

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 2 February 2023


 Rain has stopped play in the garden today, and I found - when I drove out - that Openreach are two days late in shutting the lane between us and town, so I couldn't go and do the grocery shopping as planned.  I did the ironing instead, listening to the last part of Heartstone by C J Sansome.  I'd read the book when it was first published, but it was just as good 2nd time round.  As I am deep into The Pillars of the Earth right now, it's nice to have a story read to me.

My gorgeous girls.  I wish I could have gotten the one of Pippi fast asleep with her back legs stretched right out!  But in moving to get the camera, she of course woke up.  The photo of the two of them shows Pippi giving her sister's ear a good clean!!

I have made some progress in the garden.  I've trimmed one of the shrubs which I forgot to trim the dead flowers from last year, and belatedly, the Buddleias also.  Plus a little removal of grass and moss around about but the bank is ALL moss and rampant wild strawberries and fine grass which grows right up into things.  A challenge.  No photos of that but I can show you a bit of a before and after on the cobbles (believe me, a pathetic amount of after when I look at the rest of the yard.)  The stables and the old house had a cobbled frontage and the previous owners got their gardener to use chemicals on the cobbles to keep them clear of weeds and moss.  I don't use chemicals.  Hence I have to do it all by hand.  I need to crack on in the pre-pollen season to get on top of all the jobs that needs doing but this is the biggest.

This is the "done" bit - on hands and knees (and kneeling mat) with a screwdriver.

As you can see, it's a challenge and I have a lot more to do as the other side has to be done as well.  Think I need to call in the troops in the form of our offspring!

The other improvement is Keith.  Since he has been on the doubled-up dose of Levothyroxine he has been able to abandon first the walker/stroller and then his walking stick.  He has just been walking up and down the kitchen, turning better (needs to work on that) and he can't push himself too much yet, but goodness, considering 3 weeks ago I thought he would be bedbound by the weekend, this is amazing.  It is well known that long-term steroids damage the endrocrine system and he has been getting increasingly exhausted - beyond fatigued even, and fatigue is something experienced with both Hypothyroidism AND Parkinsonism.  So, I wonder what the Consultant will say on this when we see him later this month?  We see the Parkinsons' Nurse first though.

Now I'm off out for a walk as I think it's stopped raining.  Enjoy your day.


  1. Hi BB glad that things are on the up. Those kitties are beautiful Giving me kitten envy. That will not be tolerated by my current cats or OH which is a pity. Glad that Keith is doing better. Have you tried spraying white vinegar (neat) on the cobbles where you have been raking out the weeds. I find it is very good for spraying down the side of the house for moss and also the occasional weeds that get down the gaps of the pavement. It has been successful for me, wondered whether it would be of any use to you at all. Keep well sweetie x

    1. I hope they continue to go up too - we had truly gotten to the stage where hope was pretty well abandoned. Sorry you have kitten envy. Our old cats have taken to the kittens quite well - though they know not to overstep the mark with the Big Boys. Ghengis is a benign uncle most of the time, but it's just as well he has no teefs left when they playfight together! I will try the vinegar - think I have a big carton of it from when I used to do pickling.

  2. Darling baby cats--and they had better be charming since they are also bound to be unwittingly destructive. Since Nellie-cat brought down a favorite pitcher I've not dared to have breakables displayed.
    Re the cobbles: the drive to our house off the lane is graveled and J. had extra crushed rock trucked in the first year we were here. Weeds and grass continue to force their way up through.
    My efforts to create and maintain the river rock path through my little back garden continue to be most discouraging. Even with a kneeler I can't get down to dig. [I can get down, but can't get up!] J. sometimes goes about spraying weed killer--and I protest. Not sure there's a good solution.
    Keith's improved mobility has to be a relief for both of you. Hoping that good progress continues.

  3. I see I am not alone in my gardening travails! Pattypan has suggested using neat vinegar on the moss. May give that a whirl. I'd need a fair amount of vinegar though!

    I have just a little hope back now, over Keith's mobility. He went downhill so quickly and when the Parkinsons' nurse said that something else was going on, she was right.

  4. My back has forced me to garden on my knees for over 20 years so I can sympathise over the cobbles. Would an initial going over with a stiff broom help? Or maybe a pressure washer? If this is going to be an annual job it might be worth investing in one.

    1. I've scoured one area with the leaf rake which loosens it. Now, a pressure washer would surely do the trick. I think that would be a good investment - thanks for the heads up Ruta.

