

Jennie's recipes

Friday 22 April 2022

Now, THAT'S what I CALL a view!


Our neighbour has some diseased fir trees and is also having solar panels installed, so the tree surgeons have been called in.  This is the view now the biggest tree has been taken down. (Last bits being sorted now, as I can still hear the chain saw in action.)   This is looking in the direction of the hills between Llandod and Newbridge.  We are thrilled to bits.

View of said tree through filthy bedroom window (next door are window cleaners, so we need to cross their palms with silver!)

Half way through.  It's taken them all day.  Glad we weren't paying!

Today I am grateful for:

This wonderful view.

Another new rose planted (a birthday one from Tam, Belle de Crecy) 

Speaking to two of our three children on the phone.

Sorting out my broadband/phone bill and negotiating a much cheaper package

Not having to cook at teatime as Keith had a late Optician's appt, so we had take-out fish and chips.


  1. What a lovely view - I can understand why you are thrilled!

    1. We can see this view from the pond, but the lawn area is lower. View from bottom paddock is the same as this from Tam's bedroom.

  2. Sounds like a very good day indeed!

  3. Wow, gorgeous view!!!

    God bless.

    1. We're delighted. We had to cross the lane to see this before.

  4. What a difference!! That is a magnificent view and you must be very pleased to see it!

    1. I always wanted a house with a view - and we have nice ones from the top paddock area, but this is a real bonus.

  5. I've been squinting and squinting. Laugh at me if you need to. Is that a castle I'm seeing in your view?

    1. Just two farmhouses Debby! We did have a splendid Edwardian (first) castle down in the town, but all that's left now are the groundworks. Robbed out for stone when the town burned down in the 1600s.

    2. The farm house to the right, behind it? A bit further to the right? That roundish shape? Is that a copse of trees then? The farm house on the left appears to be between two of the roundish shapes.

    3. Yes, farmhouse and a roundish tree, and a barn to the right of it. Wish I could castellate it for you!

    4. Now I have to go and figure out what castellated means. :)

  6. Amazing what taking out a fir tree will do for your view, I watched the remove one two doors won from us and it let loads more light in the garden. I had solar panels fitted back in January, really pleased with them. At least now you have a view rather than a fir tree

    1. There's another one to go, but unless we cough up for two Sycamores on our side to be taken out, we won't benefit until the winter when the leaves are off them. If we were younger we'd have solar panels here, as our roof faces south, BUT we'd have all the cost and the next person here would get all the benefit.
