

Jennie's recipes

Monday 5 September 2022

A day of rest is planned . . .

 . . . but before I can settle down with a book or some sewing, I have to unload the car.  I've done half of it but come inside to recoup some energy.  Tam went home last night, having helped all weekend.  I couldn't have managed without her.  We made new friends amongst our fellow traders as we were in a different spot, and Saturday was very busy.   Yesterday was quite another matter as the Met Office got the weather totally wrong.  It was meant to be raining pretty well much of the day - instead we had a heavy shower around 8 a.m. and then it cleared up.  However, that forecast had caused most of the outside traders to pack up and go home (especially the ones who don't have gazebo's to keep their stock and them dry) and it really affected visitor numbers.  The place was empty!  You could see folk coming in the distance, one or two at a time, and very few people were buying.  

This loved-to-bits old quilt went straight away, to the first dealer who arrived.

    I came back mid-afternoon with the first carful of awkward to pack stuff, and the sun was out by then and by the time I got unpacked I was "glowing" as they say of "ladies".  Well, I thought to myself, if I was a racehorse, they'd be chucking buckets of water at me!  At least I was able to feed the cats and get Keith a cup of tea, as it was going to be gone 5 p.m. before we would get back after the Fair ended.  I was so tired last night, after I'd cooked Keith a meal, and Tam had gone home, I just had two glasses of wine and two bags of crisps for my "meal"!


It was an odds and sods fair for me as I am trying to clear stock from pre-Covid, when I had a small business and traded regularly.  Some old friends went, others are here for a Fair next year, although really I should list some stuff on Etsy or FB Marketplace and try and clear the decks a bit.

    Keith enjoyed himself, being at the Fair for a few hours on both Friday and Saturday, seeing old friends and buying another Windsor chair to clean up and make beautiful again.  As I will be the one to be doing the work on it - think rubbing down and polishing as someone cleaned old paint/varnish off with Nitromors - I wish I had had some say in the purchase! Anyway, he had to rest up completely yesterday.  The new add-on pill which was meant to give him energy, worked a couple of days, then stopped.  His neck is very sore and we need to see if the Physio will offer better advice than trying to tuck the chin in to loosen the muscles.

    Theo is still a big worry as although he has an appetite, he will only have the occasional biscuit, and is so fussy about which sachet food he will eat from meal to meal (mind you the others are being incredibly picky too) and if the food has lumps he just licks the gravy or jelly off.  The weight loss was so sudden I think it is probably cancer. I will keep trying to tempt him but if he stops eating, or carries on losing weight, sadly that will mean a hard decision.  Oh dear, life has heavy burdens at the moment.


  1. My heart goes out to you over poor Theo. Been there myself with my precious Gwen. It's one of the hardest decisions we ever have to make.

    Well, talk about timing with the rain! If only it could have held off for a few more hours, still it sounds as if Keith enjoyed himself, and thank goodness for Tam!

  2. Well RP, he is still keen to eat. Doesn't eat a huge amount, but is bright eyed though thin, and he is staying out under his favourite bush until it gets dark, and then I bring him in and he goes under the little table between Keith's chair and the sofa. More expensive cat food for him today, but we shall see. The others are all also being VERY fussy, and Ghengis was sick again today and he has also been off his food a couple of times recently.

    The forecast for today showed 3 bars (heavy rain) and we've not had a drop yet.

  3. Your wine and crisps supper is the sort of thing I resort to when too tired to bother - it's horrible when our pets get sick isn't it, my poor old Archie wasn't so well for about a year when we decided it was kinder to have him put to sleep.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I haven't felt like cooking a decent meal in ages. Not in WANTING to cook. Worry I guess. Sorry to hear that your Archie is no longer with you. Theo looks like he wants something really tasty - he's a bit sniffly (having always had sinus problems) so perhaps nothing tastes or smells good.

  4. I have two cats who tend to lick off the gravey so I now stir and mash it together to a "pate" before I give it to them and they lick the bowls clean. Cat food is too expensive to waste on picky eaters.

    1. Hello and welcome Ana. I must try that as I am spending so much on cat food and it's getting chucked, especially with flies coming in and finding it.

  5. No wonder you are tired. Sounds like a very busy time at the fair and going back and forwards.
    Hope you have had a restful day today to catch up.

    1. I was shattered before we even began packing the car on Friday morning Sue. Hadn't recovered from the long day and 25K steps of Malvern. Normally there would be another week before the Fair but earlier this year.

      Today I've begged apples from my friend Pam (who doesn't make jam or anything) so I can sit and watch tv and process those for jam/jelly etc with blackberries.

  6. I am so sorry you have so many concerns over Theo - always sad when a much loved pet becomes ill and/or old. You have worked hard at the Fair I do hope you can have a couple of days relaxing a bit and getting some "me Time".

    1. Haven't quite had the "me time" yet but a slower pace today. Theo is eating when prompted and seems to enjoy it, but gosh I have Ghengis turning his nose up at whatever sachet I open and that is most unusual. I think the hardest part is dealing with Theo being so poorly on top of looking after Keith.

  7. i am sure you have thought of this but my cat wanted to eat but didnt much, turned out she needed two teeth out and the rest cleaned and i have found heating the cat food in the microwave briefly helps too bring out the smell of the food and i would mash it down too sometimes, seemed to work
    love your blog by the way x

  8. Hi Marlene. He had his teeth checked when I took him to the vet a couple of weeks back. He's just come out and asked for food, so I am just feeding him little and often and changing the sachets to keep him interested. Thanks for the tip, I will try warming it tomorrow. He suffers from sinus problems and is quite snuffly at the moment, so perhaps can't smell things well.

    Glad you like my blog.

  9. Oh, poor Theo. I do hope his appetite improves.

    It sounds like you had a lovely Fair, even with the rain.

    God bless.

  10. Well, he is still eating a little, several times a day. My gut feeling tells me it's not good though and probably just a matter of time.

  11. Oh dear - it's so difficult when you love them and want the best for them. I deeply regret not taking the decision to put our beloved Pansy down 3-4 weeks before we finally did. Although she didn't complain, those final weeks can't have been pleasurable for her, and we worried so much.

    You have such a lot of serious needs calling on your energy - no wonder it was wine and chippies for dinner! But you do need to keep your energy up. Can you make a favourite meal and freeze portions for yourself? Anything to make life easier. Thinking of you both.

  12. Morning BB, hope you’re feeling better this morning and managed some relaxing time yesterday. Please look after yourself. Sarah x

    1. Morning Sarah. I am more organized today and have the slow cooker on with a beef casserole in it (hidden lentils to thicken the stock - shhh don't tell Keith). I have a BIG bag of apples to deal with too, from my friend Pam's trees. I will probably make Jam or Jelly tomorrow. This aftenoon, I have a sofa date with a book.

  13. Well, this morning I came down (having been up half the night) and thought I couldn't compute the new expensive biscuits and new expensive sachets combo's and just gave them their ordinary biscuits and a tin of cheap Tesco chunks in gravy and they all scoffed most of what I'd put out. Even Theo . . .

    I had cooked in advance and had a big Pyrex lidded dish full of Taco-beans Chilli, so we had that on Friday night - having had a bag of chips between us whilst still at the Fair, as Tam had got Keith a big piece of fish from the chippy (his request). I had boughten Pizza in for Saturday night, and again Keith wanted fish, and some chips with it, so we had the rest of the chips with the Pizza. I was past caring about calories!
