

Jennie's recipes

Friday 26 November 2021

What a difference!


A male Greater Spotted Woodpecker on the feeder this morning.  I always love seeing them visiting. Yesterday I counted over 20 Blue and Great Tits at the feeders, plus more on the ground and the Chaffinches have come back from summering in the wild wood.

K and I saw the GP yesterday and had the results of the scan explained.  Basically, pretty well just typical aging.  He has some blood pressure pills to try for a week and see if they help his circulation.  Then the chiro on Monday, who, RR, used to lecture on BPPV (the crystals in the inner ear problem). Fingers x'd it may be that!

As I said in my last post, I had HAD ENOUGH of those hideous "picture frames" on our bedroom wall. Keith provided me with several chisels which I hammered underneath the inside of the frames and managed to prise them off, though they were reluctant as they had been nailed on, stuck on and then plastered up to.  fortunately just a couple of small holes through the plasterboard which were easily dealt with by our competent tiler and plasterer.

Before . . . and after.  WHAT a difference.  The room looks so much larger.  £80 well spent.

The bathroom is almost finished.  Just waiting for the loo to be fitted and everything that needs taps, having them fitted, and the shower put up.  The plumber was here briefly yesterday, just long enough to fit the sink.  Didn't speak to us at all.  According to the tiler, the plumber will be here tomorrow.  ANOTHER day when I will have to set the alarm, just in case he's here early.  His communication skills are fairly low key, I have to say. I won't show photos until it's completely finished, but the tiling looks amazing - bright and cheerful.


  1. Those frames really were an odd idea - I agree ,better gone.

  2. I loathed them! SO glad they are gone and just want to get on with finishing decorating in there. This weekend I think I will try some wallpaper under the walls I've painted thus far. Once this is finished I can get on to the awful Hot Pink bedroom . . .

  3. I love woodpeckers - always a joy to see them, though they are quite nervous and skittish birds despite their size.
    And yes - a bargain at £80!

    1. Definitely money well spent! The woodpecker is here daily, and he and the resident Jay make inroads into the fat balls. I put out 6 - 9 each day (have two fat ball feeders in the main area and another feeding station on the Bank.)

  4. We are so pleased that you have had some news about your husband's health and that it is looking so much better. Loved that pic of the Blue Tit and Woodpecker.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Hi Wendy. It was good to have it explained. I counted about 20 Blue and Great Tits at the feeders but there are more coming and going - they go too fast to count.

  5. Happy to read that the holes were not too bad at all. I bet the room looks bigger.

    God bless.

    1. The room looks so much wider now. Can't wait to get painting in there again, and get it finished.

  6. Pleased to hear you have had the results of the scan explained. I do hope it is worth exploring the crystals in the ear - I know it made a huge different to OH's balance once they were re-aligned. Good too to hear of progress in the ongoing work and look forward to pictures of bathroom when complete :)

    1. Well, without your mentioning it, I'd never have known, but apparently it's quite common as other people have mentioned it since. Fingers x'd! It would make SUCH a difference.

      You and me both, looking forward to a completed bathroom. I left another message for him today as his phone is permanently on voice-mail. This one more curt than yesterday.