  5. Slow but steady progress all round!

  6. I do hope Keith's improvement continues. It is surely a relief to both of you. I hope the consultant has more ideas as well to help him. Your kittens are darlings! Pippi looks so sweet cleaning her sister. I have a brick patio that is always a battle to keep weed-free. I also don't use chemicals. I sit on a thick pad and scrape them out with a paint scraper. It's tedious work. Your cobblestone looks very nice cleaned up.

    1. My goodness, so do I. He has been going downhill ever since we arrived here two years ago. I am praying there is a way back up to where he should be with his Parkinsonism if this other problem is properly treated.

      I see I'm not alone with my weed battle!

  7. Such progress with Keith’s mobility, the increased medication is working well. Keep plodding on with the cobbles, it will look great when finished!

    1. I am hoping Keith's improvement will show in reduced blood pressure for me soon. It's been sky high. The thought of getting on top of all the garden jobs this year is spurring me on.

  8. I have been busy myself putting cheap table salt down on weeds and it works. I would work for your lovely cobblestone path.

    1. I have tried salt in the past but not tried it on moss though. I have one of those weed burners but moss only dries up in the hottest summer.

  9. Yep, I think I would call in the troops as well.

    The kittens are sure growing, and giving you loads of pleasure I see.

    Yeah on Keith's improvement.

    God bless.

    1. I've told them I don't want presents for my birthday, I want LABOUR!

      The kittens are an absolute joy, but can be pesky at times, especially Pippi, who plans to wind me up!

  10. That is very good news about Keith. In our experience a good walk in beautiful surroundings is the best treatment for Parkinson’s and we have changed our routine with the lighter mornings so we are now walking in the morning which seems to give S more energy for the rest of the day. S always used to insist he needed to work in the morning, but now he is working from choice it’s important he puts his health first. Mind you we had a bad night last, leg spasms struck again, something to discuss with the nurse. If I were you I would ignore the cobbles for now and I think Danny and a stiff new broom (perhaps one with wire bristles?) will sort out those cobbles in no time. Have a good day Jennie. I’m going to sow the first batch of broad beans in a tray today and sow rocket and lambs lettuce in the greenhouse border. That will feel me better, as my daughter used to say! Sarah x

  11. Onward and upwards with the moss, though I like it and it seems natural in this rainy wet Britain of ours. Good news that Keith is improving and that the kittens and cats are getting on with each other.

  12. Great to read about Keith's improved health. Greetings from North Yorkshire x

    1. I was only thinking about you this past week! Greetings to you too.

  13. Nice to hear things have eased a little for you both. I love your stone path.......and those kittens, what a joy!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's a relief - onwards and upwards and hoping we can have a couple of years where we can still enjoy life.

  14. Ruta’s suggestion seems to be the best idea. I use a linoleum flooring knife for getting the weeds out of cracks on a much smaller scale than you I should add. I find it to be very useful garden tool.

    1. Thanks KJ. I can recommend a hoof pick as pretty nifty too!

  15. I quite envy you being able to listen to books. It's something that I can't do, because I have the attention span of a gnat.
    So pleased to hear Keith is improving.
    Have you looked online for any natural weedkilling remedies? I'm planning to try one soon based on white vinegar and washing up liquid and something else which eludes me right now. But like I said, I have the attention span of a gnat.

    1. I do my ironing listening to books. Or prepare vegetables. Anything which doesn't require concentration anyway. The vinegar and water works, but you have to repeat daily until the moss is dead - and then you dig it out! Well, I'll just dig it out to start with. :)

  16. I am so pleased to hear of Keith's improvement. You have worked hard clearing those cobbles of weeds. The kittens are exceedingly cute.

    1. I'm not out there this week - it's so cold, and this morning cold AND foggy and frost overnight.

      The kittens are darling but into everything.

  17. Such good news about Keith! I am glad they found something that helps him. It's always fun to read about your kittens. Right this very minute, Houdini is playing with one of his little toys right here in the office. He is really coming out of his shell. The night before last, I really had no time to sit down and play with him. It was a worrisome night. Last night, he followed me around making sure that he was not forgotten.

    1. I see Houdini wants your attention now, which is really good. He will bring you happiness and calm you down (unless like Pippi he is looking for cobwebs behind something breakable!)

      We have a GP appt. today (Tuesday) so will see what she says about upping the Thyroid medication. Bet she says we have to wait for a blood test.

  18. Might boiling water kill you pathway weeds?

    1. I think the amount I'd need to boil for the area I need to treat would be expensive as electric prices are so high! Good idea for smaller areas though.
