

Jennie's recipes

Friday 22 January 2021

Lots more boxes flat-packed


Here is Little Whale watching the birds in the garden.  I got feeders for them and they have peanuts, sunflower seeds and fat balls now.  A Greater Spotted Woodpecker was an early visitor, along with Nuthatches and Blue & Great Tits.  This window is on the stairs and LW has made it his favourite spot.  They are still settling in, but now that the house isn't being besieged by noisy men with boxes and furniture, they are starting to look on it as home.  It will be a week or so until we even think of letting them out to explore though.

    Here are the old stables - four big stalls where the coach horses would have lived.  They are now crammed with our outside belongings and Keith's wood for future projects.  They are painted blue as that apparently discouraged flies.

    Lots of things have been ordered over the internet as we can't go to the shops because of Lockdown (many of them being closed because of that anyway).  Deliveries are a bit hit and miss, depending on who is doing the delivering.  Arriving tomorrow is a front door bell with two receivers, one for upstairs and one down, so we won't miss anyone at the door.  Nothing is more frustrating than a "you weren't in" chit put through the letterbox when you were in all the time.

    The Sky man came yesterday, but unfortunately we will have to wait until Lockdown is over before it is installed because they aren't allowed inside customer's houses during Lockdown.  Wales always does things differently, just because it can, but it is likely it will echo whatever happens in England so we may be in for a lengthy wait.  Boris is saying it could be summer before Lockdown is lifted . . . As all the tv we have at the moment is films and serials on Netflix, we have had to order an aerial to receive terrestial tv - that should be arriving tomorrow, so then we will have Freeview.

    The much-needed bed (24 hour delivery) still hasn't been ordered and Tam belatedly checked the feedback on this eBay company, only to find lots of irate messages about the poorness of the delivery company used.  We will have to wait about a week from the date of the order and then if it still hasn't been delivered, we will get our money back and start over again.  NOT ideal.  

    Part of our Wilko order has also gone astray - again something much needed - a cutlery tray for the drawer (we had a fitted drawer in our last kitchen), and something else I have forgotten (my brain is fuddled as I am writing this at 2 a.m. as I went to bed, slept for an hour and was then wide awake again).


It is a week since we moved in.  On the following day Tam and I did a short walk to explore the lane beyond our property.  There is a very steep bank down to the stream in the bottom.

    Here is the lane we walked along and you can just glimpse the stream to the right.  Below is a footpath sign (we can't wait to explore that) but it doesn't lead to a viaduct as the top roundel suggests.

This hill above the quarry is one we can see from our bathroom window.  There are lights on at the quarry at night, twinkling away.

    Tomorrow I hope to get the last couple of boxes of books unpacked and on shelves.  We made good progress today - Keith making himself handy with his drill and putting up cup hooks, and hanging our ceiling fixing we got back in November from the one narrow beam which separates the cooking part of the kitchen from the eating area.  It's hung high so there is still plenty of room to walk underneath.  Tomorrow it will be the masonry drill bits out so he can do some more sorting out.  Hopefully some pictures will get hung too.  By Monday I hope to have all boxes currently on the ground floor, emptied or stowed away (there are some car boot sale boxes currently under the kitchen table, waiting to be put away.)

    We need to decide where the hi-fi we once won in a competition will live (it is quite bulky) and have a bonfire to burn the bags and bags of wrapping paper I have amassed.

    On Sunday it is due to snow - we had a fall of wet snow today but it didn't lay.


    I took photos but the snow didn't really show up!  

    Right, I suppose I should try and get back to sleep again . . .  So much has been happening these past few days and the exhausted sleep of recent nights has rested me sufficiently for my brain to suddenly go into overdrive, excitedly planning. I am glad to say that we made the right choice buying this house - it suits us very well and I am delighted.  I still can't believe the views as I look out of the windows.  Am grateful not to worry when it pours with rain (we had a leaking chimney and the outhouse roof would leak too if the wind was in a certain direction, blowing the rain onto the wall.)  Being close to a small town suits us too - no more 20 mile round trips to get shopping.  

    Enjoy your weekend and keep safe everyone.


  1. Lucky Little Whale. I, the Tigger, used to love watching the activity round the bird feeders.

    1. Like a tv show he says! Ghengiscan't get up there because his little legs are too short; Alfie hasn't bothered yet and Theo likes to sit on a stool and look out of the French Windows at the other bird feeders.

