

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 1 January 2023

Happy New Year


Happy New  Year to you all.  A few mandatory kitten and cat pictures for you in lieu of words.

Pippi curious as to what is in the bottom of the jug!  My Carms friend Pam gave me these cuttings of the yellow Buddleia and they are rooting nicely I'm glad to say.

They both discovered the windowsill behind the sink and like to look out at the world. 

Last night - who ME?

Pippi likes the tv now too.

Fight time.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  At one point Pippi was asleep on my lap with her head balanced against Alfie's uplifted foot.  Of course, I didn't have the camera then.  I will get a photo of L. Whale today - he's always out hunting, so doesn't feature so in the photos.

Well, Keith slept better last night but can barely get around until he's had his half a steroid tablet.  His legs still have Oedema so I am encouraging him to drink lots.  Wish me luck.

I am praying that 2023 will see improvements in his health. . .

Here's to health, wealth if needed and happiness to you all in the coming year.


  1. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
    Happy New Year let's hope it's a healthier one all round.

  2. Lovely photos. Wishing you all a Happy New Year and hoping you get the best treatment possible for Keith.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Glad you liked the photos Alison. Hoping we can get a more effective treatment started soon.

  3. I trust you already suspect nothing is quite safe on the windowsill behind the sink! My sink windowsill is narrow but I found that even tiny jugs with a rosebud or two are not safe from feline investigation. They may be holy terrors but such delightful companions.
    I've never seen a yellow buddleia--nor have I thought of trying to root cuttings from my purple one which has to be severely pruned several times per season. I hope the recent deep freeze and snow didn't finish it off.
    If only a combination of meds can be found to give Keith better mobility--which in turn will give you ease.

    1. I am inclined to agree with you Sharon! These are the Yellow Buddleias that Pam has given me cuttings of:

      I need to take advantage of any warmer dry days in January as the garden is in a terribly neglected state from my feeling rather depressed. Now I actually want to get on out there and make some improvements.

      Hoping we can get Keith sorted soon.

    2. The Yellow Buddleia appears charming--I will keep a lookout for such in my nursery catalogs.

    3. I hope you can find it your ide of the pond. It's a charming bush and from memory, not so invasive as the lilac/purple one.

  4. I love looking at your kitten pictures. They are such curious little things aren't they? Pottery on your window sill? Oh dear. You are braver than I am. Houdini took one of William's socks to bed. I found a small bean bag toy to replace it with. He seems to be comforted by it.

    1. I hope they won't be too curious! Plenty of breakables in this house :) Smiling at the thought of Houdini taking one of William's socks to bed, but glad he is happy with the substitution. I was thinking, you could make up a stroking stick - a stuffed soft glove on the end of a stick, and gently touch him with that. It's a Monty Roberts idea, for getting horses used to being touched, and works well with horses.

    2. He lets us pet hiim. We can all pet him and he purrs when we do pet him. He just stays hidden in his bed watching us. We catch him out eating sometimes which is big news, but we all just speak to him quietly and go about our business, leaving him to his own, but he is petted and receives treats and kind words multiple times a day. We want him to associate us with good things and comfort.

  5. Here’s to a Happy, Healthier New Year to you both.

    1. Thank you SueJay. I hope this is a good year for you too.

  6. Happy New Year Jennie. It seems like only yesterday the kittens were tiny balls of fluff. I had a walk around my garden today in wellies when we got back from our walk and spotted and cyclamen coum flowering and picked kale to accompany our roast chicken dinner tonight. I’m ignoring the weeds ... and hunkering down with knitting and watching Poldark on TV from the beginning. Sarah x

    1. Thank you Sarah. Yes, they are indeed growing fast and very long legged and colty at the moment. I need to get cracking with my garden as it is very neglected. It will be good for the soul - mind you, it always seems to be raining at the moment.

      I'd happily watch Poldark through too, but Keith would soon complain. I inflicted Pride and Prejudice on him yesterday - oh I DID enjoy it (the Colin Firth version). I have the last episode which I recorded and am about to go and watch, before Keith comes down.

  7. My best wishes for the new year, with improved health for Keith, less stress for you, continued kitten cuteness, and happy family.

    1. Thank you Celie. I am glad that the kitten cuteness is still enjoyed.

  8. Lets hope good health reigns in the New Year for Keith and the kittens turn into perfectly behaved adult cats. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. I have a feeling whilst they will be better behaved, these two have such strong characters that they will always delight us with mischief of some sort! I do hope so. Let's hope for good health for everyone all round. Life's not much fun without it.

  9. Happy New Year. Love your new header photo! Hope you get meds balanced and that 2023 is less of a worry for you.

    1. Thanks veg artist. The photo shows just a tiny bit of winter colour - better than nothing.

  10. Happy New Year. The little ones are really growing.

    God bless.

    1. The amount those kittens scoff, it's hardly surprising!
