

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 8 September 2022

R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth II

 What sad news that our beloved Queen has passed away this afternoon.  I don't think she ever properly got over Prince Philip's death, and has been looking so frail of late.  It will be hard to imagine life without her as she has been queen all of my life and there are so many memories of her reign.  At least she will have a proper State Funeral, unlike her husband.  She served our country and worked virtually to her dieing breath.  Now she and Philip are reunited.  R.I.P. Ma'am.


  1. She was a truly admirable woman and I always admired her strong sense of duty. I was born in1953 and have known no other monarch. She will be sorely missed.
    I haven’t thanked you for the beautiful photos of roses you put up for me many posts ago. Please excuse me, We both tested positive for covid the day after I posted and as my John has health issues that sound similar to those of Keith it has taken us many weeks to feel that we are recovering enough to catch up with things.
    And ah yes, that was my very first forum and almost my last 😊
    My very best wishes
    Lesley (Oddny)

    1. Hello again my dear. I will admit to shedding tears over our dear Queen's death. She is irreplacable and indeed will be sorely missed.

      I am so sorry to hear that you both had Covid and sorry to hear that your husband may also have similar health issues to Keith, hugs, and please keep in touch. I'm glad you liked the roses.

  2. Well said
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. It's such a shock to hear she is no longer with us but best she didn't have lingering illness.

  3. May she rest in peace - well done, good and faithful servant

    1. I have always thought she was such a diligent leader of our country - the number of times she must have wished she didn't have to turn out that day for some boring function, instead of going out for a ride on one of her horses.

  4. RIP she became queen just after I was born, I feel honoured to have seen her a couple of times if from a distance

    1. I met Prince Charles once - he's got a great sense of humour. The Queen will be much-missed.

  5. She gave her all and then some. I feel like I'm now on a ship that has lost it's rudder, adrift on an ocean of the unknown. Thank you, Ma'am for your service. Rest in Peace.

    1. Never truer words written RP. The Royal Family must be totally shell-shocked this morning.

  6. She was true to her vows, serving her country all of her days. She's really had a lot to contend with these last few years, but she's continued to serve her country, no matter what her personal struggles might be.

    1. Indeed Debby. I imagine she and Philip raised eyebrows in private at some of the things their new d-in-l was saying (and still harps on about in her me-me-me mode).

  7. She is the only monarch that I have known here in Canada. I think people will miss her more than they realize.

    God bless.

    1. She leaves a gaping void and a pair of very big shoes for Charles to step into.

  8. Yes, a sad day but not really a shock or a surprise. The Queen was the same generation as my parents, my father was born in 1926, and their first ‘date’ was watching the Coronation on TV (my grandparents bought a television for this purpose). Today I am going to find the photo of my mother meeting the Queen at a relaxed coffee morning event when the Queen unveiled the Sunbury on Thames Millennium Embroidery. I don’t know what the joke was but they are both laughing their heads off. My mum had a wonderful smile too. I am still feeling at sixes and sevens. Our son is coming down for the weekend and there is a possibility that he may have to live here from October. His current landlord has doubled their rent and now issued a Section 21 (eviction) notice and although T and two friends have been viewing and offering on anything and everything the rented properties keep going to people prepared to pay more than the listed price. It is shocking and it makes me wonder how if T, a graduate with a professional job and post graduate qualifications who has never been out of work, cannot afford to live in London for work who can? Doesn’t help to see all these empty tower blocks built with Russian and Chinese money from nefarious sources as the drone cameras pan around London. Life is not easy for our young folk and goodness knows what they will do if they need medical help in their old age. Sarah x

  9. What a lovely memory of two mums together, sharing a joke.

    What a worry about your son, despite a good job and qualifications being priced out of the rental sector in London. Such a worry. Commuting won't be ideal but it will buy him time to perhaps have a rethink of his career or look for somewhere to rent closer to London but not in it.

    Our son has saved hard for a deposit on a house but everything has been selling before he can even get to view in the Swansea area. Perhaps with the way the economy is set to go for a while it is better to stay renting and keep saving until things change. Private medical insurance looks to be the way forward. . .
