

Jennie's recipes

Monday 13 December 2021

When your brain isn't in residence


OK, can someone turn Christmas off please?   Another night with very little sleep as I was frightened to sleep in case I woke up choking and unable to breath again, and I'm so tired I don't know my behind from my elbow.  I've found a gift I ordered and then cancelled because I thought I'd already bought it, wasn't already bought and needs to be ordered again . . .  I can't remember what I have bought for anyone as I've lost the list with it on.

The Christmas tree is in the living room, but not too keen on staying upright because a screw on the holder has rusted through and just goes round and round, so it's had to have card jammed down there. I have not one IOTA of energy to go up to the attic and bring the lights and decorations down.  At the moment, it can just be part of the greenwood for Christmas. In fact, I may give in and have a small fake tree in future, and I never thought I'd hear myself say THAT.

The car is at the garage having it's MoT (WHAT possessed me to book it in at 9.15 a.m.?)  I asked initially for a new battery and an oil change, and then this morning they asked if it was having a service and I said yes, so the bill will be much bigger and I am kicking myself.  Keith said it needed a service anyway, but we could do without the bill right on Christmas.

I've got chicken out for tea, but for all I care it can stay raw.  I have to have a big tidy up as the carpet people are coming in the morning to quote.  I just want to crawl into bed and sleep.

Do you have days like this?  Yeesh, let's hope tomorrow is better.


  1. You definitely have my sympathy. I bought my Christmas tree this morning - all 15 inches of it, including pot. One string of tiny white star lights from 2 years ago is more than enough decoration.
    I hope you have a good night's sleep and a better day tomorrow. Hugs x

    1. Oh Beacee, I could cope with a tree that size!!

      I HAD to have a nap on the sofa, but it was interrupted after 20 minutes by the garage phoning us to say the car was ready. . .

      I intend to sleep better tonight but my asthma is bad, so the jury's out . . .

  2. Sounds like you need a good night's sleep and some 'down time' to recover - hope things feel easier/better tomorrow xx

    1. Thanks kj. I just want a couple of days where nothing's happening, but that won't be until Thursday.

  3. Just catching up Monday evening, so hope you are feeling better by now. I love that wallpaper, and yes, a tiny amount of damage in the storm - the felting off our small shed, so easily replaced.

    1. Well, I am half-inclined to reach for the emergency steroids, but will try a stronger anti-histamine first (it worked in the night). It is mould spores, deep in my lungs, from walking and breathing fast on Saturday. Hoping I can crack it with the stronger anti-histamines.

      Glad you had little storm damage.

  4. Sounds like a day to forget as quickly as possible.
    Hope you feel 100% better tomorrow

  5. Sounds like most of my days of late m'dear, hopefully tomorrow will be a better one for you.

    1. Oh John, that doesn't sound enjoyable. Chin up. Nearly the shortest day now.

  6. Days like that can be classified as 'head bangers.' Its usually when we are already tired/stressed that annoying things accumulate. After coping with such I merely want to go in a corner with a book, a cat, a mug of tea--and snarl viciously at anyone or anything that demands more of me!

    1. Absolutely Sharon. I just wanted to crawl under a quilt and SLEEP. Ican't imagine you snarling viciously my dear! Me - YES!

  7. Hope you are feeling a bit better cold wise and sleep wise. Sorry for late comment just catching up on blog posts. I seem to be having a lot of days like yours recently. Christmas always seems to produce so much extra work and trying to fit everything in becomes a nightmare! I think with me being older too means I haven't got the energy I had when younger!!

    1. Hi RR. I've caught up on my sleep now. Not much energy here, I have to say. Still, it's our first Christmas in our new home so we need to celebrate that.

  8. Oh yes. I've been working 10 hour days, 8 on Saturday. I'm so tired, I just want to curl up and sleep until I wake up

    1. Oh Debby, that's not good for anyone. I bet you are exhausted. When can you pull up the drawbridge and REST?
