

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 12 April 2023

What's in a name?

 I have been indulging myself, deep into a branch of my family's family history today - and am delighted to find we have some very deep roots in Glastonbury, Somerset.  It's somewhere I've been quite a few times and like it there.  Of course, these days it remains obdurately Hippy and Alternative, but when my folk were there it was just another country town, and they were just earning a living as best they could as labourers, coal merchants, dressmakers and the like.  I am trying to prove a link to the Chiver (Chiffer) family, one of whom married the unusually named Obey Puddy . . .  I believe she had other family members named Honor, Charity and Unity - sounds like a hangover from Puritan times (of a century!)

View across the graveyard and beyond.

The new header is a view from Norton Canon church the other day - the sky was actually MUCH darker and you could tell it was going to chuck it down like stair-rods any minute!  When I was back in the car, it did!

Anyway, I just HAD to share the monikers of this family with you.  My folk were just plain John, William, Mary, Betsy.  These folk clearly had a bit more dosh! 

"Harriet Johanna Louisa Wilhelmina, daughter of Simeon Jacob Charles Collat d'Esciery and Angelica Wilhelmina his wife, Baptised this day, born February 3rd."  He was a Baron, no less, from Rotterdam. If you look at the link, you will be impressed by some more fancy names, although I don't think Clothilda will ever catch on!  I believe he may well have been a Huguenot refugee.  He died at sea off the coast of Africa in 1827. I can't find this baby listed amongst his children so perhaps she died in infancy.

    I've done some more work on the nearly-not-pink-anymore bedroom this week, painted another section of panelled wall and then papered beneath it.  The bedframe was delivered today and carried upstairs for me and I will have to get Danny to put it all together.  Tomorrow I need to empty and move the pine craft sideboard so I can paint and paper the last length of wall and corner.  I shall be so glad when it's finished but rather think - as Tam wants rid of a little chest of drawers in there, filled with craft stuff, I shall have to keep hold of the big tin trunk and put stuff away in there, including emptying the 3 little plastic chests with 3 drawers each which are filled with sewing bits and pieces.  At least that will leave more room in there and the flatter boxes of "stuff" can go back under the bed.

    Keith saw the Dr today, a very prompt morning appt, and tomorrow has a blood test (for kidney performance).  At least they are trying to resolve this quickly.


  1. I am quite amazed at what a new set of eyes can discover. I hope this doctor has new ideas to help things out.

  2. Glad they are working quickly to try and find a resolution to the problem. Keeping my fingers crossed that the doctor sees something very treatable.

    God bless.
