

Jennie's recipes

Friday 13 January 2023

What a difference a day makes


This is the main road through the town.  Not passable . . .  When we drove to see the PD Nurse yesterday, Irfon Road was also closed off by the river being across it, so we had to go the scenic route.  I had to go and pick some shopping up for P, who is ill with Flu/Covid/The Cough and got extra for us too as there is another cold spell due next week.  The cats (esp. those hungry kittens) tell me I mustn't run out of cat food!

The Wye well beyond its banks here, and on the other side of the road there are lakes where it used to be grass.

Comparison of yesterday and Wednesday.

At least it's shifted those trees!

I'm exhausted before I start today.  Have done 3,000+ steps around the house already and it's only 10.30.  I had panic stations earlier when L. Whale and the girls were shut in the other rooms whilst I ate my breakfast (otherwise the kittens are IN IT!)  I got some frozen blueberries and began to cook them up and then moved and saw L. Whale asking to be let out.  I went to open the door - JAMMED - as he had been digging up the carpet.  Must have been in the Utility when he did that.  A knife, a screwdriver, a chisel - none of it got the carpet down.  The keys for the French windows were in the living room (NOW they're in the kitchen so I can go in that way if it happens again).  I had to force my way in (it's an ancient threadbare carpet which stops short of the threshold bar so isn't secured).  I hope the day improves.  Not a lot planned - listening to Heartstone on the computer as I do the ironing, and a WALK.

We were summoned by the PD nurse yesterday.  She and her sidekick had hold of Keith's arms and helped him move with longer steps up and down the room.  He has been told he MUST do his exercises, exhausted or not. She also looked at his original diagnosis when we said  that really, his medication was doing nothing for him after the initial dose in the morning.  She said, as it was Parkinsonism rather than straight Parkinsons, this happened.  No suggestion of which variation, but having looked up symptoms, I have a good idea. Don't want to visit that image at the moment though. She's tweaked a morning medication a bit, so we will see how that goes on. 

I had a really awful nightmare last night.  I was somewhere strange, and there was a nasty atmosphere.  The kittens were involved, and somehow I noticed they had gone missing.  A large yellow snake suddenly appeared and bit a boy of about ten who was nearby.  Someone said, That's an Asp (though it was huge) and I said, They're poisonous.  I began frantically looking for the kittens and then noticed a huge kitten-sized lump in the snake's body . . .  My goodness, I was glad to wake up.


  1. No wonder you're having awful dreams, you have such a lot of worry and so much to do at the moment. I hope today can be a bit more peaceful for you.

    1. I just hope we have reached the nadir currently and the only way is up. Keith is walking better today - think the nurse gave him confidence yesterday. I've had a good walk too and am full of endorphines. I even managed two rows of x-stitch and a change of colour before the kittens woke up!

  2. Dream sounds horrible - the mind churning over problems while you sleep I guess.
    Hope Keith keeps moving and drinking plenty too

    1. Oh absolutely. I am fiercely protective of those kittens. Keith moving better today and has drunk better too. Long may it continue.

  3. What an awful dream! and that flooding! There's a lot of it over here too... ugh. Hoping for better days for your husband.

  4. Time I went after the floods had gone down you could see the water line on the buildings, had to feel for the owners
