

Jennie's recipes

Monday 16 May 2022

Officially house full with House Martins


Llangorse Lake in the distance.

After doing all sorts of research, I have just ordered myself another camera, which sounds most suited to my needs.  It was in the price range I preferred and is apparently really good for scenic photos.  We shall see.  It'll be heavier than my little point and shoot Panasonic, so I will need to get a suitable camera case if the couple I have here don't suit.  I've gone for another Panasonic Lumix - the DMC-FZ82, from the company that you recommended Billy. Many thanks.  Time will tell if I've made the right choice : )  Excited to take delivery so I have paid a fiver for next day delivery.  As an Aries I am impatient and once I have made my mind up on something, I want it yesterday!

Tam was here for 24 hours over the weekend, to help me at a small Militaria Fair we have done for a few years now, so lots of friends there.  Keith stayed home and rested.  We should have done the same as people were being careful with their pennies.  A few more of Tam's belongings have gone to her new home but next time a couple of bigger chunks are going and I will be able to move some of her boxes from the pink bedroom into her old bedroom, and tuck them out of the way.

We spent time at the Fair yesterday choosing the kitchen tiles - Wightwick Ceramic Ink , and a lovely aged copper glass splash back.  Trying to get excited about my new kitchen, but my mind is seeing work to empty cupboards and stack it wherever there is space!! This is not going to be a cheap month but the kitchen is the last big job here.

We have LOTS of House Martins this year - 5 families are setting up home on old sites under the eaves.  When I am putting my makeup on in the bathroom though, it's a bit discombobulating having them flying right up past the window on their nest-building flights!  Two Swallow families are now back in the old tack/feed room.  All is good.


  1. Wonderful to know the swallows and house martins are safely back.
    My camera is a Panasonic Lumix FZ72 and has been good since I had it for my 60th birthday although now I can no longer record sound - I expect it is bunged up with dust somewhere.

    1. I've had good service from my current Panasonic Lumix -not sure if it is fixable - if I tip it forward it "faints", but can still take close-ups. Hoping this new one will give good service too.

  2. I wish we could sort the kitchen on our rental!!
    It is great to see the swallows and Martin's back..hoping we have enough insects around for them. I never thought that we would be looking forward to midgie season!!

    1. I guess it isn't easy having to make do with what is what is in a rental property. Tam's new flat has a miniscule kitchen and she's had to buy a mini freezer to live elsewhere (corner of living room).

      Insects seem reasonably plentiful around here but you are more than welcome to those Midgies!

  3. I am happy that the birds are back. Love the sound of that backsplash.

    God bless.

    1. At the moment I am torn between that one and a greenier one . . . Watch this space!

      The House Martins look like they are about to fly into the room as they zoom up past the bathroom window to do their nestbuilding. LOVELY to see them. I am bereft when they leave at the end of summer.

  4. We have swallows flying around the place but I have not seen house martins (not that I can tell the difference) and certainly non nesting on the house. We het bluetits, robins and starlings nesting. Glad you managed to get a new camera, it looks quite decent from the review I read and see it got 4.5 star rating out of 5. good wide angle and decent zoom and similar to my wife's old Sony. Do your self a favour and treat yourself to a new SD card from Amazon, they are cheap and worth replacing. The old one can be kept as back up

    1. House Martins have stumpy tails (Swallows have streamers) and a white rump. They nest under eaves, Swallows nest inside buildings.

      I think I made the right choice on the camera, but starting to look put my brain on overload! SD card is arriving today.
