

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 2 March 2022

I can't wait for tomorrow. . . .

 . . . .because I get some study time down at our Local History Centre, researching the history of our house, and the surrounding area.  I can't wait.  I have already done a fair bit using the Census records, Tithe Maps, later maps, BMD records for the parish, local newspapers, antiquarian books etc.  Now the LHC has a copy a new book about the houses in the parish which has come out and I can't wait to see what it says about our property.

Yesterday we had to go to the Tip and as we wanted to offload the old carpet from our bedroom (helpfully cut into strips) a.s.a.p. we decided we would go to Brecon, and also do the Grocery shopping there this week.  So Aldi and Morrisons got our trade.  I was very good and despite a quick look in the plant corner - where there were some very sorry looking plants that nobody had bothered to water - I came out plantless!  

    On the way back we went in search of St Matthew's Church, Llandefalle, which was a mile or so from the main road.  Well, we could see it, on the hillside above a beautiful manor house - the two are of course often in proximity to one another.  After driving up and down a bit - to get to higher ground to see if there was an obvious route it, we thought you must have to go up the Manor driveway and around the back.  I wasn't feeling in a mood to be dauntless though, so we came home and I checked it out online and saw a different approach, so we may try again in a few days.  BILLY BLUE EYES - is it one you've been to?  The views, above and below, were taken from a junction where we turned around.  A house was on the corner and what lovely views they enjoyed of the Brecon Beacons, even though Pen-y-Fan was wrapped in cloud yesterday.

The new bedroom carpet was fitted on Monday.  Originally we had been promised a two man team who would help carry furniture.  It was just as well that Tam and J carried the furniture OUT at the weekend, as only one lad turned up on Monday. Very helpful, and explained that the other chap was working for himself now.  We thought we had ordered a lighter more silvery grey carpet - and it had a felt backing.  This one didn't and came with underlay.  I will assume that the shop couldn't get the carpet ordered (we were told this sometimes happened).  Anyway, it is a GREAT improvement on the threadbare carpet that was there . . . but we shan't be using that carpet shop again. We tried to "keep it local" and it had been recommended.

Furniture, drawers too heavy to lift etc waiting to go back in.  Keith just about managed to take one end of the smaller drawer for his chest of drawers this morning, once I'd dragged it along the hall to our bedroom doorway.  The rest will have to wait until Tam is back at the weekend.

For my next post, another church visited (St Gwendoline at Llyswen).  It is certainly time to send up a few prayers for the people of Ukraine and the Russian soldiers unwilling to take part in a war they don't believe in - or support a megalomaniac psychopath.  He has committed war crimes - dropping cluster bombs and ghastly thermobaric bombs - and on the civilian population, targeting homes, hospitals and even schools.  That is  war by any standards.    


  1. The muted wall and floor colours show the quilt up well!

  2. Thank you. I finally hunted that quilt down -it had been missing since we moved!

  3. New carpet is always nice to get though the smell tens to linger a bit for a while, not that we have any on out place, wood and stone flooring. Not been to that particular church but it looks easy to get to and after following on street view I found a place to park just near the church. I have been to the other at Llyswen. here is a link for maps,0
    You can find some really old maps on it but from what I can see they don't go back that far for your area. Good luck in your search

    1. I hope you will be tempted to visit it next time you're down as it has quite a history. We plan to go to Llanfilo church, which is just across the dual carriageway (Brecon to Hay/Hereford) as that's in the same area and worth visiting too. Off to look up the maps link - many thanks Billy.

    2. Maps -great link. I had lost the 1888 one (couldn't remember the year) now I know how our house looked at its "biggest". Thank you.

  4. What a change--now complete--in your bedroom, a place to enjoy. Dresser drawers whether full or empty are a pain to get back in place. I always get them 'off track.'
    Don't we dislike seeing neglected plants--they should be sent home with us to recover.

    1. Tam's room is done now too. I have to wait until the weather is warmer and then I can leave the sash windows open and paint them. Some paint was lot when the carpenter came to do the sashes for us last year (should have painted them then really - smack wrists!)

      This is the first time I have seen nearly-dead plants in Morrisons. I agree - they should give them away not just put them half price - £1.50 for a nearly dead plant - no thank you.

  5. Your carpet is lovely and really brightens things up.

    God bless.

    1. We did consider a blueish carpet, but thought it might make the room Too Blue!

  6. Back again!
    Looking forward to hearing about your house History research!!
    It's good that the records are not too spread about. As a family we have mainly done our research in the National Library in Aberystwyth..when it was hit or miss whether things were recorded in one county or the next, as ancestors lived right on the border of two!

    1. I will do a little summary later. Much of it I knew from accessing local records online, and indeed, some extra bits from a court case reported in the Newspapers (also researched online). I did discover that the house (the old mansion which was demolished) was earlier even than I had found and it was HERE, under the rubble-filled bank. No great surprise there then!

      Living on a border makes research a pain. Like when your house is on the dividing bit between two maps as our old home was.

  7. That silver gray just goes right with your quilt. I also get cross about dying plants in supermarkets. Also there is a horrible habit of selling small plants in tiny pots. They can often grow large if moved on - cruelty to plants tut ;)

    1. Thank you. It's SO soft to walk on now too.

      We should start a campaign about Supermarket Cruelty to Plants!

  8. Enjoy your time at the History Centre and I hope you find lots of information. A Beautiful stained glass window.

    1. Oh I did. I had a little table set up next to the radiator "front of house" (no one came in) and just wrote swiftly. Haven't had to write that fast since I was at Uni!

  9. It should be fascinating to find out more about your house, good luck.

    I hate it when plants are left to die outside garden centres and supermarkets for the sake of a quick watering. I actually emailed and complained to Wyevale once and sent photos of a huge display of dried out and drooping trees and plants and gave them an rough estimate of the revenue they were losing just on that batch, I got a very good response from them ... my Mum was so proud of me for sticking up for the plants :-)

    1. It's earlier than I thought, found that out today. I'll do a post on it tomorrow.

      Well done to emailing Wyevale - you would think when it is your bread and butter, you would do something to keep plants ALIVE! Glad your mum was proud of you - I bet they don't get many complaints like that. Someone has to stand up for the plants.

  10. Just a tip. At the top of my blog you can see the counties listed that show the churches I have visited. this is the one for Wales it should give you an idea as to what to see in they if I have visited it

    1. That's tomorrow's breakfast reading! Thank you so much.

  11. The top photo almost looks like those dark clouds are another set of upside-down mountains.

    Just a thought. Not sure if it is allowed in some place, but the next time you need to capture a lot of text in a short period of time, take photos of the pages with your phone and then them blow it up when you get home, so you can transfer the information more easily.

    1. Indeed. It was quite a mystical view.

      I didn't have my mobile with me - smacked wrist. Could have done with it today too, it would have saved me a lot of scribbling! I always use my camera rather than the one on my mobile. Really scarcely ever use that. You have a good point though, must retrain myself.
