

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 6 May 2023

I think it was Flu I had . . .

My legs are still like chewed string and I have come to the conclusion that last weekend's "cold" was in fact flu, and I was saved from real nastiness because of having my annual flu jab back in the autumn.  Because of my asthma, and because I had flu back in 1972 (was it Singapore flu that year?) and was in bed for nearly a month and was left with scarred lungs, I have been very wary of catching flu again.  I had it in 1990 I think it was - so did Keith.  We took it in turns to go to bed and the person downstairs "looked after" the girls, who were 4 and 2 at the time.  I can remember Tam stuffing a banana in my mouth and telling me, "You HAVE to eat Mummy".  Lord knows what they ate but we all survived.  As I have this time, though I'm still in the spare room and have broken nights from coughing and breathing not too clever.  

I can report I now have someone to come and cut the grass for me every couple of weeks and a LOT cheaper than the gardener I had here last year.  He'd have had me bankrupt in no time!  He's coming on Monday to do the lawns, thank heavens.  I did buy more plants at the nursery but will save that for another post.  I went to the little one near Crossgates, which has sensible prices and lovely stock. Would love to get them planted but know I HAVE TO REST this weekend.  We're even cancelling an outing to Carmarthen Fleamarket, which is a shame, as we would have seen friends.

Started off the morning looking at some videos by Mudlark Nicola White, who I follow on Facebook.  Check out the  LINK.   She finds some fascinating stuff.

I am going to watch the Coronation today, and I know Keith will be recording "his" horse Maple Jack running at Thirsk this afternoon.  He won last time, let's hope he can do the same today, as it gives Keith pleasure.  We just took out another share, this time in a Jumps horse called Kits Coty. She looks a lovely type and is bred in the purple.

Right, let's see how well kittens and knitting go together . . .


  1. If you like Nicola White watch Northern Mudlarks. A mother and daughter team who insert fascinating bits of research into their videos regarding their finds.

    Hope you soon feel fully recovered from your flu.

    1. Thank you. Just pulled them up on Youtube so will make the most of my enforced rest and enjoy :)

      I am fortunate. I wasn't very ill. Well enough to work in fact, and that was a hard weekend - 13 hrs on the Saturday. But the knock-on effects will be with me a while I think and I really NEED to get out in the garden now.

  2. Coming over to the UK in two weeks to visit my children and grandchildren...will definitely be masking up in the airport and plane....just got the latest Covid jab last week.....
    Hope you’re on the mend....

    1. Mending, but it will be slowly. As long as I don't move an inch, I'm fine. I move - my legs hurt and go to chewed string again.

      Just as well you are well covered against Covid. I still wear a mask in busy shops and use hand gel when I get back in the car. As for putting fuel in, I cannot get out of the habit of still using gardening gloves - talk about germ central, for any germs . . .

      Enjoy your holiday and seeing your family.

  3. PS I’d sign in with Google but it keeps telling me my passwords are invalid!

    1. There is no rhyme or reason to Google at times.
