

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 5 January 2022



The view from the bathroom window this morning.  These are the hills beyond the town, out past Hundred House, probably the hills around Crinfynydd, which is the highest spot in that direction.  There wasn't a great deal of snow and most of it had melted by late afternoon.  We had a few wet flakes here, evidenced on the car windscreens.

    I have had a very busy day.  Popped into town first thing for the paper (and my Homes & Antiques magazine was in too), to post a book off to Sue in Suffolk, and to get special rawlplugs for plasterboard so we could hang pictures on the wall behind the bed in our bedroom.

    Then it was compost caddy to be emptied, ditto litter tray, bird feeders to top up back and front etc. Then the kitchen floor needed mopping, and the bathroom was due a clean too. Chores done, I was able to get back to wallpapering, although I had to move half the bedroom furniture several feet away from the wall, and of course, move all the loose stuff from on top of side tables so I could move those.  

    I managed to get the heavy oak ex-Church fitting "headboard" off the wall myself.  Then it was 6 pieces and a sliver of wallpaper to match and cut, wall to paste for each bit, and trim to fit.  That is a LOT of going up and downstairs, measuring and marking wallpaper rolls, bending, stretching, being on knees etc.  I clocked up over 10,000 steps just with the upstairs and downstairs and round my lady's chamber! BUT it is now ALL done and so I can get on to finishing the corner of the bathroom with paper (as you go in) and start painting the Hot Pink bedroom at long last.  I think it will probably end up yellow with a gorgeous yellow wall paper I have seen but first I need to cover the pink with matt white as a base for the new paint.

There we are, final wall done.  Sorry the flash didn't go off.  I think I shall sleep well tonight!


  1. I definitely think you will sleep well, I’m knackered just reading about your day!

  2. I'm tired just reading about your exploits. No wonder you are shattered. Well done!

    1. Well, I must be getting fitter as I could only manage an hour of lugging furniture and papering the other day before I gave up.

  3. Sometimes I miss doing things to a house. But now I know I would suffer from painting a ceiling or even getting up and down on a step ladder. ( I can still ride a horse though) We bought our present house about 10 years ago and I have finished doing what I wanted to it. But now that we have a leaky roof I will have to paint some ceilings. I am hoping that I can match the "white" and not have to paint the whole thing.

    1. Well, when the decorating and the new kitchen's in, I shall rest on my laurels. We will employ someone to do the outside woodwork (currently painted chocolate brown, yuk!) as I'm no good up ladders.

      Ceilings I draw a line at due to arthriti in my neck (yup, you got it, afall from a horse many years ago started that off!)

  4. Good luck covering the pink, I've fought with pink and red in the past they are murder to cover with paint.

    1. Thanks Sue - you have filled my heart with joy with that remark!!! Ah well, we will have to see how it turns out - I do have a very large can of white emulsion.

    2. Haha ... oops, sorry!!

  5. Well done but you would probably flip me round the head for saying that. Your devotion to hard work and getting things done is admirable.

    1. Takes a bow! Keith was never the painter and decorator - he wouldn't allow wallpaper at Ynyswen (walls too wonky)and I painted every INCH of that house, from top to bottom, several times over. I will probably end up in the Decorators' corner of Heaven, instead of the horsey one!

      I work hard. I always have done. Never been one for sitting around. My late ma-in-law was lucky I didn't react when she told me "I didn't know the meaning of hard work" (because I never used to iron sheets), deeming clothing more important. Apparently she would be up till 2 a.m. doing the housework .. .

  6. Perhaps your magazine has wandered off with my shower curtain.

    You do a good job painting and wallpapering. I have gotten better at painting but I majorly suck at wallpaper. Perhaps you could give me lessons.
