

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Our antique headboard and more interior house photos


The antique "headboard" for our replacement bed arrived yesterday by courier from Taunton.  It is carved oak and we think probably came from a tester or 4 poster bed originally, or even from a church - anyway,  exactly the sort of thing we were looking for.  We have to wait a couple of weeks for the bed base to be made and delivered, but at least we are sleeping off the floor now!   Then our pine bed will go into the Guest Bedroom and can be made up and another space-gobbling duvet and pillows and some bedding and a quilt to dress will give us more storage space too.

Kitchen bits and bobs now hanging from the piece we bought back in November, and which adds character to what was a rather bland kitchen.  The clock with butterflies on is one we bought on eBay, and cheers a blank wall up. The windows next to it let light in from the Utility and there's another set to the right of the dresser below, lighting the stairs.

    The white dresser came with us (though I did try to sell it to antique dealer friends).  I have cut right back on the china on the shelves (yes, really!) although some random bits have gone on the top temporarily and will be rearranged/changed when I have time.   I made room for Tam's cookery books whilst mine are in the Library next door.  The dresser needs repainting - probably white, and in a satin finish rather than the chalk paint used before.

    The blue paint on the walls will probably be yellow when we redecorate and we are looking at Moroccan style blue and white tiles for when the old kitchen is ripped out and the new one installed.  Not for a while yet - the bathroom will be done first.

Next to the dresser is my little poker-work cupboard with the small bits of Torquay pottery on it.

    Finally, this is the Guest Bedroom, with its lovely big window, facing south.  The corner basin is there because there is an en-suite with an elderly shower one end and even more elderly toilet the other and no basin.  We put the mirror up so Keith had somewhere to shave (the vendor took the cabinet in the main bathroom with her).  I have been looking a smaller modern corner basins for starters. . .

    Yesterday we got an old mirror of ours up in the main bedroom and altered the position of the loo roll holder which was obviously put there by a man (with an eye to where he would be standing - I shall say no more!)  The one in the en-suite is even worse, as it is on the back wall BEHIND the toilet!)  That will be changed soonest.

    Anyway, I was going through a HUGE suitcase of curtains yesterday - many of which are hopeless for the big windows here - but these old William Morris Golden Lily ones fitted.  Slightly faded on one edge, they do at least dress the window.  We have measured up the wall beneath the dado-rail for matching William Morris wallpaper (and more than winced at the price per roll - ye Gods!) I think we will go for it though as we only need 2 rolls.  Only.  It's a mortgage job to buy just ONE!

    Talking of curtains, I also ordered a pair for the living room last night - from Dunelm, which offers a choice of reasonably-priced curtains.  The French Windows take a BIG curtain and these cost £130, but the alternative is to buy material and make them up and I don't have time for curtain-making at the moment.  The temporary curtains (pale blue) will get put up at another window - hah, probably in the pink bedroom for the moment, but just as a temporary measure.  Easier hanging them than storing them right now! Tam and I liked these when we saw them in store last year, and they have an Arts and Crafts look.

    Lots of little jobs to be done - mending the door between the kitchen and the stairs is first on today's list, as the cats come and go up there at night and we had Alfie banging doors (his speciality) and then he jumped up and opened our bedroom door and spent the night on our bed (Keith not best-pleased but it was at least quieter!)  Several doors up there are on push-ball fastenings rather than with handles.  He has obviously worked this one out for himself!

    Now I had best to some ironing (have a mountain of it) and it will warm me up too.  I have got a bit cold just sitting - I am normally on the move lots.  A lovely day out there with lots of blue sky.  May go for a walk later.


  1. Progress being made... that's always such a good feeling. I love your antique pieces! ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Today I have been ironing, and that bit of routine makes our new home seem even more homely than it did. Glad you like our antiques. Many pieces have been bought and in quite a few cases, restored, and they give a coherent look to our new home.

  2. Eight inches of snow here! Loved looking at your photos - you are doing well with your unpacking and getting straight. Couldn't help noticing your hare figure in your last photo - I collect hares and have a similar one but not licking its paw. I love it - can you remember where you bought it please?

    1. Gosh, that's a lot! I imagine your carer hasn't been able to call today either. We are slowly getting there with the unpacking and sorting out (though there is still utter chaos in the pink bedroom. The hare (possibly rabbit? Ears shorter) came, I think, from a garden centre, but it may have been a Fair. I have seen such things at garden centre shops anyway.

  3. You sound in your element, choosing things, the move has made you so happy¬

    1. Very Happy Thelma - this has been a long long time in the making. Now we can chose our favourite pieces which were spread about our last home, and stage them together with effect here. Absolutely in my element!

  4. Curtains are so expensive. Nice to find older pairs that still works for some windows. I like the pattern of the ones you have chosen from Dunhelm.

    1. Mary - I went right through the HUGE suitcase of curtains today and found the pair we had in the living room in our last home - vintage Laura Ashley and they fit the pink bedroom windows (though a ghastly clash of colours!!) They will do for the moment but I may sell them on when we have decorated in there as it is likely to be totally different to these curtains.

      The Dunelm ones are very William Morris and there is an almost identical design sold iLiv called Tiffany Mulberry, which are described as William Morris style.

  5. I love your antique headboard. I can imagine all the history in that beautiful piece. What a find!

    1. We love the history behind our pieces of furniture and this "headboard" (now) would have a story to tell, I am sure. Just a serendipitous bit of luck as Tam scrolled through eBay!

  6. Goodness you are soon getting unpacked and sorted out - it's going to take me months - when I eventually get there

    1. Heavens! It feels like we will never finish but I will say most of the stuff is sorted now. We have probably 20 boxes in the pink room and some sundry bits in boxes to go to the attic. We did have an awful lot of boxes (removal men said 200!!! I hope they exaggerated). I have been working until I drop most days as I hate not knowing where stuff is. Have yet to find a box with some kitchen stuff including my favourite green mixing jug and my big grater (using the wee one is NO fun).

      I saw they are considering extending the Stamp Duty holiday - I hope so as you would benefit from that. Here in Wales different rules apply and ours was a Land Tax and we still had to pay £7,000 . . .

  7. That 'new' headboard is beautiful. I love one of a kind furniture. The person selling it did not have a history?

    1. We didn't ask as such pieces normally come from auction with no back story.

  8. Your new home is coming together quickly.

    I love those curtains!!!

    God bless.

    1. It's been a long time in the planning Jackie.

  9. It is all looking so very lovely and the new headboard is beautiful. I do like the Arts and Crafts type curtains! Also I very much like your dresser! Have always wanted one!

    1. I hope you get a dresser one day. We bought this one for £150 from a fellow dealer in Hay-on-Wye. I liked the glass panels in the bottom. Glad you like the look we are getting together here.
