

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Another waif and stray . . .

 Well, I seem to be a magnet for waifs and strays.  It's always been cats before, but yesterday an emaciated dog turned up in the orchard, scoffed - at the speed of light - some stale cake I'd put out and then was gone before I could go out to check it.  A friend had been in touch saying she was looking for a lurcher sort which had gone missing in the area, and had been driving round - but wouldn't see it here of course, as we're off the lane a good way.  Then she heard gunshots across the valley and thought that might be the dog in amongst a flock of sheep - I said, well it was here ten minutes ago, it would have had to run at the speed of light to get over towards Cilmeri.


Anyway this morning I saw it again, and this time it went into our middle stable (which used to be the tack/feed room).  I  quietly went across and shut the door, speaking gently to the dog  and noticing how thin it was.  You could count every bone, poor thing.  Anyway, I went back across with a tin of cat food and gave the dog half - didn't want to overwhelm its stomach.  Then I went round to my friend, and she offered to take it down to the vet to see if it was chipped.  She has her own dogs, so gave me some dried dog food (gratefully received) and came round with a slip collar and took poor dog to vets.  They said they'd hang on to it for a few days and feed it to build it up again, and hopefully the owner might be in touch.  Turns out it was a local farmer who called on a friend of my friend's and was reunited with their dog.  They were truly shocked at how thin she was - she'd been missing 10 days.  She's now been microchipped, so can be reunited with her owners if she goes off again.

Keith is very slightly improved - well, this morning anyway, as he had sufficient energy for a shower first thing but by 11 a.m. he was falling asleep and had to have a nap in his chair in the living room.  It's such a worry, but our GP has sent a message that she's requested an urgent appt. with a Neurologist. I don't know what the waiting list might be like though.

I've been waiting for a phone call from the PD nurse, so didn't go out for a walk when it stopped raining.  She's still not phoned so tomorrow will be a repeat experience.  I will have to try and get out first thing, raining or not. I've just checked the forecast and we have rain daily for the foreseeable future.  What fun!  

I want to get on tidying up in the garden - can be near the house at least, if Keith needs me.  I did a bit of weeding on the bank yesterday when I went out to top up the feeders.  SO MUCH more to be done though!  Happy to work in rain as long as it's not torrential.  I popped in to the big garden centre, but they were still putting Christmas decorations away and none of this years' new seeds were out, or onion sets, garlic etc.  I wanted to get garlic cloves started off too.  I just bought compost and a packet of Stocks seeds.  They have such a lovely fragrance. Apparently NOT poisonous to cats.  These, however, are:

Spring bulbs


Autumn Crocus

Azaleas and Rhododendrons

Castor Bean



(Thank you to Cordova Vet, on an internet site).

Hmmm . . . I'd best stick with roses!


  1. Nice that the sweet dog family found her Thanks to you and your friend. Doctors appointments are always impossible hope all goes better.

    1. I'd already called her Heidi (in my mind, she looked like one!) I'm glad her owners turned up and were going to make sure she was nursed back to health.

  2. So pleased all and did well with the poor dog, goodness it did look emaciated. Such a mixed bag of news on Keith, I do hope they can get him sorted out soon. As you say, no telling how long that waiting list is going to be.

    1. Apparently it had gone missing for 10 days - so that is 10 days without food . . . May have to go privately to see Neurologist (the consultant who diagnosed him).

  3. What a good rescue. Lost pets are such a sad thing. Last week Baby Mo [my pug] and I found the sweetest blond King Charles spaniel. He followed us home, but by the time I put Mo in the house and went back with a leash and loose collar, he was gone. I m still worried. People let their dogs run loose on the beach and some run far far away. He was obviously a purebred beauty, groomed and loved.

    1. Defo. my good deed for the day Lizzy. That King Charles spaniel sounds a poppet. I hope he soon found his folks again.

  4. Oh how lucky that poor dog was! Well done! He must sensed safety to have returned to your property!

    1. I think she'd been hanging around for days as I put a big bone out and that disappeared in a trice.

  5. Thank goodness you were able to act quickly and confine that poor dog. Rain here is more than we have had in a long time.

    1. I think she was glad to be "found". The cat food I put out didn't touch the sides. I saw there has been terrific rainfall - even "dear" Prince Harry and family have been told to evacuate.

  6. How very fortunate the dog found you. Hopefully an appointment will be available with the neurologist for Keith soon.

    1. I think the dog thought the same. May have to go privately to see the Neurologist.

  7. I see so many postings for dogs--lost or found--both here and in our former Wyoming town--I do wonder if people are 'dropping off' dogs--deciding they can't afford to feed? The plight of stray or abused animals breaks my heart. A third stray cat was on the porch two nights ago. The big tabby I call Herman has even been showing up during daylight--to be rudely chased off by Nellie if he happens to be outside at the same time.
    Talk about a heartache--that would be Keith's decline and the frustration of trying to find medication that at least makes symptoms more manageable for both of you.

    1. My friend Chris who came and took the dog to the vets, said it looked like someone had thrown out a whole litter of similar coloured dogs as they were all at a dog charity in Brecon. Many Tears Sanctuary in Carms has been inundated with people who bought (VERY EXPENSIVE) puppies during Lockdown and then couldn't afford to keep them when inflation hit.

      I see you have yet another stray - that's the problem with feeding outside cats, as the strays come and hope there may be something for them. I see Nellie is on guard though.

      I will try and write to you today. Apologies for not writing sooner.

  8. So glad that the poor dog was reunited with their family. Microchipping pets is an excellent idea.

    God bless.

    1. It's the law here, but many farmers don't bother.

  9. How wonderful the dog found you and is now safe and at home. I would be sick if my dog suddenly disappeared.Thank you.

    1. The owners were worried and asking round the area.

  10. All's well for the dog, obviously was not scared off by your cats. There is such a large amount of talk on the radio about the woeful state of the health situation in this country that it seems it can't get worse. Fingers crossed that the nurse will get in touch. X

    1. She was inside the feed room I think, when they were out there. The PD Nurse phoned this morning and we have an appt. in an hour or so.

  11. Goodness you were certainly a guardian angel for that poor dog - I welled up when I saw the pic x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I am glad I was. She was such a poppet and so scared, bless her.

  12. Poor think looks like it has whippet in it but the wrong colour
