

Jennie's recipes

Monday 15 May 2023

Down time - off to the Bluebell Woods


It was warm and sunny on Saturday, so I tucked a poorly Keith up in front of the tv and set off for Crickhowell and the Bluebell woods.  A bit disappointing this year as the light wasn't good to bring up the colour of them and they looked a bit wishy-washy.

Anyway, off to Dr's shortly, to check for chest infection brewing with Keith.  He's better than he was but can't clear his chest properly and sounds awful.  Must go - have just heard Pippi exiting the cat flap!  Back later . . .


  1. So lovely to see Spring flowers bursting forth. That's a cracker of a Broom! Hope it goes well for Keith today and they can sort him out.
    btw, I'm back!

    1. It was lovely there. The views are just amazing - we are so lucky to live in such a beautiful area. Keith has ab's but not meant to take them until he has given a sputum sample and that he can't manage . . .

  2. The Bluebell woods look lovely, isn't it wonderful walking amongst them. xx

    1. It was so peaceful there - though that said, the birdsong was something else, but not intrusive.

  3. Lovely to see the flowers and super views. Its such a lovely time of year for wild flowers. I hope Keith feels better soon.

    1. May is my favourite month in the countryside - everything is so fresh and beautiful and you are rewarded for your patient (or otherwise) tolerance of the winter months. Keith v. slightly better now but breathing noisy at night.

  4. What is that gathering of buildings in the sixth picture? And the big white house? That looks very old. You do have the most amazing views! I envy you those rolling hills. Hope Keith feels better.

    1. Picture 6 shows a farm - farmhouse central, with a big grey modern barn behind it and other farm buildings around it. Indeed, big white house pretty old. I'll try and identify it from the map.

  5. Look at all those lovely bluebells. Such beauty.

    Everything is so lush and green.

    God bless.

    1. It's the best time of the year here. Any signs of spring where you are?
