

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 May 2022

Chasing my tail again

 Sorry to be absent - I really DID mean to do another post at the weekend, but it ended up being a very busy time, and my friend Pam was here on Sunday and we gardened together for 5 hours - that's the longest I've managed yet, but my body is giving me jip now!  Anyway, one part of the Bank is properly weeded and now has lots of mulch on it too and today I got some more for the new bed by the pond - once used for veg (and the propogation of IVY by the look of things.  It took me eight hours to clear it.

K and I went to a small Antiques Fair on Saturday, and bought a couple of things (I couldn't resist a job lot of horsey bits and pieces) and saw our friends, which was lovely.

He is still really struggling after walking too far at the big Antiques Fair and so we went to see the GP again today and another round of blood tests, looking for something else she thinks could be the problem.  Next week is a trip to Hereford for another MRI.  We know how to have fun.

No Cathedral photos tonight - I am so weary, after a couple of nights where I lost 4 and 5 hours sleep, worrying.  Apart from K, I have been back and forth to the Vet's with first Theo (steroid jab and more anti biotics) and then Ghengis 2 days later .  Wouldn't perform his cough/swallow for the vet, nothing obvious stuck in his mouth or throat but she said his teefs are covered in tartar and it needs removing.  Bye-bye £250 I didn't have going spare! He's in on Friday. Theo mending but he has had this sinus problem all his life, sometimes worse than others but the last lot of anti-biotics made him much worse. If not better this time, bye-bye £150 for X-Rays . . . 

Anyway, enjoy some photos I took when I visited Treberfydd Walled Garden Nursery last week.  Wanted to go there last year but all the Covid lockdowns and what have you put the kibosh on that plan.  I may have spent some money (well, I had worked hard at the Fair and set myself apart a "wage".)  This beautiful walled garden is part of the Treberfydd estate - the big house was lived in by the Raike family - we bought some of their clearout sale (African stuff) at an auction once.  They were very high up in the Admiralty.

The plants I bought were: Knautia macedonica; Corydalis flexuosa; Tellima grandiflora; Verbascum phoenicium 'Violetta'; Plomis tuberosa and Salvia uliginosa. I'd not seen any of these offered elsewhere, and knew of their types, and can't wait for them to bloom this year.  Today I went to the Railway Line Nursery for composted bark, and came home with a Geum 'Pink Petticoats'.  These grow well here and this is just SO pretty.  Photos to follow.

The area I cleared for the new plants.  There are two clematises planted to scramble over the stump.  I'll take a photo tomorrow.


  1. That nursery is a beautiful sight to behold!

    1. Isn't it? I could have easily spent twice as much.

  2. TinkTravelsOn9 May 2022 at 17:56

    So much hard work in your garden! It will look fabulous - like that wonderful walled garden perhaps! Well done you!

    1. So much hard work yet to do too! Certain bits of it had been allowed to run a bit wild, and I didn't help matters last year as I just couldn't get myself in gear to tackle what needed doing - just planted a new border and lots of roses I'd been gifted.

  3. I am always amazed at how gardening eats up the hours. I do it as a job as well as my own garden and time just falls down into a hole. I think it is time for me to get garden visiting again - missed it after the last couple of years.

    1. Perfect job for you by the sound of things. My perfect job was when I worked with horses - wasn't like working at all! I need to get the Powys Gardens open to the public booklet, but haven't seen it so far in the town.

  4. Treberfydd is an elegant formalised garden. Lots of raised beds as well, you will be needing those soon Jennie ;) I do hope that Keith's ill health will be rectified soon, it must be a great worry for you. X

    1. Yes, I agree - a Raised Bank doesn't quite count as a Raised Bed, big though it is! We just want Keith's health problems to be properly diagnosed and treated. I don't sleep well these days.

  5. Owing pets can cos a lot of money and we have parted with a fortune over the years. Our dog cost me over 400 quid to have his teeth out because they were bad and he had a blood test every 6 month s so more money. Doubt we will have another one.
    Had a look at the camera you have, it is old. You might be better getting a new one with Image Stabilisation on it or a good phone which more people use now a days. Hate to think how many cameras I got through over the years

    1. If you think dogs cost money, try having horses - vets certainly know how to charge for treatment there! But at least our horses were insured.

      The camera was a Christmas present probably 5 years ago? I tend to just use and use the camera, but I have to say the one I had prior to that (name forgotten) took better views, so perhaps I should look into upgrading come next Christmas and will ask for it as a joint family present. Tam has a good camera on her phone but my mobile tends to live in my bag and was 2nd hand from one of my offspring anyway.

    2. There are enough horses around here for our vets to rip off a couple of riding stables plus numerous owners. I'll stick with me dog

    3. With the cost of insurance alone, I'm surprised there are still any riding stables in business these days! When I was out yesterday I passed half a dozen horses from a trekking centre at Llangorse. Wales, of course, used to be Trekking Centre Central!

  6. Five hours gardening, then eight--makes me tired just hearing about it. Lovely photos.

    1. Just 1 1/2 hrs today but my hips feel like it was 10 1/2!
