

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 13 February 2022

Today it rained a bit!! Llanddew Bishop's Palace


This is a picture of the River Cothi in spate.  We lived about 1/4 mile away (up a very steep hill!) but it always fascinated me how quickly the river would rise after heavy rain - and then when it stopped, levels stopped quickly  too.  It's probably like this tonight as we had a fair bit of rain, all day, today.

    Of course, it was a day when we went out to do a small Fair in Brecon, so I got wet when I was ferrying the boxes into the fair, then wetter when I parked the car up at Morrisons and walked back.  Then wet later when I went out for the paper and a drink.  Wet again loading the car.  Wet once more getting bird seed and suet balls from B&M bargains, and going back to Morrisons to quickly buy something I'd forgotten (cider for tonight!)  Then finally one more time when I visited a 13th C church just outside of Brecon to take photos.  Keith, sensibly, sat in the car through much of this! Fitbit total for today, 16,166 very wet steps!

Part of the wall of the Bishop's Palace where Gerald of Wales (Geraldus Cambrensis) spent many years.  He had a house here which he loved and never wanted to leave, but life gets in the way.

Bishop Gower's Well, c. 1340. There will be another post about the church and its history, but I don't want to have the churches all stacked up in one week!

I'm glad we're back in the warm and dry now anyway. roll on spring.


  1. Those 16k steps could be called The Soggy Shamble. :)

    1. You're not kidding. Because we knew it would be cold at the Fair, I wore my off-white duck-down jacket which started off looking clean, but by the time we got home looked very grubby round the sleeves so I will have to wash the bottom bits and the bit where the next-door horse put his muddy muzzle on my arm.

  2. I love your church posts. I really do.

    1. I'm really pleased you like them. I will fit a further post in soon.

  3. It has been wet - makes doing normal 'stuff' a bit more complicated doesnt it! The River Cothi looks rather full, we have a few round here that rise and fall rapidly as we are close to the moors and all the water rushes off the hills. Can be quite scary watching it creep up the banks at speed!

    1. Well, I used to get soaked regularly when I worked with horses, and when I had my own, so it's nothing new. You just get on with it really. I imagine it gets pretty waterlogged up where you are. ne of our neighbours lived right beside the Cothi, but living beside a river was never high on my list of "wants". As it was we had to pay flood insurance, even though we were 100 feet higher than the river but we had a titchy stream at the back of the house - very well sunken about 6 feet or so below ground level and the house had never flooded.

  4. What an interesting place to visit. Thank you for all the pictures.

    God bless.

  5. I enjoy your church posts as well! What is a titchy stream? I'm not familiar with the term, and the internet seems to think titchy relates to streaming technology. It has been very cold here, I'm staying indoors as much as possible. I await spring. Celie

    1. Hi Celie - the word "titchy" means small. There used to be a Comedian/music hall performer called Little Titch, so the term comes from that.

      We have sunshine today and birds singing, and the Storm From Hell about to hit the UK with winds up to 90 mph on exposed coasts. Time to hunker down now.

  6. You do find some super places to visit. I hope you have dried out now.

    1. Oh yes, I've been MUCH wetter than that especially when I worked with horses.
