

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 3 June 2021

June jottings from the garden


Cheating here, as this was the sun rising on Monday morning - 31st May - rather than June, but it's a nice photo and it's staying!  This is looking out from our bathroom window across to Llanelwedd with the quarry and buildings hidden beneath the mist.  Note the wonkey Monkey Puzzle tree above the tree canopy heading down the valley.

I had a rearranging of my kitchen cupboard decorations and down came two copper jugs (from stock, now polished up and back into stock) and in their place, the two new-to-me costrels.  The one on the right is the one that would have hung from the wagon.  On the left is my cherished Verwood pottery "Owl"- also for carrying beer or cider to the fields.  Verwood is on the Hampshire/Dorset border of the New Forest.

A quickly cobbled-together cushion for the Lloyd Loom chair- it is wonkey because the circular cushion pad I ordered was too high and not wide enough (though it measured the proper width) so I have saved that and cut the corners off another old cushion pad and covered that instead.  It's just for sitting on out in the garden anyway.

Ghengis - "Oooh, you bought me CATNIP!!"  That was an error . . .

Yellow Flag irises in the Pond.

Looking up the garden - our beeches by the pond are the ordinary green ones, but there's a fabulous Copper beech on the furthest part of our triangle of land.  The Rhododendrons are the common purple colour - apparently they are not good for bees - being toxic - but Bumblebees are ok feeding from them.

This deep pink Rhodedendron is on land belonging to the Big House (right by the gate to the property) but we can enjoy it just the same.

The btm of the Bumblebee!!

These Foxgloves were ones I purchased back in March and planted on the bank and they have just burst into flower.

Clematis montana wilsonii

Stuff in small pots needing to be planted, and another blue planter of Sage which is going to be transferred elsewhere.

The huge Buddha was here when we bought the house.  The previous owner may come and take it away she said, but I'm not holding my breath.  Anyway, Alfie is doing his own Buddha impression.

Sorry, not much of a post tonight.  I have been sleeping very badly, and been to see the Asthma Nurse today (change to stronger antihistamines which I hope will help me reduce my inhaler intake).  Worried by being told that the inhaled steroids can also cause Type 2 Diabetes (increase risk by about 32%) so let's hope we can get this sorted.  Keith also saw the GP about his health problems, and needs blood tests etc so we are both feeling just a little more mortal tonight!


  1. Costrel was a new word for me. Wandered off to read about them. Hope tomorrow finds you feeling less 'mortal'.

    1. I hope you found that an interesting word to check out. I know they aren't pretty or fancy but to me they are a link with my Ag. Lab. ancestors (mostly in Devon).

    2. Oh Bovey, I LOVE things like this. I've got a houseful of things that I love, but that I know for a fact will mean nada, zippo, zilch to my children. I will never cease to be amazed at the mudlarking thing. Your 'old' vs our 'old' is two completely different 'olds'. I'd be out every day with a shovel. LOL.

  2. What a lovely garden. That Buddha and Alfie really set things off.

    God bless.

    1. It is a nice garden, but needs some more perennials in it (last owner low-maintenance and shrub-orientated). I am a cottage garden person . . .

  3. Your garden is looking very good.
    I have several foxgloves in my new garden, but think they will all be purple.

    1. Purple Foxgloves are dependable. I bought an - expensive - apricot one and it didn't survive the winter! The garden is a nice one - difficult to dig in on the Bank and the veg plot is totally from scratch, but we'll get there. I put a new bed in this week with most of the stuff in pots now planted.

  4. It looks nice at the moment, but got so overgrown during May, when it rained every day and we couldn't get out there at all. June is when I am meant to be staying indoors because of the pollen so it will get worse before it gets better.

  5. Good that you have so many nice vistas and lovely plants to view when life gets to be a bit too much. Hope that the medical issues get satisfactorily sorted for both of you...with good outcomes.

    1. The new Asthma Nurse is on the ball, which is a positive thing. My husband will now get to SEE a Consultant face-to-face for the first time - Covid restrictions didn't allow this so he has never been properly checked out.

      It's a lovely garden but as I get Aged (!) I will probably have to pay someone to come and do the grass.

  6. Your garden is so beautiful!

    1. Thank you Lizzy. We are still finding out what is there - a complete surprise of a yellow Azalea this last week - but it is half swallowed up by an overgrown variegated Holly so that is having to be pruned.

  7. Lovely views, flowers shooting up in every part of the garden and 'mortality' lurking. Sure it will go away and haunt someone else.

    1. I have turned around the "this is our last house" mindset, to this is "our Next Adventure." A lot more positive!!