  2. It gives me great pleasure I have to say. I need to get a sack each of the birdseed and peanuts, and another two feeders to go on the stand at the front of the house. The ones on it were rusted up and the nut feeder we had to do a lash-up with zip ties to fill it and use it once, before replacing.

  3. It's good that you still have lovely views from your new home.
    Sounds like you are doing well with the unpacking

    1. As you'll see from my new post, we have views a plenty. Unpacking is leavened by necessary phone calls, form-filling etc,

  4. What a lovely phrase "it suits us very well". Being close to town is great if it gives you the best of both worlds. I would dearly love to be more rural, but my sensible head tells me we're just fine where we are.

    1. Indeed, the age we are now at, we had to give weight to proximity to civilization! When we arrived, we realized that it had ticked just about every item on the wish list I had in my head but hadn't fully committed to paper.

  5. Good to hear you are making good progress on the unpacking and you are so happy in your new home. Once life is more normal it will be lovely for you to be able to visit your local town and it looks as though there are some good walks on the doorstep.

    1. We have been to town regularly because Tam's eBay business is starting to take off again and she needs to post things. All the groceries are still delivered though. Builth is much MUCH quieter than Carmarthen was.

  6. Glad you seem to be settling in BB - the cat looks well settled in already.

    1. They are very relieved not to have the big black beast Sam harrying them and they are rolling around on the carpets and look really happy.

  7. It sounds silly, but I really do love to see people settling in and fixing their homes 'just so'. I'm not sure why that's so exciting to me. We've got one more move ahead of us, (God willing). After I get through the pain of downsizing, I'm sure it will be just as exciting for me.

    1. Well, this home will have an injection of colour as it has a very bland palate - magnolia, mushroom etc which is not us. Some rooms will be neutral with injections of colour. The library will be a warmer tone all round, as it is a darker room with dark furniture in there, so we will just warm it up.

  8. How nice to able to say you made the right choice. Looks lovely.

    1. We are delighted that this is our forever home - just wish we had sold and found it 10 years ago, whilst we still had some energy and less creaks!

  9. Lovely that you have found your forever home. Not so lovely that your mind is in overdrive, but I would probably feel/be the same way. Heck, I rarely sleep through the night and don't even have the excuse of a big move! Usually pull out one earphone and listen to an audiobook on my tablet--putting the timer on for an hour. Keeps the room dark and often lulls me back to sleep. At any rate, enjoy your lovely views and best of luck with deliveries. It is a hit or miss game these days over the Pond, too.

    1. We had to wait an awfully long time Mary (11 years from first decision to sell). I despaired of it ever coming to pass. I could take my Kindle up to bed to read in the night, but usually come down after an hour and potter. Hopefully I will start to unwind now that the pressure is off.

  10. Glad the house suits you and you are making good progress with unpacking.
    I was once told that as cats navigate by smell, burying a bit of their own poo in the garden helps them find their way home in a new area. I've always done this and had no straying... or it could just be lucky co-incidence! J.P.

    1. I may give that a try JP. I shall be glad when they can go out again and start exploring. I managed to get a pathway through the Pink Bedroom Boxes today and have reached the Far End now! Just the sides to work through : )

  11. Yes, it sounds like your mind is going a thousands miles a minute, as anyone's would that's for sure. I hope you got some rest after you posted this. I came across your blog & am happy I did. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Hi Andrea, I'm so glad you like the blog. It has changed down the years and been in the doldrums a little in recent years, but hopefully about to live again.

  12. It is a joy to read that you are pleased with the new house--as I recall it wasn't quite your first choice, but it surely seems it is where you are 'meant to be!'
    LW is a near twin to our Edward [who quickly outgrew the 'Little' that once prefaced his name. Cats are so distressed by having their routine upset--or strangers lumbering about in the house. I daresay they are already acquainted with the warmest spots where the sun comes in.
    We are ordering more online these days--not a big variety of shopping venues here other than the dreaded Wal Mart; most things we order are delivered promptly, often ahead of the posted date.
    I did a virtual 'tour' of Builth and Hay-on-Wye--very different from American towns, but looking like places I would love to explore.

    1. We wanted the old Schoolmnaster's house at Bredwardine, with its links to Kilvert, who I have been interested in for many years. Yet, this suits us SO much more as the flow is better and the outbuildings ideal for Keith - there was very little at Bredwardine.

      Our "little" Whale is misnamed these days too! They have given up bolting up into the attic now we are taking boxes of stuff up there, and are rolling around on the carpet, laying on the sofa or following the sun!

      I'm so pleased you have explored Builth and Hay - you would love them both, although Hay has the edge on character.
