

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 8 December 2021

The Reveal . . .

 Confident that my children rarely look at my blog, and T is with her boyfriend until Storm Barra lets up and she can return through the mountain pass tomorrow, so even less likely to look at my blog, I shall share my hard work with you, and blimey it truly HAS been hard work.  My lower back and hips are very sore and I had to take painkillers in the night as the pain was stopping me sleeping.  The joys of getting old - and not wanting to pay someone to do the job you can do, albeit slowly. So here we are, the papering around the sink area has been finished . . .  I absolutely LOVE it. Glad I went with my gut feeling on that (children's) wallpaper.

The mirror we planned to relocate there (a lovely Art Deco family piece) may well be too heavy to put on the plasterboard wall.  We may be able to suspend it from the picture rail but it would mean a very long chain (:  So, we may need a Plan B.

Here on the opposite wall is the calm-it-down paper, a textured one with champagne colours and the texture on it makes it almost look like a misty scene. It reminds me of the winter sun on the bleached moor grass on the hills around here.  There are some more golden streaks (which you notice when in the bath) and the tiny bits of glitter twinkle like particles of frost.  If only I knew how to fit lino, I could finish the room myself!

I am now resting, and the steak and kidney casserole I put in the slow cooker at lunchtime smells divine!

I hope that no-one suffered from Storm Barra, although Tam is at Aberystwyth and sent me some photos of the Prom being half-destroyed overnight.


  1. It goes so well with the tiles - well done on getting finished.

    I think the prom at Aberystwyth has seen so many storms it's amazing it's still there at all

  2. Thanks Sue.

    The Prom at Aberystwyth hasn't been done over quite this thoroughly since 2014, apparently. The Council Tax will be going up as we speak!!

  3. Absolutely love it. We are finishing up bathroom renovations so I feel your pain, and joy when you start on the pretty stuff.

    1. I have been deprived of wallpaper for over 35 years Susan - OH doesn't like it particularly. Tough! This has been a joy, putting colour into this house.

      Bet you're glad your bathroom renovations are at an end as well.

    I adore the wallpaper. What fun.

    1. Thank you my dear. So do I. I've never gone overboard with a pattern like that before.

  5. Lovely paper..and goes so well with the tiles!!

  6. A most excellent choice upon the wallpaper m'dear, absolutely loving it.
    I can definitely relate to jobs getting harder as age creeps upon us, but doing the job yourself certainly makes up for the aches n pains with that sense of satisfaction, Oh and of pennies saved of course!

    1. It's a busy enough pattern to hide the bits that went wrong. I measured the depth of the wall, added a bit for safety, and assumed every bit would be the same. No. So a couple of bits were nearly half an inch adrift and I had to jiggle aa cut piece to match behind to fill the gap. I know where they are but you'd have to be told to really see them. Phew.

      I am indeed VERY satisfied (I last did wallpapering half a lifetime ago!) So glad everyone loves the paper. Eldest daughter wanted the plain one I used on the other wall, so it didn't detract from the tiles. It looked insipid. This makes the tiles zing.

  7. Its been many years since I wallpapered--its fiddly work--and I hear you about the vital inch or so difference in height from one part of the wall to the next. I remember adding a bit behind to fix the gap. It is very difficult to reach a point where one must pay to have work done that we could do for ourselves--I'm quite sure I wouldn't have it in me to paint another house.

    1. Fiddly indeed (see leopard comment below!). The decorating I am doing now is going to be IT - no more after this. It will stay as I've done it now until Doomsday! The Hot Pink bedroom will be next after the bathroom and our bedroom are finished.

  8. I'm so envious of your wallpapering skills. I have tried it, but am never pleased with the results. Nice job (and I understand completely why your body is making you pay for it tonight).

    1. I am remembering all the "how I went wrong before" bits now!! I got in SUCH a pickle with a piece cut the right length downstairs which was half an inch too short upstairs in the room! It was a bit going into and around a corner too, and jiggling the bottom half of of leopard into place, with paste everywhere! had me cussing :)

  9. A bathroom is one of the most difficult places to wallpaper. So fiddly. All those pipes and pieces to fit around. Great job.

    1. I was pleased with an upper bit (where it merges into the woodwork) but know where I bodged a bit at the top (cut too short) and the bottom elsewhere - extra strip of leopard needed. It doesn't pay to carry on when you are tired.

  10. I just love that wallpaper :) OH has fitted lino at home. Not sure how he does it but you certainly need a sharp craft style knife to cut round the edges.

    1. We have the sharp craft knife - even putting THAT together was a mental challenge and you needed a PhD in Craft Knives to put the blardy thing back together again once you had to undo it to extract a blade. Keith used to do it, but now can't and I don't want to screw up trying it myself as the are lots of little wonky bits around the bath and pedestal.

  11. That wallpaper is so very striking and goes very well with the tiles.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. The pale one was meant to go up there but it did nothing for the tiles.

  12. I so agreed with you about getting older and not wanting to pay someone to do jobs you always did yourself. With me its the decorating and gardening - am trying to keep up with it as long as possible! So sorry about the aches and pains but you can now admire how lovely it is all looking.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. It does stick in the craw Wendy! Especially when you can't get anyone here for 6 mths and/or they try and rip you off, assuming old = stupid! All the tradesmen we had in Carms were so reliable and Steve, who did so much work on the house, was a family friend, kept bees on our land etc too.

      I gave up before I really started aching yesterday so slept ok last night, and today I ended up with a "day off" except I was doing other things instead.
