

Jennie's recipes

Monday 15 November 2021

What having no bathroom looks like

 I was up early this morning (and of course slept badly last night so had only just dropped off again when my alarm went off at 6.30).  I needed to get the last of the things out of the bathroom (e.g. stuff we had used the night before) and the bath scrubbed clean where the non-slip mat had been.  Not that it really mattered as the bath itself was disgusting with stains that just would NOT come off, though I had tried and tried.

The chaps to install our new Worcester Bosch boiler were due to arrive 7.30 - 8.  They arrived at 20 past and were gone by half past because someone had ordered the wrong boiler . . . NOT ME!  So it will probably be another week before we see them, but at least we still have a working central heating system.  I was a little perturbed that this had happened, but of course it wasn't the engineers' fault but I did expect an apologetic call and an update from the company, which wasn't forthcoming.  When I phoned up this afternoon to see the state of play, the lass was very apologetic and said she would let me know as soon as the replacement was in and let me know when it could be fitted.  I don't know about you, but when I was a secretary I would have phoned the customer up to explain what was happening (and to say sorry), but Tam says things aren't like that these days and the poor girl probably has to combine lots of different jobs. 

This was the state of play when the Plumber and his mate left - an afternoon's work ripping everything out.  I think the stripe up the centre of where the bath was is where they moved the Pink Bedroom wall.  (It widens out there and then there's an approach where it narrows. I think this may well have been where the original staircase came up.  They are back tomorrow and everything starts getting put back in. Meanwhile we are left with the en-suite shower with its extra-sensitive meld of hot and cold (it is VERY specific to a particular millimetre on the control.  The little triangular sink is in a corner of the Guest bedroom and not easy to get to to shave or clean your teefs.  Washing your hands there is bad enough.  So, a few days of making do before we can luxuriate in a bath which doesn't feel like it's lined with coarse sandpaper. OH AND WE DO HAVE A TOILET IN THE EN-SUITE!  I think some of you were worried we were going behind a bush in the paddock!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, in the en-suite. It was a replacement job we had done back in September.

  2. As long as there is an indoor toilet?......

    1. Yes, I've just added that to my post! No need for a human litter tray!!

  3. I don't envy you one jot. I will be facing this soon, and it's not easy if you don't have a second bathroom. Mind, 10 days without hot water I might just as well have not had a bathtub! I agree, in my day we would have phoned the customer and ingratiated ourselves with apologies. Good luck! It will be worth the inconvenience, I'm sure.

    1. We have the en-suite with the very sensitive shower, and whilst not ideal, we do at least have a separate set of "facilities" and it's not for long.

  4. Dear me it looks a mess, a slight giggle at the wrong boiler, but it will eventually all come together with a new bathroom and new bath. The joys of moving!

    1. Well, perhaps for the best as they may have been tripping over each other yesterday with two lots of workmen carrying bits of duff equipment out.

  5. I hope you have better luck with Worcester than we had - when it all goes right they are fine - as soon as things go wrong they were a nightmare. In the end I replaced with a different boiler. Mind you, modern boilers are so much better all round

    1. We had one at our old house and it was brilliant. Hoping for similar things here. A friend has a repair/replace contract with them and reckons they've had a whole new boiler down the years! Don't know if that's good or bad or a recommendation for signing up with them!!

  6. Ha! Went through the replacing of bathrooms this summer. Two of them. Thankfully, not at the same time. Have quite a few before photos that look like yours. We did replace one cast iron bathtub with a large, glass enclosed shower (better for aging bodies--as I discovered when I had ankle surgery some years ago--it was agony for months--trying to come up with enough strength to lift my other leg over the tub). However, in the second bathroom, we had the cast iron bathtub reglazed. Fellow did an excellent job. Looks and feels like new. Good luck with the boiler situation. These days it seems like getting the wrong materials for renovations is almost a guarantee. :(

    1. Oh, this wasn't a casual decision. Entire bathroom had HAD IT! Ancient tiles, sink kept blocking, loo a good flusher but the bowl didn't respond to bleach (which hasn't done the septic tank any favours either), and the CI bath was truly awful. When I was a working gal, things like supplying the wrong heating boiler were just NOT ON. I am amazed at the way things are done in this day and age, truly amazed - and NOT impresssed!

  7. I can remember when we redid our bathroom. It is not something that I would ever do again unless absolutely necessary.

    I hope you get your new boiler very soon.

    God bless.

    1. Dear Jackie, It was truly Absolutely Necessary! New boiler due next Tuesday. Plumber due back???? He didn't turn up today!
