

Jennie's recipes

Monday 1 March 2021

More spring days and views from the paddock above the house


This spring weather we have been having is amazing and we have made the most of it, having a couple of walks, my back/hips permitting (have a chiro appt. this afternoon, thank heavens).  I climbed up the little paddock above the house to take these photos.  Llanelwedd quarry is just hidden behind the electricity pole.

Stepping up a little higher - you can see our Victorian stables on the right, and an empty house opposite behind the trees (blardy things hide the view!)

Looking towards the mynydd - I think this is Aberedw.

A little bit to the right of the previous picture, showing the farmhouse just along the lane from the parish church (we walked past here recently).

Looking South-East from the house - a high ridge which protects us from the worst of the weather when it comes that way.

The view from the end of the garden . . .

    I have got most of my roses in now, just two more to go when I have decided where (probably the side garden which is just grass (or rather, mossy "lawn"!) Tess of the D'Urbervilles is in a big planter to the side of the front door.  I was left another red rose in a planter so that will be along the front wall a few feet to balance things out.  I can't wait for the garden centres to open again!

    Today we are taking back a car full of flatpack moving boxes back to the Removal company - I would prefer someone else had the use of them (even though it means the company can charge for them twice!!)  Anyway, I have my chiro appt. and between both, will go and collect potted plants from my old garden which have been in storage with a neighbour.  This almost constitutes "a day out" . . .


  1. I can smell the fresh air right through my computer screen. Wonderful!! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Glad you enjoyed it Andrea. Sunshine - after a long winter - is such a balm to the soul.

  3. You live on a beautiful beautiful part of the world.

    1. It was lovely where we lived before, but this is better and wilder and with better views. No view of the farmyard here!!

  4. Amazing what constitutes a day out these days, isn't it? Last month, one of my few days out involved a 100+ mile round trip drive to take my DH for a medical procedure and then wait to bring him back home (I wasn't allowed in). Never got out of my car from before 9 am when we left the house until after 2 pm when we got back home. Not exactly a day in the park. Well, I guess it was a car park. But with none of your gorgeous views. :)

    1. Oh Mary - but I bet even having to go for a hospital jaunt made a change from being kept at home! Our outing yesterday did feel like a day out especially as we saw an old neighbour and picked up the potted plants she had been babysitting for me.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day out, particularly if the weather is good. The views are spectacular, so glad that you are able to get our for a walk. Hopefully your appointment will help. Take care.

    1. The weather was AMAZING and only when we climbed the steep zig-zag of the Sugarloaf did we come into low cloud and lost the sunshine (which we had enjoyed SO much all day). The chiro has put me right again, bless him (he always does).

      Much gardening is now planned - lots of plantings to add colour and texture to the garden.

  6. Some of those views are almost Alpine.

    1. Yes indeed. Where we drove today (coming back from Brecon, where we did our banking) we passed Aberedw Rocks - I'd love to see the far side of them as they looked very rugged and with a big drop.

  7. All I can say is magnificent views. You live in a beautiful area.

    God bless.

    1. We had never driven along the side lanes round here, so it was a complete surprise to discover how different the views were than when you are driving through on the main road.

  8. What picture perfect views you have, it's enough to make you want to go out and have a walk isn't it. Or at the very least sit out and enjoy them in warmer weather. It's the one thing I will miss about our time in Wales, looking out of every window of the house and seeing rolling hills and woodlands.

    It sounds as though you are settling in nicely now, and yes the amount of boxes needed for a move does make you want to be sure they are used again and again doesn't it. It's a shame they don't do a bit of a refund for boxes in good condition, then it would be a win, win situation for everyone. Enjoy your 'day out'.

  9. We love walking anyway, and couldn't wait to get out and start exploring. We are avoiding the routes which take us through farmyards - it's not fair during Lockdown - but when we can do so, we will include those walks in our repertoire - the one from our front gate leads to the mynydd, so it will be lovely in summer.

    We are settling in well, as you have surmised. I hope you will soon be in your new home and loving living there too. You will have lovely walks along the canalside, that's for sure.
