

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 7 February 2023

More gorgeous kittens


I have to say, there have been tidier sofa photos in the past, but since the kittens have arrived, there are throws and old quilts over the sofa which they love to hide in.  

They had just been play-fighting, but by the time I got the camera, they had stopped.  Pippi was losing interest.

Pippi - this is boring.  Lulu - is that something edible I can see?

Afternoon nap . . .

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . .

. . . and S-T-R-E-T-C-H . . . a yard of kitten as my dad would have said!

Sleepiness is catching, here is Lulu kneading her bed.  She prefers this to sleep in,  whilst Pippi likes top of the sofa best.  Or they both disappear under/inside the sofa in their kitten hammocks.

. . . and a ladylike stretch.

They are saving all their energy for when I finally settle down this evening, and then Pippi will be up to mischief, going behind the tv, climbing up by my Imari lamps in search of spiders, and generally being a little horror.  Lulu is easy going by comparison, though the slightest HINT of anything edible and she is there like a Cruise missile!

Yesterday I had to go to the dentist in Llandovery to have a chipped front toof repaired.  Nothing was open - I had intended church bothering but Llanfair was STILL closed to the public. I went on to the more modern church, and there was a funeral about to take place there!  A wander round a charity shop then?  Nope, just closing as I got there.

A shame as with these nice waterspout gargoyles, it is bound to be interesting inside.  There used to be a Roman fort on this site, and some of the Roman bricks are apparently incorporated into the building.

One last Llandovery photo of the market building and plaque showing how old the market charter is.  The building much more recent of course!

Today I got Keith an appt. with the GP and she has increased his Thyroxine - he had increased it off his own bat and noticed a great improvement.  So we will see how he goes on.  He is not so bent, speaking better, walking without a stick around the house and gradually getting stronger again.  We  have the appt. with the Neurologist later in the month, so have to see what they have to say.

Now  I will end, although the little Pippi kitten purring on the back of my neck will be put out when I want to move!  She likes to sit there.


  1. I really love your kitten pictures. They are so darn cute.

    It would have been nice to be able to get in that church.

    God bless.

    1. I've left a message for them, asking when it might be open again. Not sure if I will hear anything other than they don't know or they're saving money for repairs or something.

      The kittens are SO gorgeous and bring me such joy, but can also be out to stop me relaxing when I sit down, one Pipsqueak especially!!

  2. I am glad Keith is feeling better. That church does sound very interesting.

    1. I hope to get inside eventually. It's a brown sign one so they want you to visit when bits of it aren't falling off (though I am not sure if this is what is happening or whether it's a HOLE in the churchyard.

      Keith will have to work at his fitness levels now.

  3. Hi The crimes series I'm reading, set in Wales--I gave the author's name wrong. Should have said: Rhys Dylan/ ''DCI Warlow" series. Your photos have been so great in helping me envision the settings.

    Your Kittens are so precious.

    What an amazing price on that cheddar Welsh quilt, previous post. [if hand quilted]. Wow.


    1. Oooh Lizzy - you've led me astray! The Engine House book is set in Pembrokeshire, which is as far west in west Wales as you can get before you fall in the sea! A beautiful county with a fabulous coastline. Caution Death at Work is set in the big Brechfa Forest - we used to live just five miles from that and know it well. I may have to buy that!! Ice Cold Malice is set in beautiful Laugharne, where Dylan Thomas used to live. Oh gosh, I can see I shall be tempted to get that one too. Burnt Echo is set in the bleak countryside of the Cambrian Mountains and it's these Tam (and we) have to drive through to meet up with one another. The Dyfed-Powys police force covers a very big chunk of Wales.

      Oops, just signed up for a try it now moment on Kindle Unlimited . . . Ice Cold Malice is up and ready to read. Thankyou!

      The cheddar Welsh quilt WAS hand-quilted. I might have bought it but am meant to be retiring . . .

      Kittens are SO DEAR but they make me so vulnerable as I love them so much.

    2. I've just started reading Ice Cold Malice and it opens at the very end of Pendine Beach - which was our favourite beach for taking the kids - the other end though, where it didn't have bits of ammunition from the firing ranges there. There is still an MoD range there. If you call up Google Earth you will be able to see what it's like. There is a muddy estuary between Ginst Point and the other shore, and we've walked up to there along the beach from Llansteffan, which was our nearest beach, and has splendid castle ruins too.

    3. AND he lives in Nevern - with its ancient church with the famous "Bleeding Yews" in the churchyard, not to mention fabulous early Medieval cross. Check it out Lizzy.

    4. I hope you like the detective series. At least the books are free on Kindle Unlimited. some of the writing I found clunky, but as mentioned, I am enjoying the scenes of Wales, pictured thru your blog's photos. One plot has an ancient church/ chapel like you often visit. I do wish I knew how to pronounce the Welsh names and words.

      I'd commission you to buy the cheddar quilt for me but fear shipping would be difficult for you and very expensive!

    5. I love looking up settings on Google Earth. And I thought that was set on your beach you used to go to! So pleased you are enjoying the series settings too.

    6. I am now reading the series too on your recommendation though alas I have very little real life experience with Wales. My great great grandmother was Welsh though I haven't gotten far with her line.

  4. The kittens certainly know how to pose for a good photo!

  5. I am so glad Keith is feeling better. Such a shame the churches were closed. Sadly many churches North Warwickshire are kept closed even before the pandemic. South Warwickshire though many are open. Cute kitten photos :)

    1. He's just been walking up and down the kitchen, gradually building his strength back up. Turning is still a problem but we're working on that. Strange that there is such a difference in churches open between north and south Warwickshire.

  6. It's definitely twice the fun with 2 kittens isn't it? Lovely to see their antics x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Alison - I'm so glad I got two. Any more and I think that way lies madness!!

  7. I need to make a dentist appointment as well. I've enjoyed your kitten pictures today. I've introduced Houdini to Cat TV. He is fascinated by this. He's really shaped up to be quite a personable cat. Still shyer than we would like but he is playful and loves to be petted.

    Good news on Keith. Such good news.

    1. I am glad my toof is sorted now and I have a year's grace before I need to darken their doors again. Smiling at Houdini and Cat TV! Glad he has settled in well and likes to be made a fuss of.

      I hope Tim will be mending properly soon. Is his cough any better now?

  8. You might be getting a name for yourself with the cats but they are cute. I thing your going to have to do what I do and arrange to visit a church if you find it locked.
    Just email or phone them. Most of the time I will email but if I get no reply I phone at least you should find out if it's open anytime

    1. Thanks for the tip Billy, I've noted it down - it is frustrating to find a church shut. The Llanfair one at Llandovery I did contact and they are open for services the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month, so I will try and get along at the end of the service.

  9. Who notices a messy sofa when there are kittens draped and stretched out all over it. They really are gorgeous, and have obviously reached that long and lean stage rather than being little bundles of fluff.
    Hope your toof is better. :-)

    1. Yes, very teenagery kittens right now, and still full of mischief. To see Lulu doing somersaults to try and catch her tail is something else!

  10. What a pair of posers you have there.

    Thank you for your offer the other day. I'm a little apprehensive over eBay. Need to test it out first.

    1. Small things on Ebay are easy enough. What I hate is meeting up with the idiots who buy on it - who complain over nothing or are generally so downright nasty to deal with. Had a few of those and I have to say I don't enjoy selling on there for that reason. It was clothing that caused the problems - on one occasion someone bought a jacket off me, gave a good review and then decided to try and get it dry-cleaned at my expense by then complaining and saying it stank and they couldn't even have it in the house! Yeesh. Glad to say Ebay decided in my favour.
