

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 26 February 2022

A horsey walk start to the day


I noticed my friend P taking her horse B for a walk, so I decided to go and join her.  It  is such a lovely morning here - too good to waste.  I plan to be out in the garden later. Another 4 trees to plant.

B was pleased to have a bite of sweet grass from the vergeside, whilst P and I chatted.  

The view, as ever, was stunning.  We walked about a mile and then B powered up the hill, and I dragged myself up in his wake!

I discovered this book this week, and bought myself the cheapest copy I could find.  It was in tidy condition but then the dust jacket got ripped in the post when something heavy must have been put on top of this parcel and twisted.  It's still perfectly readable and I shall settle down with it later.  Just dipped in so far.

FINALLY, my expensive wallpaper arrived.  It took 6 weeks!  It is just as beautiful as shown.  I haven't decided which of the spare bedrooms to put it in yet.  Will ponder and get back to you.

Right, onwards and upwards.  I have filled several bags with Tam's kitchen stuff (sauces, packets, tins, spices etc) and there is still more in the fridge to go.


  1. Very windy here so gardening still on hold.
    Is the nasturtium linen fabric going on eBay any time soon, please?

    1. It was lovely first thing and now a fiercely cold wind has arrived. May work indoors today.

      I tried contacting you as per your blog link, and using your name/server etc but no good. If you send me your email details in a comment here, I will note and get rid of your comment so the whole world doesn't know it!

  2. Wow you live out in the stick from what I can see, I'm still trying to work out the area, it all looks similar there

    1. A couple of miles from Builth, towards that lovely little church. The perfect place to be.

    2. Found the place your fried with the horse was stood

    3. Oooh - a stalker!!! We made it to another localish church yesterday - another WOW onethough it was of course locked.

  3. While opening the package I sliced into the cover of a book I bought used. Painful.

    1. Oh dear. I do try to be careful. This was the bottom edge of the book. Glad I did't buy the dearest copy.

  4. I have 'View Envy'!!

    Love the wallpaper.

    1. Yes, we couldn't quite believe our luck - views everywhere and that was fairly near the top of my wishlist when we were househunting.

  5. Super wallpaper and the book looks very very interesting.

    1. I will have to be very very careful hanging this wallpaper. I'll have to wait until I have one of the family here, just to measure the lengths. Someone taller on the ladder would be beneficial too as I've shrunk in recent years.

  6. What a lovely wallpaper design.

    God bless.

  7. It's lovely to see how your house is coming along, you have a lovely style of decorating <3

    1. Hi Kim, lovely to see you again. Glad you like the choices we have made for the house. Two bedrooms and the kitchen to go yet, and we need to change the colour on the staircase which is another greyish mushroomish sort of yuk tone.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. It is good to get out in the sunshine!
    Looking forward to seeing that wallpaper on a wall!

    1. Me too, but there will be a lot of prep first, whichever bedroom it goes in.

      The sunshine was wonderful, and it really did feel like spring is near.

  10. Hi there, I don’t think I’ve commented on you blog before. A bit out of left field here, but I just read your comment about visiting your friend Pam for some jars. I’ve been quite worried about her as she hasn’t blogged for just over 12 months. I respect her right to live her life privately, I’d just like to know that she is alive and well. So, if there’s any way you can let me know how she is, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Even if she could write that she’s ok.
    Thanks so much. Cheers Emmbee.

    1. Hi Emmbee. Nice to meet you. The friend Pam I was talking about was a neighbour of ours where we used to live and doesn't have a blog. I am trying to think of the Pam you're referring to. Where did she live?

    2. I’m sorry I got that wrong. I thought I remembered you being friends with Pam from a New Life in Wales. She is the blogger I was thinking about. I’m not sure exactly where she lives. She does knitting and patchwork and mentioned shops further to the west over the Brecon Beacons from Builth Wells. I visited when I was there from Australia several years ago.

    3. Ahh, THAT Pam. Gosh, hadn't thought about her in a long time. I don't know why she stopped blogging, but know she had some health problems and so perhaps she has had to take life easy. She lived Ammanford way I think. Sorry I can't help with what happened to her but I hope she's still OK.

    4. Yes. That Pam. Thankyou for answering. I didn’t know where she lived. I stayed in a BnB in Builth Wells for 2 or 3 nights in 2018. I drove over the Black Mountain drive to Landeilo for the day to visit Debs Wool shop and the Flying Goose Quilt shop as she had mentioned them in her blog. I wanted to see part of Wales but didn’t know anyone or have any direction, so I just picked any random information I had and visited those places. I love wales. Thankyou again. Enjoy your new home. Cheers 🥂🍾

    5. I'm just outside of Builth. The Flying Goose Quilt shop is no longer there, but they live in the next village along from us and during Lockdowns were selling stock on the internet from their home.

      Glad that you loved Wales. We used to live just 10 miles from Llandeilo and went there regularly.

  11. I have to ask, why wasn't she riding the horse? Looks gorgeous the wallpaper, hang carefully.

    1. He's had the entire winter off and is an elderly horse, so she is just getting him used to having a saddle on again. She said she doesn't hurry anything, although he'd be perfectly fine if she just jumped straight on him once more.
