

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Roses all the way - quick garden roundup


Here's one I planted earlier!!  Theo amongst the Lavender last week.

The Paul's Himalayan Musk has faded now it's been out a while, but what a treat to the eye it is.

Beautiful Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

Above and below: The Lark Ascending, although the light doesn't show the warmer peachy colours of it.


The Lady of Shallot.

Boscobel.  A stunner.

Gabriel Oak, taken just now, in morning light.  The colour looks deeper later in the day.

The beautiful globe-shaped buds of Raubritter.

Sadly, this first bloom on Bathsheba was spoilt a little by yesterday's rain.

The reverted climbing rose, surrounded by Lavender, a Golden Marjoram, and some Gladiolis, and Salvia "Rose Queen".

The Herbaceous border is nearly there - just a couple of feet either end to be dug and planted.  There are 5 or so Hardy Geraniums out there now too.

Digitalis Foxlight "Ruby Glow".  Again, early morning light does little for the intensity of the colouring.

The first Nasturtiums flowering (planted v. late).

A new visitor to the garden.  At first glance I thought he was Melanistic (e.g. with a white head) but it turns out that the poor old chap has just lost all his head feathers.  I think he's pretty elderly aas he has a very long beak.

Life carries on as usual here, with a couple of worries in the background which I don't wish to share at the present.  I am Keeping Busy so as not to dwell on them.

I'm about to try and finish the Roman Blind for the Library, now that the rodding for it has finally arrived (10 days or so later than predicted delivery date).

We have had  a quote for the electrical work now, so I will confirm acceptance today - though it's going to be October before it can be done.  The replacement loo for the grotty one in the en-suite has arrived, and we have ordered the new bathroom.  The tiles for it have also arrived and are stacked in the Utility room, making space an issue.  It will be another month or so before the main bathroom will be done anyway, so we'll have to be patient. Yesterday I ordered the wallpaper for Tam's bedroom, whilst it was at a good sale price.  Today I need to contact a local carpenter about replacing the cords in the sash windows. So, it's all go here.  I won't do any wallpapering until the wiring has been sorted out, but I can at least get busy again with the paintbrush in our bedroom and the several other rooms which need painting.

Have a Happy Wednesday.


  1. Is it the Himalayan Musk you gave me a cutting of , it has flowered fantastic the past couple of years

    1. If it's pinky, then it is, but if it's creamy-white then it's the one which grew originally in Gelli-Aur. I had a cutting from friends who had been given the original cutting. It's a Banksia rose and grows mightly, like the PHM does.

  2. What a garden, beautiful roses.

  3. What a garden, such beautiful roses.

    1. Thank you hart - I made good choices. There are still a few I am waiting on to flower and when I go to the David Austin roses site, I think, oooh, want that, and that, and that, and . . . so there WILL be more! Tuscany Superb next I think - I hated leaving that one behind at my old home.

  4. So many delightful roses, but I do think you are right about the Boscobel--a stunner. Glorious colour.

    Feel for you on the reno issues--especially finding space to stack/store things. I keep moving things around the house trying to find the places to keep items from tripping me up. And I'm not sure I'll ever find all the things I've tucked things away once all the work is completed.

    1. Well, we took delivery of the new bathroom today and it took up less room than we expected, once we got the smaller things out of the huge box! Now to wait for the plumber.

      Things are more difficult here as our eldest daughter is living with us at the moment, so we have all HER things too! and she's taking up a spare bedroom. Never mind, it will all come out in the wash.

      Hoping you find the things you have tidied away (still looking for some of mine).

  5. Replies
    1. Wish I could show you round personally Miki.
