

Jennie's recipes

Friday 16 July 2021

I don't do hot


The photos are from a recent walk down along the bottom lane. That was before it got hot, and I mean HOT.  Forecast says it will be 27 deg. C today (that's 80 deg. F).  Tomorrow is even worse - 86 deg. F (30 deg. C). As an asthmatic, I struggle in the heat due to humidity.  I shall stay indoors.

        Yesterday was bad enough (only 77!) and after following the shade around the garden - finally getting to grips with the weeds and grass where it shouldn't be - I decided I would make a start on mowing the lawn.  My goodness, it might just be walking up and down pushing the mower, but I was soon in a muck sweat without a dry hair on my head.  There's still some more to cut, and the wee bit of hay meadow at the front has gone over now and needs cutting.

Bramble flowers in the prettiest pink.  There are something like 200 different species of brambles.

Though you can't see any traffic on it, the flattish area half way up the photo is where the main road between Builth and Llandovery runs.  At weekends it is busy with motorbikes heading towards the West End Cafe in Llandovery.

A Brimstone moth.

We didn't see that many ploughed fields when we lived in Carmarthenshire.  In the Cothi Valley, the land was considered to be Hill Farming land - pasture rather than arable.  Mind you, they wouldn't be sewing grain crops this time of the year so perhaps this will be a winter fodder crop for sheep.

The world and is wife have been cutting hay this past week (and who can blame them?)  Here is the view from the guest bedroom window, looking across towards the distant hills.

Well, the past two weeks have been somewhat fraught here. Unfortunately Tam's boyfriend contracted Covid from two silly girls he worked with (one had been heard to say she couldn't see the point of Social Distancing . . . as she's that stupid, she probably still hasn't made the connection).  Another person in the office (an anti-vaxxer) also contracted it.  I wonder if he's changed his tune yet?  Anyway, having seenhim over the weekend, Tam was obviously right in the firing line to get it and has had to quarantine.

Her boyfriend was quite poorly, but has now tested clear.  Tam has spent the last 12 days in her bedroom, eating her meals outside (apart from wet days, when back to her room again).  If she left her room, it was mask on, and she used the en-suite bathroom.  She did a lateral flow test every day for the first week, but it always came back negative, as did the PCR test she had done.  Even so, she was unwell - tired out mainly, but with some symptoms of Covid, which came for an hour and then her immune system dealt with.  

Now, hopefully, life can return more to normal, but with Covid cases shooting up again, we're not going far afield.

Tam wants to go somewhere for a walk today - somewhere shady I think, so I will look at the map.

Have a good weekend all.


  1. I don't do hot either, and when my living room is 23C at 7:30 a.m. I know it will be a hot one here. None of the deliciously cooling sea fog or offshore breezes today. Sorry to hear of Tam's Covid woes. It seems more and more are self isolating now than ever before. Where does it all end? Hope she's fully over it now.

    1. I can stand it if I am moving about - couldn't lay on a beach for the life of me! Sorry you've no breezes to cool you. Tam is glad to be out the other side and is seeing Jon tomorrow. Now Norovirus is about too - gosh, is there no end to it?

  2. Well over 95 degrees F. this week so I’ll take your temps. Plus with high’s 6 am and probably the only and best time to ride at present!

    1. 6 a.m. is definitely the time to ride when it gets that hot. I am glad we have an old house and it's cool indoors.

  3. Sorry to hear the heat is on in your neck of the woods, too. Real feel of 40c here today but I have a/c, so will not complain. Hope you get some nicer, humid-free days soon.

    Depressing to hear about Covid impacting Tam and her boyfriend. Hope they both feel better soon. My DH works with anti-vaxers. He is the only one in the business who has been double-jabbed. They wouldn't wear masks either...even during the worst of it (DH did and was taunted for doing so). Know several of them got Covid, but they were not reported and no one was allowed to isolate (a family owned business--the boss is a cretin). No real tracing done here. Delta variant is flourishing here and numbers are starting to go up. I still don't venture too far afield.

    1. Have been out for an exploring walk with Tam today, so will do a post tomorrow. We were hot but coped.

      It just goes to show how easily stupid people can catch Covid and pass it on (those girls were out boozing every night, and even on the weekend when they were already feeling ill.)

      At least your husband has common-sense - when it's a killer disease, you don't take chances. Tam's boyfriend's boss and wife are anti-vaxxers too - idiots. Sorry that the Delta variant is flourishing with you are (USA I presume?) Thank heavens we have quiet places to get out to round here, and I can get the shopping delivered.

  4. So sorry to hear about Tam and her boyfriend - hope they both fully recovered now. It must have been an anxious time for you.

    I don't like hot weather either and it is way too hot for me and humidity makes my asthma a lot worse too. Beautiful photos of your lovely countryside and great to see the Brimstone Moth.

    Take care.

    1. They're seeing one another tomorrow, just for a couple of hours. She's been back to normal today.

      Our walk wasn't too hot, but off to bed now as I was up at 4.30 ish - my body clock is up the creek. Lots of butterflies today but not biddable enough to settle for positive IDs.

    2. Glad Tam feels ok now. In Herefordshire now (hot here too!) Tried to do a Big Butterfly Count here yesterday but had ssame id problems. Just flying past so Fast!!

  5. We've had 36C and smoke from the forest fires. Feels a bit like hell here.

    1. Gosh, that sounds like hell indeed. Keep safe from the fires.

  6. Are vaccines not available for younger people? Poor Tam! *80-ish here with a nice sea breeze, tho humidity is around 94%.



    1. Yes indeed, Tam has had both hers, with the 2nd one two weeks before J was infected. Our other two children have just had their 2nd jabs last week, thank heavens, so will have protection.

      It's going to be 84 here today, and humidity at the moment is 95 (feels like it to my lungs) and dropping to 49 at the hottest part of the day.

  7. So sorry to read about Tam and her boyfriend. Hope they are both feeling better and that you are lucky and don't get anything. Lovely photos.

    1. She's gone off to see him this afternoon, looking like a million dollars. He is one lucky man!

      Glad you enjoyed the photos.
