

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 25 June 2023

Smelling like a tart's armpit!

 The subtitle for this should be Patrishow Church, Part 1.  To round off a lovely weekend with both our daughters here, after Gabby had gone home, Tam and I went out to find a church I knew I would struggle to find on my own so I took advantage of Tam's Satnav and we went to Patrishow Church beyond Crickhowell.  I have to say, it was slightly worrying as the road got narrower and narrower until it was barely the width of an old hay wagon - they must have measured an inch either side of the edge of the wagon wheels!  But we found it!  And W.O.W.

What a spot. The views were stunning and the church truly belonged there.

St Issui's church, where he was buried.

The lychgate is pretty ancient, though tidied up in Edwardian times, and the church has roots back to when the Normans arrived, although St Issui was  there in the 6th C and the church truly feels linked to his time.

Even this little outbuilding was of a venerable age and look at how thick the stone roof tiles are!

I think the Lord of the Manor belongs here as much as anyone else.

The end of the church with St Issui's chapel in front of it.

The Preaching Cross.

St Issui's chapel was also unlocked and we went in for a quiet moment.

St Issui's statue.  He holds a Reliquary in his right hand.

A slightly wonky window reminded us we were just the other side of the valley from crooked half collapsed Cwmyoy Church.

Part of a broken memorial to a beloved wife, on the floor of the chapel.

Time to go inside.  That will be in Part II.

The stoop inside the porch.

Looking back towards the lytchgate.

We came home via Crickhowell.  A slightly blurry photo of the beautiful hanging baskets in the town.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend too.

Oh - and the title - Tam and I had to slather ourselves in Avon Skin so Soft before we went - it vanquishes biting insects, but you smell, as I said, like a Tart's Armpit with it on!!!


  1. Wonderful. Possibly my favourite church ever! We even found it without Satnav, just the good old OS map. I love maps and don’t trust SatNav lady one jot. I mix a drop or two of lemon essential oil into scentless body lotion which seems to work for me - unless in my old age I am less tasty to biting insects! Looking forward to more photos. Sarah x

    1. Whilst I loved St Margaret's (not that far away) I think the setting of St Issui's took some beating. Tam gets eaten alive by anything biting and gets a very bad reaction to horse fly bites so we were taking no chances.

  2. Better to smell like a tart's armpit than an industrial chemical waste pit like most repellents do! The church and grounds look well maintained. It does have a lovely view.

    1. My go-to deodorant has been a slice of lemon (try it!) for many years now. I can remember ironing my b-in-law's shirts for him when we used to go and stay each summer and New Year, and the armpits were rigid with aluminium from his anti-perspirant. Can't be healthy.

      The church was in such a lovely spot. Looks like Cromwell's lot never discovered it for the rood screen had survived beautifully.

  3. I recall Skin-So-Soft as a pleasant scent when used as a bath oil--maybe a bit much when one is drenched in the stuff.
    That church and its grounds look well worth the journey. I can imagine the feeling of peace and antiquity.

    1. A little in the bath is one thing, but it is somewhat stronger when sprayed on swathes of bare skin! But hey, we didn't get bitten!

      It was an amazing church. 1500 years of prayer imbue it with love and serenity. A special place.

  4. As you say WOW what a church - so very different to anything here - a little treasure.

  5. What a lovely tranquil church buried in the countryside. I'm glad cars find it difficult to get to it.. I shall go and look up Saint Issui to see his history.

    1. The lane is a dead end anyway - just leads to houses and farms. Tranquil is the right word.

  6. I've heard that about skin so soft. I thought it was a bath product, though. It does sound as if you've got some sort of moisturising lotion there. It can't be any worse smelling than citronella, which personally I absolutely loathe.
    I can see in your comments above that it's an amazing church and I agree, when you've got an ecclesiastic building with 1500 years or more of prayer and faith imbued in it you do have a very special place. We are blessed to have that in our cathedral. as soon as you step through the porch you know you're somewhere very, very special indeed.
    It's lovely to see the hanging baskets and flowers so well tended. Our council stopped giving them out here because people had them and left them hanging outside without water and they just died Looked charming. I can tell you. Haverfordwest now that's a very different story. The local council looks after everything there and their baskets are a sight to see.

    1. It is indeed a bath product, but multi-tasks these days! It doesn't smell bad, so much as overwhelming when on skin rather than let down in bath water!

      For hanging baskets in Builth, the shopkeepers jointly pay a bloke to come round and water them, which I think was a brilliant idea on his behalf. He has a long watering pole to reach them.

      The Cathedral is, I agree, very special. I'd love to visit again, but a bit too far for a day out now. Now I know where this church is, I would love to take Keith there but he'd need his wheelchair to get from the car to the door.

  7. Wow! What a truly amazing church and such history. It looks so atmospheric from your photos and in such a lovely lovely spot. Look forward immensely to Part 2.
    I've not got any of the Avon Skin So Soft but I've heard too its a brilliant insect repellent. Shame about the smell! :)

    1. I think it's too far for you to come for your half hour from the site, sadly. (I put Leominster as the search start place.)

      Keith was telling me they issue SSS to the Army for jungle insect protection now!

  8. What a delightful and peaceful spot! I always wonder about the people who built such places, don’t you? I look forward to reading more.😁

    1. It was incredibly peaceful and full of prayers from down the generations.

  9. Your title sounds like a John Grey/ Going Gently blog post! Not your usual, lol.

    The ancient church is fascinating, beautiful stone work [but I kept looking for the tart's armpit.]🤢


    1. Haha - doesn't it! It's something we used to say when a friend used the SSSoft on her horsesto keep the flies away.

      More photos from the church today.

  10. This one looks like as nice one visit, I managed to find it on the OS pams. Whats going on with the A479, it's been closed fro the last few weeks and you hav eto go around the lonng way. If you think the roads narrow going to thi schurch wait till you go to the one I went to th eother day. DOubt it's changed much since Kilvert. Have you started another blog?

    1. It's not that difficult to find, but having gotten hopelessly lost along the main bit of road which goes to Forest Pit and beyond using a Google earth map (it was beyond that did it!) I wasn't at all confident at finding this. It was signposted off the lane we took from Crickhowell.

      As for the A479, that wasn't shut both ways. I think there was roadworks but we got through fine. It cuts a big chunk off so let's hope they had 2nd thoughts about shutting it again (and so soon after it was shut for a year or so due to the landslide.

      The lane up to it was skinny - worst one we had was near where we used to live when we were desperate to get out during Lockdown and the bottom couple of feet was stone wall so you couldn't deviate from the metalled road at all. We did wonder if we were going to remodel the bottom half of the car!

      The other blog (about churches) I have screwed up on - I managed one post and couldn't add any more - that was to be my dedicated church blog too. I am not technically minded, I must confess.
