

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 26 December 2020

Vimto Jelly-babies - Heroes of the Day!

 Today has been some Christmas Percy Pigs to keep the energy levels up (as it was back to work again after yesterday's rest).  Earlier in the week, Tam broke open her packet of Vimto Jelly-babies which lasted us a couple of days, having a few here and a few there when energy levels reached rock bottom.  If you have never had them, they are DIVINE!  I don't buy sweets but it's nice to have them given to you.

It has been a useful day - two more big cupboards completely empty and most of the china from the white dresser packed.  The new boxes that were delivered last week are only single thickness though, and we have to be careful what we put in them as they aren't up to much weight and the tape doesn't stick to them very well either. 

I watched the National Hunt racing as usual on Boxing Day (though working between races).  Wonderful to see Frodon (who I "knew" would win) leading from start to finish, with his ears pricked and obviously enjoying every minute of it.  Bryony Frost is a brilliant jockey too.

Tomorrow will be a full-on day of work - it would be good to mop up the odds and ends on shelves which need to be assembled as a motley crew in a big box.  Neighbours are calling in the morning to take away 3 big boxes of books which never made it to the Charity shop. They are great readers and will keep what they want and then disseminate the rest when Charity shops open again.

Perhaps Monday will feel like Monday - as yesterday didn't feel like Friday and today didn't really feel like Saturday - just sort of neutral days!

Keep safe when Storm Bella comes a calling tonight. 


  1. Vimto Jelly-babies took quite a bit of Googling to figure out what they are. Good you had something to keep you going! Merry Christmas from

    lizzy at the beach.

    1. Jelly babies I knew about (from childhood days) but Vimto ones are something ELSE!

  2. Keep on packing! I need to make a start too

    1. Oh my goodness - WILL it ever FINISH?! Start while you're ahead!

  3. You are really doing a good job sorting...I have moved many times and got to the point each time of blow it, just pack the lot and sort it after!!

  4. ]Luckily the very worst of the storm was further south than here - hope you missed thee worst.

    1. We were on the periphery too, which was fortunate.

  5. There comes that point in a move where the packing has gone on forever! I think you're there! As the process continues one's home starts to feel so dismantled that it is almost unfamiliar.

    1. Oh yes- that's JUST how it feels now. Two empty dressers in the kitchen now (bits that show anyway) - have to leave some of the contents we are likely to use in the next 3 weeks but rest is being packed away tomorrow . . . We will start to echo soon . . .

  6. We had the storm on Christmas Eve before it made its way over the Pond. Lots of rain and high winds, but luckily, no damage on our property. Temps dropped overnight from 14 to -5 and by the late afternoon on Christmas Day we ended up with about an 25mm of snow. Was not in the forecast and probably the first Christmas Day snow we've had in decades. Bright and sunny, but very cold on Boxing Day. Hope the storm does not cause you any moving problems. Good luck with all the final wrapping and boxing. Sending good thoughts your way that the next couple of weeks will not be harder than they have to be! Take care.

    1. Gosh Mary, it brought some snow to the North as well. Flooding in Bedfordshire (elsewhere too I expect but I slept very late this morning and missed all the news.) I hope that the snow was enjoyable (and doesn't linger). I am SICK OF PACKING now!
