

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Embroidering happily

 Gosh, Tuesday already.  Rubbish day here, so I have taken the newspapers and the recyclables bin up the track to the end.  If anyone is thinking of seeing Mrs Harris goes to Paris, I can recommend it.  A film with a feel good factor.  Whilst I'm not (nor ever have been!) into haute couture it was lovely to see some  50s fashion.  The Lost King next . . .

Here are a couple of not-very-bright photos of the pre-printed linen tote bag I bought at the Fair for £6. Of course, I have enough embroidery floss to last me two lifetimes, so no need to go and purchase any.  I began work on it straight away, just simple embroidery stitches and the colours of my choice.  I had forgotten quite how much I enjoyed embroidery.  Around the edge it reads "Morning has broken, like the first morning" and "Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird." Who'd have thought anyone would ever have made a pop song out of it but Cat Stevens did.  Can just hear him singing it.

This was where I got up to last night.  I'd have sat and sewed all night long!

The fabrics chosen for the cushion covers for the living room.  Each is half a metre.  They tie in nicely with the curtains.  Don't know which block patterns I will use yet.  I want to get them done before we have guests at Christmas.  Good value at 3 for £15.

I thought these were a bit of fun too, so will get these sewn up soon, but in non-stripey material - just what I have here (plenty to choose from). £6.  The biggest expenditure was on a kit for a friend. I was  disappointed to see no book stall at all.

I don't remember sewing these Pot Marigold seeds but they have come up all the same, orange and yellow ones, and a real ray of sunshine on a dark day.

More wild fungi - the Giant White Funnel,  Leucopaxillus giganteus, which I found keeled over at the edge of a driveway locally.

Well, I had planned to go for a walk after writing this. Sunshine has gradually been replaced by grey clouds and now of course it has just started raining.  I need to cook up some blueberries to go with Keith's breakfast porridge, and then I may just look up some patchwork blocks for the cushions.

Keith has been knocked sideways by whatever made me croaky for a day, and has been sleeping very badly - his legs have been in spasm at night.  I looked up to see if anything could be done and someone suggested Tonic Water, so he had some before bed and slept almost right through.  Let's hope it did work (so can be used in future) and that he's on the mend now.  He was walking up and down the kitchen before breakfast and not reduced to going round hanging onto the furniture which he has the last few days, because his balance was so badly affected.  It's been such a worry to see him like this.  


  1. My mother use to drink this every night to stop nights cramps in her legs. It has quinine in it. I hope it works for your husband x

    1. Hello Rosie. Glad it seems to work - it's the quinine apparently which stops the cramps. Worked last night anyway.

    2. We use the tonic water too. OH gets bad cramps and every so often I do too, despite the Hydroxychloroquinine meds I take. Hope Keith is more comfy soon and that it works for him long term- It is often the simplest things that work the best. Love your embroidery it is really pretty. Sounds as though you have been relishing working it. Love the quirky cats and the cushion fabric too. Take care sweetie xx lovely work as usual xx

  2. I love your blackbird stitching!!

  3. Lovely stitching. I'm glad you found something that worked for Keith's muscle spasms
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks Alison. I shall be sad to finish it! Let's hope the spasms stay under control now.

  4. My sister eats bananas for her leg cramps. The claim is that the potassium works. It sounds as if a good night's sleep makes all the difference for Keith. I am glad you found something that seems to work.

    I am interested to see your cushions!

    1. Keith has a banana most days. Will have to make sure he eats one daily. A good night's sleep makes SUCH a difference for him as I suppose his brain rests properly.

      No decision yet made on cushion patterns.

  5. Gosh, is that your hand for scale - what an enormous fungi. Really lovely stitching. I have a feeling that restless legs syndrome (yes, I’ve had to Google it too) is another by product of PD. The problem is that it also affects the sleeping - or not - partner! Cannot wait for kitten news - and a good decision to go for double the trouble, double the fun. The sun is now out and as I am sitting down after a mammoth cookingfood prep session I think I will rally my husband before I get too comfortable and go for a walk. We have freshly-made quince and apple cake to come home to and something special with squash for our supper. Sarah x

    1. Yes - it was probably the size of a side-plate.

      The Dopamine has the side-effect of the restless legs/spasms. K's OK if he gets to sleep straight away but if he doesn't then his legs play up. I have had to keep helping him get his legs back into bed as he was struggling these last couple of nights. It took its toll and after our evening meal yesterday I just HAD to lie down and was asleep for an hour! Talk about waking up to go to bed . . .

      Quince and apple cake sounds lovely. Never had access to quinces.

      Haven't heard about visiting kittens yet.

  6. I hope Keith's improvedment continues.

    Lovely embroidery - we had the hymn Morning is Broken at our wedding! I do like the fabric for the cushions - they will look wonderful.
    I love Pot Marigolds ours self seed sometimes.

    1. His walking has been so much better today, I'm glad to say.

      Glad I brought back happy wedding memories for you.

  7. Sorry to hear about Keith's problems, but good to hear Tonic water can be a help {note to self}

    You sound like me. If I don't watch what I'm up to, I'm painting well past midnight. Just one more block of colour, just one more swish of water. Your embroidery is lovely and I think I'm more than a little bit in love with your fabrics.

    1. Night two of Tonic water, and no problems. I really have to tear myself away from the embroidery and I will be sad when it's finished! I will have to get back to my x-stitch then, although both big projects were sidelined because every other stitch nearly was a different colour!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Simon. It only has to please ME, so there is no stress attached.

  9. Lovely embroidery. That is one of my favourite hymns. The fabrics for the cushion covers look quite rich. I am sure they will be perfect.

    God bless.

    1. Hi Jackie. Glad you like the embroidery. The fabric colours will hopefully look very well together. I MUST choose a few blocks to try.

  10. If the tonic water loses its efficacy, you could try making a tincture with guelder rose/crampbark bark if you have some trees growing locally. Prune some thin branches, remove the bark and put these shavings into a jam jar and cover with vodka. Remove any air bubble with a chopstick and add more vodka so everything is covered. Seal, label and date. Place in a cool, dark place for three weeks, shaking when you remember and then strain and bottle. Take one teaspoon of the tincture in water before bed. It relaxes smooth muscles, so is good for night-time leg cramps, period pains etc.

    1. I am trying to think if I have seen Guelder Rose locally - there is bound to be some growing where they put the upgraded road between Builth and Newbridge, as there are big banks with indigenous plantings. Thanks for that tip.
