

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 16 March 2023

Struggling. ..

Whilst it was lovely to have Tam here, it led to me overdoing things workwise with the decorating as I wanted to do all along that end wall before she went, as I needed her help to put the furniture back in place.  (A glazed front bookcase on top of a chest of drawers was the awkward bit.)

I need a bit of green tonight!

Anyway, I got myself in a bit of a state, as there were two pipes jutting right out of the wall (to the guest sink in the next bedroom).  Plus a bit of defunct piping sticking out on the bend in the wall.  As you can imagine, working out how to paper round/over etc this area was a challenge.  Tam had one idea, I had another and my poor brain ended up spinning.  I made a right 2 and 8 of it and all I can say is thank heavens there's a chest of drawers hiding that area!

    Then when I came downstairs, totally frazzled, the renewal of a plan was put to me by K & T, which involved me doing the sorting out.  It was the straw that broke the camel's back and I had a meltdown.  I can liken it to just coming to the surface after falling in a pond, and then having a wardrobe land on your head . . .  not what I needed.

Then K woke me at 2.30 a.m., looking for his watch, and in doing so hit the torch against his glass of water - like the sound of a spoon on a glass for a speech at a wedding.  That was IT for several hours (every other night - 3rd time this week).  I came down and did some more of my family tree on Ancestry, but feel absolutely whacked this evening.  I have decided to get a much-needed new mattress for the single bed, so I can go in there if he's sleeping badly.  I've ordered a new summer duvet set for it too as I'm short on single bedding (got rid of some when we moved). Just plain white with a Mandela design  stitched on it, as I  don't want anything too busy clashing with the wallpaper.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to Waterbreakitsneck with my friend Pam, so that's something to look forward to and much-needed.  Photos to follow.


  1. Oh my, you do sound overwhelmed. I wish you'd post a pic of thenpipes/ wallpaper dilemma, so I could picture it.
    My friend recently had to redo her bedroom w separate beds, as her husband is so restless w early onset dementia. As solo caregiver she has to be present but also desperately needs her sleep. Not exactly your situation, but it made me think of challenges of older folks' lives. Usually you are so busy and energetic, so give yourself a good rest--and fun outing w your friend.


    1. Can't move the furniture to take a photo of the disaster zone around the pipes, but believe me, I'm glad it's out of sight!! Basically they chipped an inch deep into the walls around the pipes and they stood proud of that rectangle by another inch or so, with a gap inbetween them.

      Yes, totally exhausted. Still sleeping badly - last night because of pain from my neck going into my shoulder area. 4 hours' sleep every other night NOT good.

      I don't blame your friend for going for separate beds.

  2. So sorry things seemed to pile up. I hope things settle down and don't worry about the papering around the pipes.... If no one can see it, there were no mistakes.

    God bless.

    1. There isn't much leeway once things start to pile up so I am easily overwhelmed. My glass is less than half full . . .

  3. I heard Water Breaks its Neck dried up a year or two ago in a drought year. I remember my Mum talking about it when I was a little girl and being intrigued by the name !! I have visited it also many years ago. I hope it is really breaking its neck when you go.

    1. It would do, fed by natural springs I suppose and once the water table drops, you have to wait for rain again. I hope it's going hell for leather when I do get to see it.

  4. Oh my dear BB, but ‘tis finished now and as you say what the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve over. Futility by Wilfrid Owen has just been read on Radio 3, a favourite poem since my ‘O’ levels. Cannot believe man has still not realised the futility of war. Really hope you can have some rest and respite today. I have also been up to my ears lately sorting out pensions, wills, power of attorney. I hear you on everything you say and I cannot tell you how resentful I have been feeling lately having our 29-year-old living here since September. I have ordered six builders bags of stones for topping up our drive and the job of spreading them (broken foot or not) has his name on it and yesterday I demonstrated to him the art of window cleaning. I made a start too on cleaning the greenhouse (bucket of hot soapy water and a scrubbing brush) and I reckon with three of us pitching in we could do it in no time. Thank goodness for Radio 3, reading the excellent Women of Troy by Pat Barker, having a good endorphin-producing cycle yesterday afternoon with S (as well as a frank talk about how I am feeling sitting in Barlavington churchyard), going out last night with friends to see the film Women Talking and writing here to you! Take good care of yourself BB, we owe ourselves that at least. Sarah x

    1. Ah, wills and Power of Attorney - I need to get back to the original solicitor now and make an appointment as she emailed me and they DO want our business after all.

      (((HUGS))) over your son. I know where you are coming from as it was rather like than when T was here. She helped with some things, but never seemed to notice there was washing up to be done etc. Plus she wanted to cook more unusual meals and I was longing for my old favourites!

      I am glad that your day panned out better than you thought, and you got things more balanced.

  5. So sorry to read this. Lack of sleep is horrible, especially when you are the primary caregiver, and I know all about lack of sleep and being the primary caregiver. I know it's not easy as they are hugely overstretched, but can you get somebody in to help you through social services?
    Deb in Wales.

    1. Tam keeps telling me to contact Credu (they care for carers) or the Parkinsons Assn. I should do but getting out helps as much I think.

  6. Enjoy yourself at Waterbreakitsneck? Just slow down perhaps there is always tomorrow to do those jobs. Aquilegia time is on its way!

    1. I had a "day off" and watched the Jumps racing from Cheltenham, plus satisfyingly linking up the correct relationship with a Samuel Hobbs of High Wickham who started off a Baker, and did horse dealing too. Quite a character and I found a little write up about him.

  7. Not sure why my comment didn't take yesterday, but some days are just better left in the rear view mirror. I thought for sure you were pulling my leg with Waterbreaksitsneck, and off I dashed to Google. It looks like a beautiful place.

    1. It will be lovely to see it when it's in full force. Lovely name isn't it?
