

Jennie's recipes

Monday 18 October 2021

A stroll round Ludlow Antiques Market


We heard that there was an Antiques Market in the marketplace in Ludlow a couple of times every month, so we thought we would check it out.  I thought I had the mastery of the sat-nav element on my phone, but it would appear not, so we had to wing it, and found that the nearest car park was just yards off the market square.  Above is the ancient pub (I think it's been trading constantly since 1300) where we went for a birthday meal once.  Such events take more planning now.

Apologies for the sparseness of the photos of the beautiful architecture in Ludlow.  There will be more another time.  

Down a little alleyway, you  can glimpse the market.

Just one of the stalls.  This one having mostly jewellery.

Apparently this shop has everything "on trend".  Must concentrate on rusty things a la Drew Pritchard.  I can see where I have gone wrong down the years!!

I managed some gardening when I got back.  It took me ages (and an aching back) to get the two pond covers joined together (ours is a big pond under a VERY big beech tree,) but 'tis done now.  I put a few more bulbs in - I had been soaking some Anemone corms so those are now in pots in the yard.  I thought I would plant the spare well-grown Anemone "Rose Shades" I had in a pot, up in the big hole in the Bank where I had dug out the poisonous-to-cats Lilies.  I thought to dig a little deeper and then found even more roots and corms so had to take a mattock to them, and I'll need to go deeper yet.  Perhaps not today though as I am aching too much from yesterday's bending.  

I finished Dark Tides yesterday, so today I will chose a new book from my pile and share it with you tomorrow.


  1. When I lived in London back in the 1980s, my parents were there as well. They collected antique prints, eventually starting a small side business although really a hobby that got out of control. They used to go to antique markets, one my father particularly enjoyed was called a "step in" market. It moved locations, I don't recall how often. It had a lot of junk but fun to sort through! Celie

    1. Hi Celie. I know what you mean about sorting the wheat from the chaff - Malvern Fleamarket's like that, and you never know what will turn up! We have a lot of pictures surplus to requirements now we have moved and have fewer walls to hang them on. We'll just be keeping our favourites and rehoming the rest.

      I'm sure you enjoyed going along with them to the "step in" market.

  2. Lovely to see Ludlow and your photos. It looks much quieter than when we went and well done on finding that car park - we failed!!! Rusty type stuff seems very in vogue at the moment!

    1. It's literally behind the market stalls. Row of white-topped shops to the right (last one was Pizza Express, assume it still is) and there's a little narrow lane.,-2.7206517,3a,75y,22.56h,81.83t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6MOYJ5arOj5-UE5BCukDoA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

      I blame Drew Pritchard for the rusty stuff (I call them Grunge Antiques). Sooner or later the scales will fall from people's eyes and they will realize they just paid an awful lot of money for absolute JUNK and as fashions will have changed, no-one will give them tuppence for it!

    2. P.S. Being town centre it soon fills up. We got there 9.30 and parked easily. We left 11ish and it was very busy then, so arrive early, especially on a weekday.

  3. Love the pictures. I love that alleyway. You sound so ambitious I need to get my over growth cut down but not today.

    1. Lots of atmosphere and fabulous architecture/listed buildings in Ludlow. I think we will be going regularly now and I'm happy about that.

      For ambitious substitute desperate!!

  4. How interesting that the pub has been open for that length of time. It looks like a lovely place for a meal and a drink.

    God bless.

    1. Obviously it started off smaller and a good bit more humble, but yes, 700 years on that site. You can't just stroll in since Covid of course, tables have to be booked in advance now.
