

Jennie's recipes

Friday 18 February 2022

After the Storm


This was a glimpse of tonight's sunset after Storm Eunice had been bothering Wales.  Fortunately it wasn't too bad where we are, as we are fairly inland (e.g. 1 hour and 1/4 inland!) but the red alert along the South Wales coastline meant many people followed advice and stayed at home, only making essential journeys.  None of the trains were running, which was probably just as well - Carmarthen railway station lost its roof!  Both the bridges across the Severn into (and out of!) Wales were shut, a couple of high-sided vehicles on the M4 were blown on their sides and it was not a good day to be out and about.  I see it was a tad breezy on the tip of the Isle of Wight too - recorded wind speed 122 mph.  Enough to suck your false teefs out! I hope everyone in the UK reading this is ok and didn't suffer any damage.  I know there were lots of fallen trees and thousands of people without power.

Meanwhile, the cats soon found out the snuggest places to be (Theo here).  

Tam has been interviewed for and got a job 2 hrs' drive away so will be moving to the coastal town where her boyfriend is. Several months ago I laughingly said to her about the decorating of her bedroom, and said, "You'll just finish it and move out" and blimey, that will come to pass. She is on the last half wall in her bedroom - one more coat of paint on the top and 3 half strips of paper across the bottom and it's done. Looking lovely too.  I will take a photo when it's finished.

Keith got his Blue Badge this week, so parking will be easier for us when we go out. (Many thanks to - was it Joan? - in Devon for her encouragement as I nearly gave up.)  There are only two Blue Badge places in town (by Boots the Chemist) and sometimes I have to drive round two or three times before any parking space becomes available, or else I have to drive up to the Main Co-op and park there and walk down.  Not ideal.  The medication for Keith's Hypothyroidism is taking its time to kick in but some days we have little glimpses of things improving.

Back tomorrow with a recipe for a toothsome Ginger Cake.


  1. I'm glad you took my advice because I've had a Blue Badge for a few years now and I ouldn't see much difference between Keith's balance and walking problems and mine. It will make trips out more pleasurable for both of you.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement Joan. By the time I'd written down his health problems, professionals seen, letters attached etc, it became obvious we had a "case" so to speak and they didn't even call him in to see how he walked.

      It will make life much easier. Now we're waiting for the OT girls to come out again - they had to cancel their last appt. because one of them had Covid.

  2. 122 mph winds???? Forget false teefs...i think that they could blow your real teefs out! I do love ginger!

    1. It does sound a tad brisk doesn't it?! You will enjoy this cake. We always have lots of ginger in the house - strips, chunks, powdered and fresh.

  3. Great that Keith's meds are kicking in. And that you get the blue badge...well to get the unbadged cars out of your spaces!

    1. Some day are better than others. I suspect he needs a higher dose as I think the balance and co-ordination problems he got wit the first BIG dose of steroids, knocked his Thyroid right out of kilter. So, we will have a chat with the GP - she will probably say wait before upping the dose. I hope not.

      You're right about the unbadged cars - noticed that in front of Boots here many a time.

  4. Congratulations on both getting the blue badge and to Tam getting the new job. Glad the storm in your area wasn't as bad as anticipated. Thankfully it wasn't too bad here either. Looking forward to the ginger cake recipe.

    1. Yes, all change in some ways. Whilst it has been lovely having Tam back at home, we need our own space again. Hope that you have tried the ginger cake recipe.

  5. I'm so glad he got his Blue Badge again, my Mum has just had hers renewed so she's fine for another couple of years. It makes a huge difference to being able to go out doesn't it.
