

Jennie's recipes

Monday 17 July 2023

A busy weekend

Tam was here for the weekend as J had gone to an Airshow down in Gloucestershire.  On we drove to Malvern, as I was meeting up with a friend at a dog-show there.  She lives in Carlisle, and we have been penfriends since the year dot (since I was about 18 I think) and we'd only met once before.  She and her friend will be coming to the dog show at Builth next month, so I will see her again then.  The new header is obviously the fabulous view from Malvern.  Here's another:

Ledbury is a lovely town.  We looked on line at properties here but nothing suitable that we could afford (no estates and no main roads was the order of the day).  Tam and I had a quick look in a couple of shops, and into what used to be the old Grammar School (now a heritage centre) and the little museum - a twice moved half timbered cottage which used to be in the main square of the town. Part of Butchers Row a couple of hundred years ago apparently.  Better photos here.

Yesterday we did some gardening, in between heavy showers, and then had a walk around a local nature reserve we visited last year for the first time (Cors y Llyn).  Not many Dragonflies about, unfortunately.  I'll put some photos up tomorrow in a separate post.

Keith is still struggling with his BP and we are hoping that the increased dose of medication will show benefits soon.  Update: He's just had another (private) massage, by a lass who comes to the house.  It made a big difference - he could even look up at the ceiling afterwards, and walked up and down (ok, slowly but without a stick or a frame).  His blood pressure - because of the walking - also greatly improved.  We are booked in again for a fortnight, but I'll call her if it gets bad again in the meantime.

Thank you all for your kind comments when I was berating myself the other day.  You all cheered me up.   I have tried to be very patient meanwhile, and NOT sigh!!


  1. Ledbury certainly is a lovely town isn't it? I don't know how many places have a street called Butchers Row, but I do recall visiting the one in Barnstaple. North Devon. It is quite something. but I believe there is only one butcher shop there now. The units are all independent traders and artisan shops now.

    I hope the new medication starts working very soon for Keith. I am writing a letter today to my Parkinson's nurse. I don't feel I'm communicating well enough in the. appointments. So I'm going to put everything down in writing post it off wait and see.

    1. It is indeed. We needed more than the hour's parking though managed to squeeze in two charity shop trot-rounds as well.

      I think a letter to the Parkinsons Nurse is a good idea. She will have things inwriting then and perhaps understand your particular problems better. Getting the medication balanced is SO difficult (as we are finding out). Hoping your letter helps you.

  2. That is a lovely view from the Malverns - we still haven't made it there but I do want to visit Great Malvern Priory. Ledbury is a lovely town. Glad you managed to get out and meet a friend and I do hope Keith feels better soon.

    1. I must put the Great Malvern Priory on MY list too. On Saturday, I would have liked to have visited the church where the Elgars are buried but Tam wanted to look round Ledbury, so we did that instead. It was good to have a proper break.

  3. Ledbury is a lovely town with so much history and it’s on my list of places to visit and to stay! I believe that Tinsmiths is there? I look frequently at the website but would love to visit it and browse it all!

    1. Yup, Tinsmiths is there - we went in and browsed. I bought a lovely open-out card of Swallows by a cliff, and Tam got some beautifully-patterned cork place mats. Some tempting things in there. OMG - just looked at their website and FABULOUS vintage and antique American quilts. Goodness!

    2. Oh and the Sophie McCarthy ceramics too! Need more money and space!!

    3. I know! The last thing I bought from there was one of the posters..’ Oh to be in England!’ It’s hanging in my kitchen!

    4. It's hard to resist temptation when it's something special.

  4. Ledbury looks beautiful, I just love old buildings that have been well preserved.

  5. Is is a lovely place. Hope you get down this way to explore some time.

  6. Ledbury looks like a lovely town. Butcher’s Row reminds me of Lombard Street in Petworth. My bookshop has a side bow window looking straight up cobbled Lombard Street to St Mary’s church. Lombard Street is often used in filming too, Bridgerton and a forthcoming film about Napoleon have both filmed here recently. Good to hear things are more on an even keel, long may that continue. I have a chicken roasting in the oven, postponed from yesterday when the three of us were glued to the tennis so I served up courgette, lemon and basil spaghetti for supper. Today has been a busy but productive: village shop on the way to yoga, coffee and marmalade toast made by T, then out to deal with an area of meadow that had collapsed in the wind and rain. In fact it just needed a quick rake over by me before S mowed it nice and short and I raked it again. Just the one blister on the inside of my thumb for my exertion. Then we were off on our picnic cycle. We nearly came home when it started to rain fat raindrops but carried on and had a good 12km cycle. Home to potter in the garden. I turned a compost heap yesterday (I am addicted to making compost but I love the alchemy of making compost and my garden is definitely reaping the benefits) so I had some barrows of delicious bottom of the heap compost to spread around the garden. Feeling very relaxed now and looking forward to my supper which needs my attention. The chicken from our smallholding friend is accompanied by garlic, Charlotte potatoes, chard and courgettes all grown by me and the gravy will be made with a dollop of homemade homegrown red gooseberry and thyme jelly. Have a lovely evening BB and hope you have something nice for your supper too. Sarah x

    1. It is indeed, AND there's a Titian in the church at the end of that little cobbled street! I have to say these little cobbled streets are a magnet (and a godsend)for film makers.

      Even keel - fingers x'd on that but his blood pressure was better yesterday as well as his neck. The latter giving discomfort this morning but Keith's getting round a bit better.

      Tea for me last night was a boughten chicken curry - one I had had before and enjoyed but not last night. They have changed the recipe. Now, do I chuck the other half or try and force it down tonight? I think it may be chucked tbh. Your meal sounded lovely and very local.

      I am hopeless at compost making. I should be out in the garden now before it rains but have been awake since 3.30 and up since just gone 5 so am feeling a bit jaded. My plants are waiting on me to clear grass (ants nests are a deterrent!) and deep weed before they an go in.

  7. What a lovely place to visit. Those views!!!! Just awesome.

    God bless.

    1. Oh just to STAY in one of the big houses overlooking these views. Goodness - sunrises to satisfy you forever I'd say!
