

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 2 September 2021

At full gallop


Isn't this hanging basket gorgeous?  I shall aspire to something like that next year . . .  This was in Hay this morning.  We didn't linger, as we have MUCH TO DO - having rashly got a last-minute booking for an outside pitch at the BIG Builth Wells Antique Fair and Fleamarket.  I also rashly purchased a last-minute gazebo with sides, but I am glad to say that has been delivered today as requested.  Just hoping that it has instructions with it and it goes up easily!  We will find out on the morrow.

Anyway, it is going to be a very hectic few days so you won't be hearing from me until afterwards.  Meanwhile, I will leave you a photo taken in Hay this morning of a young lady and her wheelbarrow - her boyfriend was wheeling her about in it . . .  I remember those days when you thought you were Really IT and Ultra Cool!!  I'm afraid at my age I looked at her and sniggered . . .  


  1. You're right--the hanging basket is gorgeous...the girl being pushed around in a wheelbarrow (assuming she is able-bodied) is just tiresome. Must be getting old. All I can think is how inconvenient it is for folks to get around them. Best of luck selling at the fleamarket! Hope the weather cooperates.

    1. I just hope they haven't stuck us up the Gypsy end with just the fence beyond us, as we were so late booking. Ah well, we'll see.

      Weather forecast seems to point to dry with some sunshine. Just right. I did a check on the entry road today and found it was the one I thought. The other was where the animal entries come in for the Royal Welsh show and it was blocked by concrete boulders.

  2. It's always such a pleasure to see a full, well tended hanging basket. I can confirm that to keep them looking like that takes dedication and hard work, daily!

    1. I am probably death to hanging baskets then - struggling enough keeping the hanging strawberry basket going!

  3. So good to hear you are doing a Fair. Hope the weather stays fine for you and people flock to buy!

    1. I'm partly looking forward to it and partly dreading it. My subconscious is worried as I am having my scary Covid dream again. I shall be sitting outside but watching people with my stock (having lost stuff on a couple of occasions in the past).

  4. What a gorgeous hanging basket. I don't get anything that awesome in mine.

    God bless.

    1. I think the basket has to be a big one to have a really good display.

  5. The hanging basket is gorgeous. Good luck with the Fair and I sniggered too over the wheelbarrow!

    1. Isn't it? Thank you for the Good Luck thoughts and let's hope some of the, ahem, larger things sell. WHY did I buy a big Chinese vase that I didn't even like? It was OK in the larger rooms of our old house but here it has been stuck in the corner of our bedroom, glowering at me, and I want it to GO! Ditto the heftier of two plant stands we no longer need. Only one would fit in the car and is going to be priced CHEAPLY.

  6. Ah, I remember those brash days of my youth when being sniggered at was seen as a thumbs up at the establishment - when did I grow up? (Oh - I haven't - I have just grown older...groan!!)
    The hanging basket is definitely eye candy and worth giving it a go next year 😊

    1. I was never one to kick over the traces when young - didn't have the confidence I suppose.

      The hanging basket will - I fear - just be a figment of my gardening hopes and aspirations. I have big enough baskets here though so SHOULD give it a try.

  7. OOOOOOOhhh! I want to go to a sale with you!!!

    1. We walk miles and miles at Fairs. Yet I have put ON weight from all the quick meal options and chocolate bars for energy.
