

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 12 June 2022

Out for a drive . . . Claerwen Reservoir


I have been very tired and down the last couple of days.  The sun was shining, so Keith and I went "out for a drive" - just like my parents used to do on a Sunday afternoon in summer.  We went to the Elan Valley, so I could go into the little church that was built above the Reservoirs (will post that later in the week).  Then we drove up to the reservoir we haven't been to yet, Claerwen.

This is a good way away from the Elan village, so when they built the reservoir they perhaps had temporary accommodation up there?  Or went by horse and cart daily.  It's quite a big reservoir and high up in the hills. The road stops with a car park, but off-road vehicles and riders or walkers can carry on using tracks which led into the distance.  I now want to explore on foot.

A fairly remote place to live, especially in winter.

Panorama to show the approach and valley/hills towards the lower reservoirs.

It's as old as me!

This is on the top of the bridge strut, showing the streams which feed into the reservoirs.

On the way back down, we just had to stop for photos of the river as it poured over the rocks and boulders.

Tea was simple tonight - same as last night, chicken curry for me and lamb casserole/veg/mash for Keith.  Just reheated in the Popty-ping.  Tomorrow the old sink unit is coming out so it will probably be something quick like cheese on toast for tea!

Lovely to see the Bell Heather starting to bloom today, and the acidic yellow of Birdsfoot Trefoil, with Meadow Cranesbill, Common Mallow and  masses of Ox-Eye Daisies and Buttercups on the big verges near Newbridge-on-Wye.


  1. There is a wonderful bothy at the far end of the Claerwen reservoir it’s called Claerddu and can seen on the map by the Teifi pools. It even has a flush loo!

    1. Not sure if I'd make it that far, looking at my map! Will leave that for younger legs, but might go along the track to the right of the reservoir for a couple of miles to explore, and back again.

  2. Replies
    1. I am still feeling good from going out today.

  3. You know I hate to think how many times I have been there. But here is a blog I wrote which you might find interesting The Elan Valley It is probably on of my favourite places to Visit, plus there is a church you can visit which you pass on your way to that Dam

    1. I think that was the church I visited today Billy. Will check your blog post in the morning - just off to beddy-byes now.

  4. Lovely photos of the reservoir. It looks pretty full.

    God bless.

    1. I think this is the reserve Reservoir, so to speak. The lower reservoirs, Caban-coch and Carreg-ddu were noticably lower.

  5. I can smell and feel that clean, fresh air. Yes, didn't we all pile into the family car of a Sunday afternoon.

    1. I still have such clear memories of Sunday afternoons in the New Forest, or Corhampton, or the beach at Lee-on-the-Solent. It was years before I realized that some beaches had SAND and not pebbles!

  6. I love the ruggedness of those stones, especially the ones you've used as your header photo.

    1. Me too - my sort of scenery, nice and wild.

  7. Those photos brought back memories. We used to go there for the day with mum and grandparents when I was little. Not been in recent years though. I don't envy you the kitchen replacement. Ours needs doing badly and the thought makes me shudder!! Look forward to the church.

    1. How lovely to have those memories. It is a special place and I love going there. We'd only been a couple of times since moving to Wales, as it was a bit of a trek, but now it's less than 20 miles up the road.

    2. P.S. The kitchen replacement hasn't been too bad. Wrens were extremely professional and reliable from start to finish and we have a trustworthy chap doing the installation, with his s-in-l doing the electrics.

  8. I can practically hear that stream, thank you.

    1. It was a comforting burble. Sometimes, when I am very stressed, I listen to an 8 hr! meditation which is birdsong and a woodland stream. It is very comforting.
