

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 23 December 2021

With the Winter Solstice at our backs


Isn't this a Gone With the Wind sky?  I was fortunate to notice the first glimmer of a wonderful post-Solstice sunrise yesterday and shot outside to take a few photos.  It was cold and frosty, but worth it.  Of course, this was the best photo and taken inside, from the pink bedroom. I should have cleaned the windows first!


Finally I can share the x-stitch picture which I finally finished for my friend G.  I hope she likes it.  I admit to being glad to get to the end of it as when you sew with two greens just one shade apart, it sends you cross-eyed!  The dark green trees on the right were an area I made an error with a couple of years back and I could not make sense of what I had sewn (and left) and the chart, so I abandoned the chart and bodged them - not too badly I hope.

        Yesterday I did some baking - a Boiled Fruit cake with crushed pineapple in, which is a great last minute Christmas cake (sans icing).  I also made my Manderin Orange Cake but wasn't paying attention and used the plain flour which was out - it needs Self Raising.  Still edible just not very sponge-like!!

        Tam has had her booster jab, and the other two are booked in today and tomorrow for theirs. Tam's had her glands come up under her arm, but that is a common reaction as those are the lymph nodes closest to the injection site and their reacting is a sign that the immune system has kicked in.    The same thing often happens with Flu.  Keith and I, being elderly, just had sore arms as at our age we have less of an immune system to make a fuss with! 

        Keith's Physio visited again yesterday and they went through the exercises he needs to do to develop his muscles again.  He had Keith doing things which I thought he would just not have been able to do, which gives hope . . . He has to do his exercises 3 times a day and we see Daniel again in the New Year.

        Well, I shall wish you all Merry Christmas now, as I am sure we are all going to be quite busy over the next few days.  Keep safe, and stay happy.


  1. Your cross stitch is lovely, I do hope it is well received. The sunrise photos are amazing, wow such a red sky, does that mean it was a wet day later on?

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas too.

    1. Yes, my friend did like it. We did have rain after that wonderful sunrise, but not too heavy.

      Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Hope you have the happiest Christmas time with your family Jennie. Safe and snug in a new home, that is something to be happy about. xxx

  3. Have a happy and safe Christmas in your lovely house.

    1. Merry Christmas to you too veg artist.

      So far this year there are so many things I always did and haven't, for the first time ever (that includes making a wreath). 2022 I will try and get my mojo back.

  4. Great sunrise. Red sky in the morning. Indeed. Pretty cross-stitch, too.

    Hope Tam isn't scheduled for a mammogram anytime in the next six weeks. Totally forgot I had my booster jab two weeks before mammo and ended up needing additional films a week later...because of swollen glands in my armpit. Supposedly this only shows up in about 10-15% of women getting a mammogram post-jab. My luck. Guess my elderly immune system forgot it was old. :)

    Hope you and the family are able to have a lovely Christmas. Take care.

    1. Hi Mary and Merry Christmas. Fortunately not - I should imagine that would be so painful. The glands are slowly subsiding anyway.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family! The cross stitch picture is beautiful. I really like your baking as it sounds so tasty. Such a lovely home you are creating. Thanks for sharing your life in the interesting posts. All the best in 2022! Judy

    1. Hi Judy. Glad you like the x-stitch picture. The house is slowly coming together in the style we like. Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022.

  7. Wishing you all a happy Christmas and new year x

    1. Thank you Beacee, and have a lovely Christmas yourself.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family too. Stay safe and well and enjoy those delicious sounding cakes.

    We had a super dawn a day or two back too! My son and daughter had booster too a week ago. Son still at home but daughter has to work with the general public so a relief she has had one and masks are now back in shops in England!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family too RR. Would you believe I am not feeling 100% and can't even face the thought of wine (and I LOVE wine!)

      Glad everyone has had their boosters (poor G is having hers today.)

  9. Thanks for another great blog. I don't if you noticed on my other blog that I am writing my horse and pony memoirs which in the beginning are around Kington and in Leominster as well as Cardigan.

    1. Merry Christmas Marlane. I will check out your other blog - your horsey memories sound interesting.
