

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Now I'm the poorly one

 We had to go to Hereford Hospital yesterday, for K's appt. with his Neurology consultant.  All went well but he needs another MRI scan - they didn't do his middle spine before so the consultant wants that scanned now.  We both slept very badly the previous night, and so are still shattered today as we had to be up at 5.45 a.m. to get ready to go to Hereford for a 9 a.m. appt.

Oooh - look what's on tv!

Now we have a Blood Pressure checker at home, I checked us both this morning - Keith's was low because he was dehydrated, mine high which combined with Bradycardia, is not a good combination.  I was hoping my BP was a bit lower first thing as it has been high lately, but no . . . I have booked myself in at the GP's later to get checked out.  


  1. Oh goodness - hope it's just a stress blip and nothing more.
    Parcel arrived yesterday - many thanks for the extra book - looks interesting.

    1. Well, I'm sure it's down to stress but I can't seem to get it lower. Currently listening to forest waterfall nature noises on Youtube . . . Glad the parcel arrived safe and sound and I hope you enjoy the other book as I did.

  2. So sorry. Blood pressure is such a peculiar thing. Mind, with everything you're going through, I'm not surprised yours is up. Although apparently that's not got anything to do with it according to my GP. Why is it on days when everything seems to be going haywire it's normal. And days when I'm cool as a cucumber and calm, it's through the roof. Who are we to question? I hope you get a good result later in the Gp's. At least it seems you got the same day appointment.
    Deb in Wales

    1. It's down to stress - I even get stressed just by having it tighten like a vice on my arm! I have that haywire reading type thing with my peak flo - I can feel great and get a low reading, and feel bad and it's above normal! I am always fortunate in having a same day appt with our GP's surgery.

  3. That was an early start - not good for Parkinson’s patients. You must get K drinking more - I promise it will make so much difference and more visits to the loo up and down the stairs will get him moving in even more ways! (K can still climb stairs?) S had his blood pressure taken at the beginning and end of our almost two hour hospital appointment with the PD nurse last week. It was much better second time when he was more relaxed. We’ve been cycling, meadow grass cutting, snowdrop splitting, seed sowing and compost heap turning and spreading and making the most of these borrowed from spring days. It is grey today and I am sitting at my sewing table procrastinating (just the waistband and hemming to do on my Eve trousers) and hoping the sun will come out this afternoon so I can garden. Being in the garden is my therapy. Sarah x

    1. You're right there - not helped by us forgetting his patch the previous afternoon - didn't get replaced until 6 hours too late and that really threw the oh-oh switch. Keith can climb stairs 2 or 3 times a day but not for every, ahem, call of nature. We're still trying to work back up to that after all the problems in January.

      I need to get out in the garden more - did so for 5 mins today and then decided a walk was the best thing. Parked at the other end of the Gro and met up with a lady with rescue greyhounds I chatted to once before. I think she is lonely, and she asked me back for a cuppa, so I abandoned my walk and went back to keep her company. She moved here from Kent, 7 yrs ago (aged 72 then). How brave is that?! Didn't know the area (nearest she'd been was the Brecon Beacons) but went for it anyway.

      Hope you got your sewing finished.

      I will walk AND garden tomorrow.

  4. As Deb says blood pressure is a funny thing. I use my BP machine for a week or so to keep an eye as to where it is at different times of the day. One thing, check three times, a minute or so between them and you may find it falling.

    1. It doesn't help that now I am dreading it WILL be high, which doesn't help! Will try the 3 times and see how that looks.

  5. I've had hypertension since my late 30s, have been able to keep it in check with two meds. Glad you're getting it looked at, it's important.

    1. Mum had several bad strokes before she died, so I daren't push my luck.

  6. Aw bless you. Hope it comes back under control quickly. I know you only concerned for Keith, but don't forget you need to take a little time here and there too. G has to use one on a daily basis and keep a track of his readings for his high BP. He wasn't listening to me, but one of the Nurses from our medical practice has her beady eye on him so for once he is having to do as he is told and comply with what is required. He even arrived early for an appointment yesterday; especially as the appointment is for today. Take care sweetie, I hope things get a little calmer for you. As Anon says above always seems to be higher when calmer. Hugs xx

    1. So do I. It's worrying just knowing it's high, which isn't helpful! I need one day a week where I can go out and just be "me" and not worry about Keith.

  7. Lotta stress in your life, lady. You need to go pet some kittens! Take care.

    1. THEY get me stressed too. I keep losing one of them and you'd think I was mad if I told you I always check the washing machine before I put it on, even though I have had the door shut all the time so no way could they get in! When anxiety levels get high, they take some shifting.

  8. So sorry to hear you are poorly - get well very soon x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's been coming on a while, since Keith was not his best at Christmas and in a bad way last month. Hoping I can report in as feeling better soon.

  9. My BP is always higher inthe morning than evening. I take it twice with 5 mins in between,,as instructed. I don’t understand how BP raises and lowers do quickly throughout the day either. On meds but they made my ankles puffy so not taking. Hope you get some answers Sarah Browne.

    1. Hi Sarah. Thanks for that. You'd think the BP would be lower before you got things to worry about in the day! All meds have side effects so I hope you have managed to lower it now you're off them.

  10. You've reminded me I really do need to see the Doctor about my blood pressure again. It's back in the 200s at least once a day. :-(

    1. Gosh, mine's not that high but has consistently been 158 - 168 and then 182 this morning! Hope you will go and get yours checked out again.

  11. My last doctor said I had white coat syndrome. My blood pressure would always go up when I would see her (was getting better though). At home I am almost low blood pressure. My doctors have all said stress can cause your blood pressure to go up as well as an infection.

    God bless.

  12. I wish you well, I'd be stressing like mad

    1. An improvement this morning as I got a high reading and then a NORMAL one! Phew!

  13. With our blood pressure reader it will not read correctly unless you have your arm straight out and palm up level with your heart. With you sitting down. Calm yourself before hand by taking deep breaths. Both Doug and I lowered our blood pressure considerably by cutting out all sugar ( monk fruit with erithytol is a perfect substitute) and all flour products. Potatoes are another very high carb food as are all fruit except strawberries and blue berries. Orange juice is deadly !! We eat some amazing alternatives that are made with non carb or low carb versions such as almond flour. It has been a miracle for us and we do not feel deprived. Statins and other blood pressure lowering drugs are not good for anyone.

    1. I did two readings this morning - one high and the 2nd normal. I have to take it twice in the morning and twice in the evening for a week . . . I do need to cut down on sugars and because of my asthma, I should eat more protein than I do.

  14. Stress can really mess with BP. But so does getting older sometimes. I take a lower dose daily med to keep mine in a healthy range. Hope your GP can help. Those kittens look so bright eyed and focused. Smart girls I expect.

    1. Hi Celie. I see I'm not alone in my problems. January was just so awful, worrying about Keith, it takes a bit of getting downfrom.

      The kittens are VERY smart. They outsmart me!!

  15. Oh dear, I can empathise and my heart goes out to you. I hope you can get a "me" day. One of my coping skills is planning a small treat each day and believe me some of them have been small but they seem to take the edge off. Good Luck.

    1. I will try and get a bit of a me day today. I'm thinking about going to bother a church or two in the Boughrood area which isn't too far away. A small treat is definitely not to be sneezed at.
