

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 3 December 2020

Socially distanced cats - and Lemon Pudding

 Here is the rather scrumptious Lemon Pudding (slightly scorched) which I was persuaded to make the other day.  Here is the recipe:


Preheat oven to 170 deg. C/325 deg F/Gas mark 3

4oz (100/125g) sugar
2 oz (50g) butter or margarine
1tblspn boiling water
2 oz (50g) plain flour
Juice and grated rind of one large lemon
2 eggs, separated
8 fl oz (225 ml) milk

Cream the sugar and butter, adding the tablespoon of water to make the mixture workable.  Stir in the flour and lemon juice and zest.  Whisk the egg yolks in the milk and add, a little at a time, to the creamed mixture.  Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold them into the mixture.

Pour the pudding into a buttered 2 pt (1.1 litre) pie dish and stand in a roasting tin half filled with warm water.  Bake in the pre-heated oven for 45 minutes.  Serve hot on its own or cold with a little cream (or ice cream).  The light topping covers a lemon curd base when cut and is delicious.

    The recipe comes from Farmhouse Cookery (Reader's Digest) - a book I have had for many years.

Here are Sam and Miffy, doing Socially Distanced Hunting in the paddock!

    Sam is being a proper PITA right now.  He is the biggest of all the cats here, and he knows it.  He tries to bully the indoor cats - he knows all about cat flaps and is our weather Barometer as he will come inside when it is the least bit inclement.  He makes sure that he sleeps for a time on every seat/place beloved of the indoor cats, and has been found upstairs on a pair of jeans left on the hall coffer, or a favourite windowseat.  Little Whale and Theo are stressed by this.  Little Whale didn't seem to mind until recently so there must have been a spat in the night and a change in the pecking order and we have had a territory marking in the back hall, which I can well do without.  Girl cats NEVER do this!  All our cats are neutered, but even so, we do not want "calling cards" thank you very much.  We will be glad when we have moved and are just down to the four house cats and Sam stays here.

    Now it is time to put some slap on and go to the PO, and yes, I am vain, or not confident in my skin - I always put some eye makeup on when I go out.  Just makes me feel like me, I suppose.


  1. What about the lemon and flour - where do they come in?

    1. Doh! Left that sentence out - just put it in. What a clot I am!

  2. Will Sam be cared for, if you leave him behind? Seems a bit sad?


    1. Yes Lizzy, the new people coming here are taking him on, along with Squeaker and Miffy, who are all outside cats.

  3. Cats are so complex! Our cat has her litter tray in the garage with access via a catflap from our kitchen. She (yes, she!) has started spraying in 2 areas of said garage. We think it could be that we have started sorting it prior to moving and it is "different". A b****y nuisance - as you say, NOT what we need right now. If you discover a way to discourage it, do let me know!

  4. Lemon pudding looks delicious. I've made something similar in the past. Loved the photos in the last post - beautiful :)

  5. The lemon pudding sounds great. Next time lemons are on sale I need to give this a try.

    God bless.

  6. Interesting! I have a similar recipe, called "Lemon Souffle". My measurements are all by volume, not weight, (am Canadian), but the final product looks very similar to mine. The only difference is that my recipe doesn't call for the boiling water.

    1. I used to make a Lemon Souffle, when we first moved here. I think the difference is perhaps the temperature it is cooked at and the number of eggs uses?

  7. Thanks for another tasty recipe! Shall add it to my list of trying new ones. Take Care!

  8. I have a husband that doesn't like pudding. Any kind. He dislikes the texture, I guess. Which means that I don't make pudding, because the last thing that I need is a dessert that only I will eat.

    1. Well, I have made many different sorts of puddings down the years - fruit crumbles, fruit with sponge topping, souffles, tarts, boiled sponges, bread and butter puddings, creme caramel etc - all quite different textures. My husband doesn't "like" anything sweet but it's all about keeping his waistline trim rather than what he actually "likes" as he loves Mead at Christmas and I think that is ghastly because it is SO sweet! It's all in the mind!
