

Jennie's recipes

Friday 1 April 2022

Snow and primroses to start April


As you can see, the flurries of snow persisted and whilst we slept, a paintbrush of white daubed the landscape. All the trees are outlined in white and the hedgerows have lace caps too.  I couldn't resist a walk up the hill to photograph the landscape before the sun melts it (quite warm out there, now that bitterly cold belligerent wind has dropped.  The Primroses on the Bank are covered in snow.  Those at the side of the house bank, below, had more shelter. 

Even the quarry and the newly-felled land to the left of it look prettier with snow. Clear blue skies here and I am torn between another walk or making some much-needed cushion covers, having thrown 90% of the old ones out.

Keith, having had two good days with much-improved walking when his legs did as they were told, may rest up today.  

Not much to report, but I shall do the Kilvert in Love post over the weekend.


  1. You had more snow than we did. I don't know how long you have lived there but a few years ago (2018)I had our caravan put out on the Fforest Fields site with the hope of going down on the 1st March. That went out the window because we were snowed in around here in Oxfordshire, I also found out the roads were impassable around Builth. Must have been a good week later they were open and on the A479 over the Brecons the road was only single track. After setting up and popping to Tesco I met a local from out in the sticks who told me they had only just got out of their house, they had been snowed in for over a week. Tesco had run down on food as well. Knowing the area you live I would think if you have any really heavy snow you will be stuck till they dig you out. Lucky this does not happen often and you really do not want a winder like the one we had back in 1962/3 where we were snowed in for weeks. The photos do make the area look pretty with the snow. We have a few primroses out now as well

  2. Just over a year Billy. It's higher up than where we used to live in Carms. When it snows here in earnest, we will be stuck, but I've always kept a good storecupboard. 2010 was the worst year for snow when in Carms - a foot or more of snow, then it rained, then it froze. No-one went anywhere for a good while and even the motorway was closed.

  3. No snow here, just bally cold, and miserably thinking how keeping warm now costs twice as much as I wear wrist and ankle warmers. The hills do look very pretty.

    1. Yes, electricity twice as much with us too, and the latest oil up by 1/3. But we have to heat the house for Keith is sat around so much at the moment.

      The hills looked beautiful today but now it's all melted and we had some welcome sunshine today.

  4. Kilvert fell in love with a few children in his time too.

    1. Indeed, as he included in his diary. That doesn't necessarily mean he was a pervert.

    2. Not by the standards of the day. Everyone is terrified about showing any affection for children these days. Lewis Carol I am not so sure about...

    3. Lewis Carol I am inclined to agree with you about. I believe the lass he based Alice on is buried in the little pine-clad churchyard near Bolton's Bench in Lyndhurst. We used to ride all round there a lifetime ago.

  5. Stunning views and lovely photos and it is always good to see primroses. Not much snow here just a few snow showers yesterday which didn't settle. Look forward to the Kilvert post :)

    1. We have masses of Primroses in the garden here, growing wild all over. It's good to see them.

  6. post script re: earlier post. I can't find the Chris Thomas book on a Kilvert tour. Could you please give me a bit more info - thanks so much.

    1. That's 'cos I'm daft and wrote the wrong author down - it is Chris Barber's Exploring Kilvert Country and you probably have it already. Sorry.

    2. Thanks so much. I don't have that one which may soon be remedied!!!! :)

  7. I always find your landscape just gorgeous, but with the frosting of snow, it becomes even more so. (and this from a woman who cannot possibly be any tireder of snow.)

    1. Snow - just a little, just occasionally - can be enjoyed. An endless winter of feet of it would not something I looked forward to each winter!

      Glad you love the landscape. It's hillier and rockier here than in Carms, and I prefer it.

  8. Snow for April Fool's Day. Mother Nature pulled a fast one on you. It does look pretty though.

    God bless.

    1. Didn't she just Jackie! Fortunately, it was gone by lunchtime.
