept out at night for a morsel of food and the litter box. They settled in quickly once installed in the little Kentucky house.

    3. That sounds like the best way for them to travel. I'm not sure whether to have ours jabbed with a calming medication, although Tam said that there is something which has the same effect as mama cats' milk which you give them the week before travel and it calms them down.

  8. I hope that you manage to get more of the boxes.

    God bless.

    1. We are still filling up the ones we have and will try and get more banana boxes for books tomorrow. I shall be chasing them again in the morning though for an ETA.

  9. That soup and cakes looks very tasty. Beef and barley is one of my favorites. Hope you find all the boxes you need. Moving is always such a big job but more so during a pandemic. How's the weather been?

    1. I should make it more often. Sick of the site of boxes right now but we are still filling them. Weather has been quite wet this past week or so and worse for the weekend I believe!

      I think, given the choice, moving during a Pandemic would not have been my option!!
