

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 23 May 2021

More blissful bluebells and some decorating in the Library


More dreamy Usk hills.

We think this may have been a discarded nest dislodged from a tree or even one which had recent occupants as there was a just-fledged Robin nearby.  

The river Usk in the bottom of this one.

I had to use my zoom lens on max to get this house tucked away amongst the trees on a slope.

At the end of our walk, we came across this canine memorial, obviously to a black Labrador who loved his walks up here. What a lovely thing to do in memory of him (or her).  I guess the dog is perhaps buried here too (ashes).

The Library as it's been since we've been here, decorated "neutrally" by the previous owners.  I cannot WAIT to get rid of those Dunelm curtains and Roman blind.  I don't do grey-lilac check.  Keith's military and naval collection live in here.

You're thinking, WOW!  Lipstick pink, right?!  This is it with the sun on it (only a glimmer, as it's been another beastly Wintry day today, with yet more rain.)

But this is how it actually looks unless there is bright sunlight, and in the evening it gets a deeper rose pink still.  Anyway, it warms the room up no end.

I am looking forward to getting the curtain material I ordered and sewing up the curtains and Roman Blind.  I  can't finish the walls at the edge of the window until the Roman blind is down.


  1. That pink is fab! It makes the walls sing. Life is too short for neutral 'safe' shades, in my opinion. I love lavender and lilac shades in clothes, plants etc, but it always looks totally wrong as an interior colour. I think our northern light is wrong for it somehow.

    1. Thanks Tracy. That first photo makes me wonder if we got it right, but with less light, it really deepens. We could be bold with colours in our last house as the rooms were big, and it was my daughter's suggestion we had a deep pink.

      I inherited a lavender roller blind in the kitchen too and that will go in due course.

  2. Must say I rather envy your beautiful chairs. I have some stick chairs and two beautiful vernacular ones that will probably go at our next move - I shall be sad.
    The Usk valley is much underrated - and for all it looks a calm river it has some of the most continuous rapids in South wales - sadly, some have died kayaking them.

  3. We all love the Usk Valley. Eldest daughter loves the Green Man Festival there (and has got tickets for this year - she is over the moon!) It's so beautiful and I could visit Tretower Court again and again (well, we do).

    My husband has collected Windsor chairs for many years. The rush-seated North-Country bobbin-back will go to a Fair with us, when we can start doing such things again. The others are keepers - though our children may offload them when we pop our clogs, just from lack of room (2 are still in rented accommodation).

  4. Just caught up on your posts. I've been having a lot of problems leaving comments lately, Blogger keeps saying 'Mistake' for some reason. You have been busy! Love that pink too. Gives a lot of atmosphere.

    1. Blogger has been playing silly b's in all sorts of ways from what I've heard.

      Glad you like the pink. It's mostly deep rose pink in there as it's a darker room but bright sunlight lightens it. The room just feels SO much warmer, purely from the colour!

  5. More beautiful photos :) I see you mention the Green Man Festival in your comment above - I've always wanted to go that!!!

    I like the pink colour - warming and cosy :)

    1. Tam was very lucky to get tickets for Green Man (2 friends are going with her) as they were allowing everyone who booked last year to carry their booking over. It used to be just 10,000 people, which Tam said was just right, but now it's more than doubled and she'd rather it hadn't as it changes the atmosphere.

      Hope you can book tickets for next year then!

  6. Now that's what I call pink! You do live in a beautiful place, indeed. Unusual memorial to the dog. I have never seen the like before.

    1. We always used to drive to Abergavenny and beyond when we were in Carms. Because of a landslip 2 years ago on the road from Bronllys to Abergavenny we have to go the long way round which is quite a bit further, but hey-ho, they may eventually sort it out.

      The dog memorial was lovely. Someone must have been so broken-hearted to lose their black Lab.

  7. I remember going to Tretower Court it was so cosy and compact, the solar window overlooking the courtyard. Good choice of colour for the library, shows off Keith's military ware as well.

    1. If you watch A Discovery of Witches (which I highly recommend), some of that was filmed at Tretower. I always felt I could move in there straight away!

      Glad you like the colour choice. We're still at 6s and 7s in there, with moving furniture around, but getting there.

  8. Yes, bring on the colour! I think many people shy away from it, making the end result very bland. I'm writing this from an apartment with yellow walls!

    1. Well, you're a long time dead as they say, and may as well enjoy a house the way we want it before we go!!

      We had a LOT of yellow in our last house as it faced East and was very dark and gloomy. The Dining Room was vast and faced North and we had a deeper yellow in there - pulled from a colour in the curtains - and it worked well. It certainly cheered the house up.

  9. The Usk reminds me of my visits to my gran in Brecon, it ran past the bottom of the lane that went from her bungalow, behind the canal

  10. The Usk valley is magical. We are very fond of Brecon too and seem to be going there most weeks for something or other. Do you ever go back to visit - in normal times that is?
