

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 23 December 2020

We got that re-run I was dreading!


Yesterday proved that yes, Monday's sufferings could be added to and once again, we had SUCH a stressful day.  We finally got reams of paperwork from our solicitor which we then had to print off (thank goodness I had spare printer ink). There were several caveats which we had to process and make decisions upon, and all those reams of paperwork had to be read and understood by all three of us (my brain was in meltdown at that point).  Anyway, we ploughed on and finally signed the contracts and scanned them back.  Late afternoon, we got a phone call from our solicitor to say that she couldn't get through to one set of solicitors - no-one was answering the phone so she assumed that they had finished working for the Christmas break! We tried not to panic, but I have to say we thought it really wasn't going to happen.  Fortunately luck was on our side, and our Agents (WONDERFUL people) managed to get through to someone at the solicitors, and we EXCHANGED!!!  

    Oh My Goodness - the relief we all felt.  Tam and I had a glass of wine to celebrate.  Just the one, but this occasion has been a long LONG time in the making and we thought many a time that we would never be in this position.  The wrong people kept coming to view our house - because it has such character and has a couple of grand rooms, people expected it to be a mini-estate, not an old farmhouse next to a farm.  Time and time again it was the farm (or rather the cattle crossing outside our front gate) which was the deal breaker.  Although we had two that said the land wasn't flat enough (erm - this IS Wales you know, famed for its hillyness!), a couple said that the house was too big (look at the floorplans - it does say 4,500 square feet!) or the outbuildings not suitable for their needs.  None of them seemed to be interested in the land or having horses here - which we thought WOULD sell it.

    Then the right people DID come along, but you will know that the buying process was a difficult one as certificates were required for this, that and the other. 

    We raced round house-hunting in late September/early October and ended up offering on our new home almost from desperation, and it wasn't in Herefordshire as we had planned (or in Devon, as I'd have loved - though we did try) and it wasn't the house we had viewed twice at Bredwardine and would have offered on in a flash - that sold 5 weeks before we had our offer.   Yet I think that the house we have bought will suit us very well, and if I think back to the requirements I had in my head, goodness, it ticked all of them!

    We even got a pile of new boxes and bubblewrap yesterday so will carry on with packing today, and I think it will soon start to fall into place like one of those puzzles we got the kids, with one piece missing and you had to move the "gap" around the board until you got it all in place.

    Now I can finally start thinking about the bathroom changes (new bath needed and change of tiles) and what trees are going in the orchard we plan to plant, and I can't wait to see what is planted in the garden or what birds we will have visiting our feeders.  

    One thing is certain, we will NEVER move again!!!


  1. Congratulations! What a relief for you all! We have now been told that we're probably looking at the middle of February to exchange and I am just trying not to think about it too much. All done regarding our purchase but it's our sale with the new buyers holding things up. Only just had their mortgage valuation survey done on Monday! Happy Christmas!

    1. I am pleased that your buying is proceeding, though mid-February seems a long time away. Hope your buyers speed up their act. Our vendor was slow as molasses in January!

  2. Replies
    1. Yup, and in Lockdown so we won't be able to go far, but will have lots of new walks to explore.

  3. I am so happy for all of you, it is marvellous news, though of course all the legalise has given you a miserable time. But now you have a new house to see to and a different neighbourhood to explore. Happy Christmas to you all. xxx

    1. Our buyer was very demanding, plus moving house is a whole different ball game to when we did it nearly 33 years ago. Happy Christmas to you too.

  4. Oh Jennie I am so pleased for you at long long last. Very exciting to find whats growing in the new garden and you will be in just in time for spring planting.
    Keep packing those boxes but with a big smile on your face.
    Have a rest over Christmas

    1. Thank you Sue. Our estate agent was in tears yesterday, as she was the one who managed to facilitate BOTH sets of necessary solicitors for the exchange (they worked from home).

      SHATTERED today, but plodding on.

  5. Congratulations and I am so very pleased for you. Hopefully, you can enjoy Christmas knowing the contracts have been exchanged. What a long haul it has been for you but it is great news that you finally found the right buyers.

    1. It was a blessed relief not to have that hanging over us still. A long haul indeed - daren't admit to how many years it has taken.

  6. I am so, so pleased for you. I know what it's like, it put years on me !I am so pleased that it was done before Christmas for you, what a wonderful estate agent - ours earned their money too!
    Have a lovely Christmas looking forward to a fun 2021.
    J. P. in the UK

    1. Hi JP. I feel the moving business put years on ME too! Just want to get moved, settle in and be able to plan for the future again and explore new walks.

  7. I've been following your blog from here in California. It seems the buying/selling process is quite challenging over there. I'm thrilled to read it is all set to go. I'm interested in seeing your new home and pictures. Best to you in these challenging times.

    1. Hi there Christina - some house moves seem to go like clockwork, but we moved here in 1988 when things were straightforward and down the years, the demands have changed mightily. I can't wait to show you photos of our new home, when we have arrived and drawn breath!

  8. I am so happy you have exchanged. I can finally uncross my fingers. Well done to your Estate Agent, she is a treasure.

    1. Hi Marjorie, we shall send her some flowers in the New Year as she literally worked minor miracles to pull it all together in time.

  9. So pleased for you. Do you have a moving date?

    1. 15th January, all being well. Looking forward to living just half an hour from Hay.

  10. Congratulations! So glad you were able to exchange!

  11. Lordy, what a process! So glad everything worked out in the much needless stress, though. On you and on your estate agent. Hope you can rest a day or so because the big move.

    1. The stress levels were dreadful and if people weren't SO demanding, unnecessary. The questions you get asked by your Solicitor are many and varied (and worrying at times).

      It's back to the grindstone now.

  12. So pleased it has all finally come together BB. Well done and Happy Christmas.

    1. Thank you Pat. An incredible relief. I feel sorry for anyone having to move house in this day and age (AND during a Pandemic).

      Hope you enjoyed your Christmas.

  13. I know that feeling of never wanting to move again. So very happy that you are done with the legal stuff and ready to get to know your new home.

    1. I'm not good with legal stuff at the best of times Marlane - my brain just goes into meltdown! Planning the house and garden at our new home now.

  14. Congratulations, how absolutely wonderful. I am very glad all was settled before Christmas.

    God bless.

    1. Hi Jackie - SUCH a relief. It couldn't go on any longer for my sanity!
