

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 10 October 2021

. . . . . and the bull got four faults!


Tired as a tiredy thing, as I woke at 2.30 with a nightmare (I was a mass murderer apparently, able to just "think people dead" if I didn't like them.  A bit hard to prove though. . .)  Anyway, after that I couldn't sleep, so it has been a very long day.  We had the sunshine at Malvern though and it was pretty hot when we left at lunchtime.  A few photos to show you what you missed.

This doll's house had a slight over-occupation tenancy problem . . .

One Zebra foal that didn't last long enough to make any impression on the gene pool.

This Swan ridge tile was very unusual.

Above and below - the same stand, where there are always lot of examples of the Sign Writer's talents.

The French corner - including an unusual made-by-the-farmer table for his wife, complete with hen hutch on the bottom.  Not far to reach for fresh eggs - or a chicken supper!

The inspiration for the Blog Title today.

Finally, I stopped on the side of the road on our way out to take the Autumn views across Worcestershire.

This unusual Victorian crown-topped lamp came home with us.  Now to do some research on it.


  1. All sorts of interesting treasures there.
    Hope the lamp has royal connections!

    1. I can't find another like it - yet. It's interesting anyway. Lots of china and glass and plain tat at the Flea too, as always.

  2. I'm always amazed at what shows up at antique fairs, having spotted two red roadworking warning lamps. Those ridge tiles are rather impressive, although not my thing I'm sure they'll find a perfect home. Are people social distancing and wearing masks at these fairs still, or not?

    1. Old lamps are often to be found - railway or roadworking ones, or ships' lamps (we have several of those). The ridge tiles will probably be a decorative item in a garden rather than on a roof.

      Social distancing - not really, but the stalls are set out much further apart than they used to be. There are pumps of hand gel about the place and those who want to wear masks., We always put them on to go inside the Sheds and the Avon Hall, but don't wear them outside as there is normally a good flow of air (half a gale sometimes!) and I would put my mask on only if standing at a stall to check anything for more than a minute or so. It's down to the individual. Malvern is of course in England. In Wales, you still have to wear masks inside the Covered areas.

  3. Panic-buying antiques! I like that idea.

    1. So do we - as long as we were on the selling end of things!

  4. A fine acquisition!
    A good day out too

    1. It was a great day out, and we're pleased with the lamp. It just had a candle in it, not wired for electricity.

  5. What a lovely lamp! I'm a sucker for old oil lamps etc. If I could I would put the tile on the roof - those are just beautiful

    1. We are too! Wait until you see (hopefully) the one we have earmarked for the kitchen. The Electrician's coming this week too, so not too long a wait.

  6. P.S. I thought those ridge tiles would look lovely in a garden surrounded by pretty plantings.

  7. What an interesting lamp. Hope your plans for it work out.

    Seeing some fall colours in those photos.

    1. It needs a piece welded on to hold the door shut.

      Autumn is later this year as we had such a cold and late spring.

  8. Those ridge tiles are very cool. I've never seen them here. I like your lamp as well. A taxidermied zebra??? My gosh. For variety, you can't beat the sales you hit!
