

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 4 November 2021

First Frost

 An early one too.  I will have to cut down the beautiful black leaves on the remaining Colocasia and dig it up to overwinter with its companions in the Utility room.  It was the only one which grew properly and has been stunning. I know more about growing them now and will plant a little deeper and earlier and not allow to dry out at all.  We had frosts into May this year (unheard of) so they didn't go in until nearly June.

I am glad that yesterday is over and done with.  I have had a somewhat stressful couple of days (tradesmen again) and yesterday I had to take Keith into Hereford to have his scan at the Hospital.  We knew the route as far as Currys, and had downloaded a Google map/directions for the last little bit.  We had to go to Currys anyway, as we needed a new answerphone.  Our phone answers but doesn't record messages any more.  With a nod to our increasing ages, we got one with larger buttons and a hearing-aid function.  It's been charging overnight so I'll change them over shortly.

       We worked out proximity of Morrisons (should we need to park there in future) but yesterday I wanted the peace of mind of being close to the Hospital to see Keith coming out after his appointment.  I sat in the car and began reading Woodston, the biography of an English Farm, by the excellent writer John Lewis-Stempel.  I was in the nearest car park and close to the entrance.  Phew.  You have no idea how I had blown this up out of all proportion, because I was stressed over getting the bathroom done (plumber's phone was turned off when I tried a few times.  Turns out he had to isolate).  He is such a good plumber he has been worth waiting for, but I wish he could have actually set a date instead of a vague, "mid-October".  I thought we were going to have to start all over again and lead times were, yes, another three months.  I have booked two companies to come and give a quote. Now I need to cancel them.

        Paying to get out was straightforward too (another unknown which had been worrying me). How have I come to this?  I once organized a Royal visit - from start to finish - to present the Queen's Award to Industry for the company I was temping for.  Now I get worried over leaving a strange car park!!  I will blame the strange times we are living in, and worry over Keith's health problems.

As we were driving past the end of the road, we turned off and drove to Breinton Farm Shop, as we have each time we've gone to Malvern Fleamarket recently.  They always have a goodselection of grown-by-them or Very Local heritage apples - I bought my favourite, Ashmeads Kernel, Breinton Delicious and Kent, and got Conferencepears for Keith.  They had Comice too, and he wants some of those next time we're near (which is soonish).

Finally, some photos of the spread for Monday, when one of my cousins and her husband came to visit.  The empty blue plate held a selection of Italian preserved meats once they got here but I forgot to take a photo then.  

Middle daughter G, who is a Cheese Hound, had a fabulous time at the Deli cheese counter, choosing lots of cheeses.  She went home with most of them, but we kept the Smoked Caerphilly, Lincolnshire Poacher and Cornish Yarg.  Yum!

Two different loaves, Tiger and Sourdough, and I baked a Tangy Lemon Cake (Drizzle by it's usual title) and also made a Quiche - it's got cheese pastry, and the filling was onion, bacon, and cheese.  Yummy.

The cheese pastry makes all the difference.  It was VERY short though, and the devil to roll out and I couldn't find the small flan dish I had before we moved, so probably had a rush of blood to the head and gave it to the charity shop!  (As in, "I never use this"!)

    Anyway, today we have sunshine, so Keith and I are off to Hay Market.   I must garden later . ..


  1. It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that workmen are vague and never come as promised.
    I do like your plates, deep enough to take a sauce or plenty of gravy! I think we've all had moments of madness, mine involved donating the wrong pair of shoes! An almost brand new pair of Clark's. Someone had a bargain. Hope you don't have to wait long for Keith's result.

    1. I know - I am someone who likes to know something is happening on such and such a day, at a specified time.

      The dinner plates are ones from Tesco's, years back. The blue and white one came from G, who had a plated take-home meal on it and was meant to return it but forgot . . .

      I may, of course, have put said flan dish in a box marked Car Boot Sale . . . we shall find out next year!

  2. Wouldn't be too hard on yourself about dithering over the car park situation. Considering all you have on your mind these days and the ever changing ways of the world, a little dithering is completely understandable. In my case, it would probably take the form of a little malediction. No saint here. :)

    Hope Keith's test results come in soon and that they provide some clues to his health issues--fixable ones, please!!

    1. Yup - fixable ones, I agree with you on that.

      I was just properly wound up yesterday, and indeed, wine has been drunken again tonight. I needed it. Another night's sleep and hopefully balanced again tomorrow.

  3. Your spread looks delicious, Bovey!! And trips to the doctor are always yucky, no matter how far you go or the day you go. I can sympathize. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. Indeed it was appreciated.

      At least I know the way to Hereford Hospital now, and how to get out! Did NOT enjoy that drive back though.

  4. First frost here also--farewell to the nasturtiums. I can tie myself in knots over the necessity to drive a certain route, enter a 'round-about'--even imagining ahead of time how some appointment will go--which is, of course, never how things work out. I'm sure its something to do with the way some of us are 'wired.'

    1. Anxious by nature perhaps. I certainly got myself all wound up about nothing, and hopefully any other appts. there will be earlier in the day. I am also volatile in the anger department, but then once I've blown my top, I am back to normal. Usually (not yesterday when Tam deeply upset me).

      Our Nasturtiums didn't grow particularly well this year but the yard is south-facing so a bit arid. I will plant them in cooler spots next year. My new seeds have arrived and I am looking forward to seeing them flower next year.

  5. I hope Keith gets his results soon. I've found too I get in a state about going to strange places and finding a car park and paying. I was in a dreadful dither when we went to Worcester recently! I don't think its helped by the fact that I haven't been out or driven so much since pandemic started. There again in my case could be an age thing!!! I get anxious these days about anything!!

    Food looks delicious - love buying cheeses and heritage apples :)

    1. I'll be alright next time, now I know where I'm going and the protocol. I think you need to build your confidence up by jaunts out, and going into small quiet shops for instance. I know the first time we had to use a loo earlier this year (after the lockdown was lifted), Tam and I were in a state because it was the one in Hay (lots of different people visit there) and there were no paper hankies - it was a blow dry hand wash thing - all those germs blowing around!! But we washed and drip-dried :)

      Glad you liked the look of the food. Cheese and apples - a perfect meal.

  6. So pleased that you managed the trip to Hereford and hope that Keith gets some results soon. I share all the same worries as you re new journies and parking etc.
    Loved the food pictures (also all the lovely pics from Dolgellau recently).
    Sorry to hear about the stressful tradesmen.
    Wendy (Wales)

  7. Hi Wendy. We have to be patient over the results. He has up and down days - he's been in the car a lot today, but then when we got home, rather than being bent double, he was walking WELL! We will have to see. Praying it is the effect of 16 mths of steroids wearing off . . . BUT it does look like circulation problems are involved too.

    It seems everyone has Tradesman Stress, so I am not alone! Now I have the plumber and the heating engineer here in the same week!

  8. My tradesmen stress is wondering when Harvey will start work on a project. However we are reaching the age when this will change. Some things are just getting beyond us both.

    Your spread of food is awesome.

    God bless.

    1. My sympathies over reaching the stage we're at - can't do things any more. Keith is a good teacher though and Tam and I can do the jobs he used to, though we're getting a professional in to do the bathroom tiling. That's a job Keith used to do, but can't any more. Still, it's a one-off.

      The food did look nice and went down well. I forgot to make a big Cheese Scone - it's cut into 8 slices and is quickly made. Another time perhaps. I'm sure my cousin and her husband will visit again, and her sister is going to come and stay next year.
